Presidential Address to Schoolchildren


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Anne, why is it that when conservatives bring their kids to pro-life rallies they are accused of brainwashing, indoctrination, and the worst sort of manipulation, but when Democrats teach liberal policy as enlightenment, anyone who criticizes is deemed paranoid.

Catch the balance. My kids will watch Obama. The benefit will outweigh my own concern. But the fact that liberals can't even fathom conservative concerns is frightening. You do not have to agree to see. Personally, on a scale of one to ten, one being Obama's plan is a calculated attempt to communize our children, and ten being Obama's speech will solve all youthful evil, I'm probably a four. I can see both the potential benefit and encouragement, and I can understand the critics.

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Anne, why is it that when conservatives bring their kids to pro-life rallies they are accused of brainwashing, indoctrination, and the worst sort of manipulation, but when Democrats teach liberal policy as enlightenment, anyone who criticizes is deemed paranoid.

Catch the balance. My kids will watch Obama. The benefit will outweigh my own concern. But the fact that liberals can't even fathom conservative concerns is frightening. You do not have to agree to see. Personally, on a scale of one to ten, one being Obama's plan is a calculated attempt to communize our children, and ten being Obama's speech will solve all youthful evil, I'm probably a four. I can see both the potential benefit and encouragement, and I can understand the critics.

I don't have any school aged children, but I still have a stake in what is being taught.

As my children were growing up, there were many a subject, that at times, my children would bring home from school, that were indoctrinations. Little things, like being told that" you don't leave the water running while you brush your teeth" or "dad, your pickup truck is killing the planet".

So now it all depends on what the President is going to say. I kind of hope that he tells all those munckins to go home and tell your parents that with out health care reform, were all gonna die. I think that would wake up a lot more folks and get them involved, one way or the other.

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You may have had respect for the office when Bush was in office....but there were enough rabid, fanatical left wing liberals out there to off set any respect.

I think that rabid, fanatical left-wing liberal David Letterman was the worse of the bunch with his Great Moments in Presidential Speechs, by showing clips of George W. Bush making speeches. What could have been more underhanded than that?


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I think that rabid, fanatical left-wing liberal David Letterman was the worse of the bunch with his Great Moments in Presidential Speechs, by showing clips of George W. Bush making speeches. What could have been more underhanded than that?


How about the lost tapes, of Al Gore getting lost in a Virginia forest? A wait, Letterman wouldn't have found that funny.

You know it's to bad that President Clinton didn't get to talk to the children. He might have been able to teach a lesson on what the definition of what is, is.

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I had written in an earlier post on this thread about Newt Gingrich's support of then president George H.W. Bush's speech to our schoolchildren, which was broadcast into the schools during school hours in 1991. At the time, Gingrich said:

Why is it political for the president of the United States to discuss education? . . . . It was done at a nonpolitical site and was beamed to a nonpolitical audience. . . . They wanted to reach the maximum audience with the maximum effect to improve education.

This morning Gingrich was a guest on Fox News Sunday. When Chris Wallace asked him about Obama’s speech to our schoolchildren, Gingrich replied:

My daughter Jackie Cushman just wrote a column in which she said If the president gives the speech as a parent, to students, to encourage them to learn and stay in school, it is a great thing for him to do.

It was a good thing for Ronald Reagan to do, it was a good thing for George H.W. Bush. I’ve been communicating with Arnie Duncan and the team at the Department of Education. I believe this is going to be posted, people are going to see it in advance.

It’s going to be a totally positive speech, and if that is what it is, then it is good to have the president of the United States say to young people across America, stay in school, study, and do your homework. It’s good for you and it’s good for America.

Obviously I am wrong in thinking Gingrich would toe the party line, and I admire his consistency. I don't see that much in our polarized parties today.

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If a man inherits misfortune and then adds irresponsibility to his inheritance, he is as culpable as his foolish predecessors.

I.E., the ridiculous and irresponsible actions taken by the Obama administration (and he's only been in about 6 months!) is adding to, not alleviating, the national debt accrued by the Bush administration.

