A Transplanted Texan


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*a-hem* mememememememe

Is this thing on?

Hello hello and welcome! Or should you be the ones welcoming me? Whichever.

I have often summed up myself thus to those I just met: "I'm a homeschooled, LDS, Texas country boy who went to college at Ricks and BYU. Man, I must be the most sheltered person to ever live!"

But seriously, I did grow up in the Texas country and served a mission in South

Africa Johannesburg and Utah Ogden (that's a story too long for this post). I was born in the covenant and was converted to the church just before leaving for Ricks college when I was seventeen. While there I met my eternal sweetheart and married her in the temple almost four years ago. I recently graduated from good ol' BYU (Go Cougs!) and am currently working at being a bum while my wife supports me.

This is not my first time foruming with LDSers, but it has been a few years, I have been known as JLee on other forums and chat rooms.

Any questions are welcome, if you don't like the answers I give then don't ask the question :huh:

I look forward to getting to know y'all and contributing some humor and the occasional serious post whilst I sojourn here.:D

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