Director of Affirmation Urges Mormons To stop Shunning Gay Family Members


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I will agree to disagree with you on this one.

Why do dentists wear gloves? Medical assistants, etc., wear gloves...especially when drawing blood.

Not sure if you are aware, but blood is a different type of liquid when compared to saliva. Dentists and dental hygienists can encounter blood even in routine cleaning.

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AIDS is easily spread via bodily fluids...this would include saliva, mucous (coughing, sneezing), sharing the same toilet, etc.

This is directly from the CDC concerning this.

How HIV Is and Is Not Transmitted

HIV is a fragile virus. It cannot live for very long outside the body. As a result, the virus is not transmitted through day-to-day activities such as shaking hands, hugging, or a casual kiss. You cannot become infected from a toilet seat, drinking fountain, doorknob, dishes, drinking glasses, food, or pets. You also cannot get HIV from mosquitoes</SPAN>.

Basic Information | Topics | CDC HIV/AIDS

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I remember seeing a documentary on children who had AIDs, they spoke about how they had to deal with people who had many misconceptions about their disease. It seems that AIDs has about as many misconceptions about it as say...the LDS church. That being said, I know I would be very careful around someone I knew had AIDs. That is a disease I would not want to catch.

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I remember seeing a documentary on children who had AIDs, they spoke about how they had to deal with people who had many misconceptions about their disease. It seems that AIDs has about as many misconceptions about it as say...the LDS church. That being said, I know I would be very careful around someone I knew had AIDs. That is a disease I would not want to catch.

I agree with you Tarnished. There are many misconceptions about it. This happens to be a subject I am quite familiar with. Having watched 3 friends die from AIDS..close friends...of whom I hugged, kissed, danced with. These were people I worked with and as a result...I set up numerous training sessions for all the employees with experts in the field. So that any misconceptions in regards to working with people with HIV/AIDS could be dismissed.

In San Diego, I volunteered many hours with patients who had HIV/AIDS. It is just a pet peeve of mine when people make comments or opinions out of ignorance and not fact based.

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If you mean would I stop loving him because of his choices. That answer is easy. No. I love my son tremendously. While I might not condone his lifestyle or his choices, I still love him. Yet at the same time, I have the right to make rules in my own home and whether he is 18 or 38, I still expect a respect and a courtesy for those rules. If he continually breaks those rules..I also have the right to respectfully ask him to leave. Doesn't mean I don't love him or won't continue to love him.

Of course. But would you shun him? Pretend like he doesn't exist? I'm going to assume that you would not.. you're to nice.

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AIDS is easily spread via bodily fluids...this would include saliva, mucous (coughing, sneezing), sharing the same toilet, etc.

You posted this as fact. Doesn't say "in my opinion." It's untrue..therefore in this case an untrue fact. Semantics.

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AIDS is easily spread via bodily fluids...this would include saliva, mucous (coughing, sneezing), sharing the same toilet, etc.

That's idiocy. You distrust the FDA and the government -- that's fine -- they're not always accurate. How about studying the matter instead of spouting nonsense. It's one thing to be educated on a subject and make the types of claims you do.. it's quite another to make uneducated and false claims to push your agenda especially with no supporting evidence backing you up. The latter is dishonest.

Edited by bmy-
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I was just thinking about Reformed Judaism and how the outcome of religion is measured in terms of whether it makes us better people. I want to be a better person. I think that in order to do that, I need to let go of pettiness and hatreds. I also need to actively reach out and love others.

How about you?


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I would like to know what it would take for posters to encourage their children to leave home.

Honestly, I'm encouraging my kids to leave home as soon as they are legally old enough. I wish my parents had done that with me. Instead, they allowed me to remain at home and over time it became harder and harder for me to get out on my own. I got used to cheap (and sometimes nonexistent) rent, a built-in babysitter for my kids, etc. My parents got used to having that extra income from the rent I paid. Eventually, we all came to realize that we were all being hurt far more than we were benefiting from me remaining in my parents' home.

Would I kick them out on the day they turn 18? No, of course not. But I'm not going to make it easy for them to remain, either. They'll be expected to have jobs, pay rent comparable to what they would pay out in the world, etc. And I will expect to see some type of progress from them regarding living on their own (saving up for a down payment on a place to live, going to school for a degree for a better paying job, etc.). And they will have a time limit. We've already talked about this, so my kids understand what we expect from them.

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That's idiocy. You distrust the FDA and the government -- that's fine -- they're not always accurate. How about studying the matter instead of spouting nonsense. It's one thing to be educated on a subject and make the types of claims you do.. it's quite another to make uneducated and false claims to push your agenda especially with no supporting evidence backing you up. The latter is dishonest.

Never assume to presume, nor presume to assume. You simply haven't a clue about me or my background.

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I will agree to disagree with you on this one.

Why do dentists wear gloves? Medical assistants, etc., wear gloves...especially when drawing blood.

Because they are now supposed to treat any and ALL bodily fluids as potentially hazardous, even ones that are most likely not. It's strictly an "err on the side of caution" thing. I know, I've worked in the medical field. The AIDS virus cannot survive long outside of the body, so the exchange of bodily fluids must be almost immediate and ideally in vitro (meaning direct contact from the inside of one body to the other).

Please, educate yourself before you spread wild (and false) rumors.

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Because they are now supposed to treat any and ALL bodily fluids as potentially hazardous, even ones that are most likely not. It's strictly an "err on the side of caution" thing. I know, I've worked in the medical field. The AIDS virus cannot survive long outside of the body, so the exchange of bodily fluids must be almost immediate and ideally in vitro (meaning direct contact from the inside of one body to the other).

Please, educate yourself before you spread wild (and false) rumors.

Again, I agree to disagree.

And don't presume that I'm uneducated!

Nor do I spread rumors or falsehoods.

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Again, I agree to disagree.

And don't presume that I'm uneducated!

Nor do I spread rumors or falsehoods.

Your posts make you sound extremely uneducated.

And yes, you ARE spreading falsehoods on this very thread. Just because you believe them, it doesn't make them true.

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Your posts make you sound extremely uneducated.

And yes, you ARE spreading falsehoods on this very thread. Just because you believe them, it doesn't make them true.

I'm sorry if you can't understand what I'm saying. I simply don't buy in to what you and others have. And NO, I'm not spreading falsehoods.

You sound extremely judgmental and closed.

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