Your next homework assignment, changed: find out what the projected national deficit will be by the end of Obama's presidential term and then compare that to the deficit at the end of the Bush term. Just for kicks, look at the history of how accurate economic forecasts by the Obama administration have been (hint: the reality is worse than the projections).

Why does this all matter? An irresponsible man is not someone who has earned the right to teach my children about responsibility. If I had a child in school, (s)he would not be watching his speech without me- we would watch it at home after the school day.

Edited by Maxel
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How about the lost tapes, of Al Gore getting lost in a Virginia forest? A wait, Letterman wouldn't have found that funny.

Hey kiddo,

Are you serious about Gore, tapes, and getting lost in a Virginia forest? If so, can you point me to a reference about it? I've never heard of this, and couldn't find anything online.

After all, I might find it funny.:P



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Lord forbid we expect our children to work hard.

changed's use of the phrase "work hard": Work ridiculously hard to support a bloated and ineffectual government. i.e., "The Romanian people worked hard when under communist rule."

Elphaba's use of the phrase "work hard": To work in a consistent and applied manner. i.e., "Bill Gates worked hard to be the owner of one of the largest corporations in the world."

So, I don't want my children to work hard in the sense that changed means it. I do, however, want my children to work hard in the way that Elphaba means it.

This has been "clearing equivocation" with Maxel, brought to you by the letter 'M'.

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Lord forbid we expect our children to work hard.

I thought you didn't believe in a diety?

Breaking news tonight is that the text of the speech will be released on Monday so that parents and teachers may review it for appropriateness. I honestly doubt that it will contain much that any reasonable person might object to. As I have said, my issue was with the suggested 'study aids' originally put out, which apparently have now been deleted or changed. If the kids come home with new ideas that Obama has put into their heads it should be easy for me to show them the error of his ways. After all, I've already had experience ridding them of the stupid notion drilled into them ( by their teachers at school) that global warming is completely human-caused. Obama is one guy with 15 minutes, how much damage can he really do to their brains?

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This is so pathetic, I've stopped reading any of the news outlets.

My daughter is excited to hear the president she's wanted in office since January of last year. Did I tell anyone she's the only person in her class to vote for Obama in the school mock-election last November? It's a good opportunity for parents to discuss the nature of politics and how someone can be a good person even if you don't like their policies.

People, CHILL. Our freedoms will not end Tuesday because of a speech by our president. They will end, however, if this irresponsible behavior by adults who should know better continues. Remember what happened to all those really great homeland security policies the Bush administration put into place, and remember the sheer panic by the right when Obama won the election? Right-wingers with guns at townhalls is scary enough. What happens when the Left decides they need guns too? Goose meet gander.

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This is so pathetic, I've stopped reading any of the news outlets.

My daughter is excited to hear the president she's wanted in office since January of last year. Did I tell anyone she's the only person in her class to vote for Obama in the school mock-election last November? It's a good opportunity for parents to discuss the nature of politics and how someone can be a good person even if you don't like their policies.

People, CHILL. Our freedoms will not end Tuesday because of a speech by our president. They will end, however, if this irresponsible behavior by adults who should know better continues. Remember what happened to all those really great homeland security policies the Bush administration put into place, and remember the sheer panic by the right when Obama won the election? Right-wingers with guns at townhalls is scary enough. What happens when the Left decides they need guns too? Goose meet gander.

Who are you talking to? The only people here I have seen freak out and get shrill on this subject are Obama people. BTW, the crack about not watching the news outlets because of this is hilarious to me. I haven't been paying attention, how many 'right-wingers with guns at townhalls' have there really been? The worst violence I have heard over this stuff recently is the guy who got his finger bit off by the Obama supporter.

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Hey kiddo,

Are you serious about Gore, tapes, and getting lost in a Virginia forest? If so, can you point me to a reference about it? I've never heard of this, and couldn't find anything online.

