Hardest Thing About Being Single


What is the hardest thing about being single?  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the hardest thing about being single?

    • Dating? (yes, dating can really bite the big one)
    • Relief Society (well, it can get a little overwhelming)
    • Lack of a companion
    • The clock is tick-tick-ticking
    • Pressure from family/friends/church (don't deny it kids)
    • Other (please explain below)

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I think the hardest thing about being LDS and single is the societal pressure. I didn't get married until late in my 20's and I was sure everyone thought I was a hopeless case. My father was so grateful someone would take me!

Looking back, I so wish that all the pressure wasn't there. It would have made dating easier and a lot less pressured. It would have freed me up to make better choices and abandon the feelings of desperation that crept in as I saw all of my friends marry and have a baby....and then another...and another. :)

If I were to do it all over again, I am sure I would love to take the wisdom I have today and transplant it back into my old self. I can tell you, I wouldn't have kissed this one guy....and that other one never have gotten a second date....and there might of been a few others that would have deserved a swift kick in the batooshka!! Beyond that, I would have enjoyed myself more. I would have celebrated my solitude and looked beyond the confines of marriage for fulfilling and fun relationships.

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Definitely not having a companion. THIS IS NOT TRYING TO BE A SOB STORY, I AM JUST EXPLAINING MY SITUATION: I was always incredibly solitary as a kid. We lived in a ghetto so there weren't many friends my parents would let me hang out with outside of school, and with my troublesome sisters, church, and my parents were left with no time at all for me. I wasn't ever really sad about it but when we moved out of the ghetto and I started to meet more cute girls, I turned to them for anything I felt I lacked (admittedly not much, but someone to confide in, etc). So I've had a girlfriend consistently since I was 11 or 12 until about 3 months ago. It's pretty crazy, and I feel (strangely) like I'm being lazy since I'm not working on any relationships, but I guess it's neat being able to do anything I want without worrying about what my girlfriend thinks. Being single is also an important chance to grow as a person.

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i, too have lots of conversations like that with my mom. everytime she hears that my friends are getting married, she asks me the question why im in a different track (i'm quite busy pursuing post-college studies). sometimes, hearing the question annoys and irritates me. it's not that i don't want to be married someday (or at least get into a relationship), it's just that i haven't found the right person yet and im not willing to lower my standards. at times, i feel sick and tired of explaining this to other people, especially my mom. :doh:

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And your fears were justified. Had you postponed, you'd be stuck with the likes of me. ;)

Hey I told you once I'd take you. Ever since that day you showed me your "ugly mug." hahaha

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Yeah, SMG, that's one way way to deal with it. But it also makes her feel sorry for me and get to thinking that I've gone way too far that I'm making it hard for guys to level up with me, considering my level of education. It's like, some people, like my mom, see an issue with that when there is really none. Besides, I'm totally convinced that there is nothing wrong in improving oneself in the meantime while waiting for opportunity to be married in the temple.

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Can I sing at the wedding? Also, would you not have it in Las Vegas so I won't die of heat exhaustion?

The weather has actually been fantastic lately. I can never remember a year when "Spring" has lasted this long. Temperature right now... a cool 82. Which means that the 110+ days of June, July and August will probably last into October. :mad:
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  • 2 weeks later...

For me, the hardest part with being single is that everything I do seems so pointless. You go to work and school, for what? So I can make money and buy more stuff I don't need? It seems that life only becomes meaningful once you have a family to look after, take care of, and make happy. Other than that, it's all vanity.


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Yeah, the weekends can kind of be a downer. Especially when all of your friends that you hang out with are either married or are in a relationship.

That's my problem right there... I'm part of a very small branch and the only person my age is one of my best friends' boyfriend and my friends are 5-15 years older than me with husbands and some with children... and my pre-conversion/old high school friends are doing things with their lives that I am no longer part of.

Then again, I'm one of those absurd 19 year olds who sees a baby and prematurely feels her biological clock ticking so one of the hardest parts about being single is just not knowing when/if the whole marriage and a family thing is going to happen for me, especially considering the serious lack of qualified candidates in my area.

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