After all, I might find it funny.:P



It was over 12 years ago and there was no video, only audio of secret service trying to find him. Just a blip on the news and it was gone.

But you know Rush made a big deal about it. The tape wasn't all that funny, but the idea that Al got lost, was.

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I'm just wondering why Obama wants an entire hour. Does he understand the attention span of a Kindergartener? I feel sorry for elementary teachers who will be trying to make their kids sit still for this long.

I'm going to school on tues for a reading party - all the kids who read over the summer get a party. We are not canceling the party for this. The school day is short, time is precious, an hour is too long.

An hour? Everything I've read said the speech is going to be 15 minutes. :confused:

Edited by Jenamarie
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My daughter is excited to hear the president she's wanted in office since January of last year. Did I tell anyone she's the only person in her class to vote for Obama in the school mock-election last November? It's a good opportunity for parents to discuss the nature of politics and how someone can be a good person even if you don't like their policies.

People, CHILL. Our freedoms will not end Tuesday because of a speech by our president. They will end, however, if this irresponsible behavior by adults who should know better continues. Remember what happened to all those really great homeland security policies the Bush administration put into place, and remember the sheer panic by the right when Obama won the election? Right-wingers with guns at townhalls is scary enough. What happens when the Left decides they need guns too? Goose meet gander.

I'm happy for your daughter, and irregardless of what we evil, gun-toting, intolerant, war-mongering, earth-raping, racist, sexist, homophobic, water-boarding rightwingers think, President Obama will address our school children. BTW, my daughter was one of the few in her class' mock election to vote for I feel you.

BTW...if you didn't catch the subliminal message, I'd suggest a little chilling on both sides. Liberals have a much longer history of near-violent protests than do conservatives (public marching just isn't our thing). Let's not forget the mobs that gathered near California LDS temples....

Just sayin'...if you are really scared of me and my kind, then the nation is in trouble. I think it's inappropriate for the President to use our kids as a media-op. Really, that's the bottom line. Next thing we get gun toting mobs and townhall meetings??? WOW...yeah...CHILL!

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Here is the whole thing:

Adolf Hitler #545


“You live in a day of great challenges and opportunities. You have been called to make a difference in the world. “You can provide service, giving of your time, talents, and energies without thought of reward. You can lift others by your example.

The choices you make today will directly influence the number and kinds of opportunities you will have in the future. Each daily decision will either limit or broaden your opportunities.

. . . . you will have a clear understanding of who you are, you will be accountable for your actions, you will take responsibility for the conduct of your life, and you will be able to set goals so that you might achieve.

Our plea is that you strive to do your very best.

When I was a young boy, our family had a set of five of our country’s flags that could be attached to the front of our car. It was always a special occasion to attach the flags to the car on a holiday and watch them wave in the breeze as we drove around our little community. How proud we were to ride in our car behind those waving flags!

Wherever boys and girls live, your hearts should fill with pride as you see the flag of your country.

I have been especially pleased to see the number of young men in attendance this evening. With all my heart I love the youth of the Church. I have spent much of my life in their service, and their well-being and happiness are among my greatest concerns.

Young men of the Aaronic Priesthood, you have been born at this time for a sacred and glorious purpose. It is not by chance that you have been reserved to come to earth in this last dispensation of the fulness of times.

Your birth at this particular time was foreordained in the eternities. You are to be the royal army of the Lord in the last days. You are “youth of the noble birthright.”



Whatever Bad Guy the Extremist Right Comes up with Next.

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I don't think people need to get so upset about it. As a parent, I want to know what is being said to my child. If parents and schools are able to review the speech before hand, then review it before you make a decision. If it's a simple, innocent speech on staying in school and working hard than whatever.

My kids' school isn't showing it because it is a brand new school and they do not have the ability to show it yet. Honestly, I don't think young kids are going to listen to or understand what he says anyway. Is he going to use words that these young kids are going to understand? I doubt it. I know my children's attention spans and listening to a guy talk to them with big words will just be boring to them.

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