Starbucks Hot Chocolate?


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Will let me put it this way. If you are comfortable eating dishes with alcohol and base your decisions on your knowledge and understanding..I can respect that. Nor will I think you are some horrible member of the Church for doing so.

But at the same time, respect is needed to be shown for those that do take those kinds of things into consideration in their decisions. Are their decisions wrong or extreme? Nope. It's personal choices and their personal choice.

I would have more readily accepted your opinion if the comments about extremeism had not been made. Again it's all about personal choices.

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So while we are talking about pasta with wine, I have yet another that bad? I have always understood that cooking with wine is ok because the alcohol is burned out during cooking. And I always figured that must be correct because then they wouldn't let little kids order stuff off the menu that was cooked with alcohol. Is that incorrect? :confused: Have church authorities stated somewhere that we shouldn't consume things cooked with alcohol, or is that simply personal decision?

As has been said, the alcohol does *not* cook out. However, President McKay was known to heartily enjoy rum cake--much to the chagrin of some of his LDS family and friends.

Okay group hug everyone and let's go get a cup of hot chocolate together.

What, with you freaks who make it with milk? NEVER!!!!!

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I can't honestly say that I have thought about buying food cooked in wine the same way that Pam and Beefche have, but that's because I've always thought of cooking wine as being separate from normal wine, for some odd reason. (I assume they don't cook with the same wine they sell people to drink).

This is for the cooking "challenged" people: There are "cooking wines" and these are typically found in the same area in the grocery store where you find vinegar. Any chef worth something will tell you to never, ever, under any circumstances choose these things. If you choose to make a dish with wine, get the real stuff. Get a wine that you would drink (if you drink wine). If you wouldn't drink it, why prepare food with it? The flavor is better and will be a better concentrate for your dish.

Also, for those who choose to not cook with wine, I have found that most dishes (certainly not all--afterall, in coq au vin the main ingredient is wine--probably wouldn't do well without it) you can substitute white wine with chicken/vegetable broth/stock and red wine with beef broth/stock. Also, when buying canned stock, get the low sodium kind--all stock is already low fat, but alot will have a lot of sodium. You can then control how much salt you put in the dish. And for heaven's sake, please use kosher salt--flavors your food without making it salty.

Your cooking lesson is now over.

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I'm not saying you can't comment on it. However, the irony of somebody (sarcastically) accusing people of being self righteous for concerning themselves with the minutea of the WoW who themself is concerned (as indicated by participation in this thread) not just with the minutia of the WoW, but with the minutea of people's minutea of the WoW is not something lost on me.

Speaking on a civil liberties basis, if we cannot get hung up on the minutia of the Word of Wisdom, then what can we get hung up on? As author Kilgore Trout would say, "Our rights to be obsessed with anything should be carefully guarded".

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Beefche's comments were actually enlightening to me and something I had not thought of. She declines dishes she knows to have been made with alcohol as to not to support the alcohol industry. I actually like that line of thought.

That's similar to why I don't buy anything from Starbucks, but my reasoning is I don't want to support something that has the gross income of a small Eastern European country and pays their people under $10/hr. But that's a whole other topic :P

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Ohh think of all the money you'd still have! You wouldn't be able to eat or have clothes though :P

Hmmm no clothes. All the more reason to shop at some of those places. Would not be a pretty site. :eek:

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Am I the only one who thought that was a GREAT idea? ^_^

I thought it was a great idea. That's why I suggested it! :lol:

Anyway, I don't think we need to fret too much about what so-in-so does or doesn't do. The only ones we need to be concerned with our ourselves. We can offer advice to loved ones, of course, but it's not our job to make decisions for them.

Me, I'm mostly just glad I can still drink their yummy hot chocolate. Someone needs to make a place that serves all kinds of delicious non-coffee drinks!...nevermind. No they don't. Because if they did my wallet would become thinner and I would become fatter!

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well just to keep the ball rolling I was at the grocery store yesterday...i was having the missionaries over for dinner.....and since I know how mormons love their pasta I took a cruz down the aisle and looked at the ingredients of the pasta sauces....i'd say half had alcohol in the ingredients....just an FYI

It has been implied that I am trying to impose my view of the WoW on others...this is simply not the case feel free to restrict your self in whatever manner you see fit.

Now diffrent strokes for diffrent folks but I can't be bothered to go through life worrying about my spagetti sauce......I guess thats my point there are bigger fish to fry...for me.....

next time you hit the olive garden make sure to ask about there sauce....( i would never darken the door of that faux "italian" resturant...but thats another thread all by it's self)

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It has been implied that I am trying to impose my view of the WoW on others...this is simply not the case feel free to restrict your self in whatever manner you see fit.

Nice subtle little jab there.

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This is one crazy thing in my family - so, I have 2 kids ages 6 and 8. My husband and I try to stay healthy. Anyway, my family loves belgian waffles... doused with a ton of pancake syrup. So, we figured, we'll get the "diet" version of the pancake syrup so it wouldn't be too bad. So, a few weeks ago, we had diet syrup and my kids were happily eating waffles with the new syrup until my 6-year-old (who has to read anything and everything infront of him to prove he can read "big boy words") read the ingredients and happened on "alcohol sugar". I kid you not - it says it right there - alcohol sugar. And man - that was the end of the diet pancake syrup. Both my kids will not touch it again!

No, I never taught them a blanket no to alcohol (I'm not the best example of WoW - growing up with a dad who was a chemist for a beer company). But, they put it upon themselves to say no to any and all alcohol. Who am I to say otherwise? Even as their mother. I still eat waffles with diet pancake syrup infront of the kids but I did tell my kids they are very good for avoiding all alcohol and that I am proud of their choices.

I know, it kinda sounds really bad - kinda like encouraging the kids to do as I say but not as I do...

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What is hard about seeing the logic? It's called personal choice. Why should you have to even wonder about my logic? It's frankly none of your business. That's the logic.

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Beefche I am sure you are right....LOL....

Pam no jab definition we are all restricting ourselves in our attempt to address and obey the WoW....some chose to be more restrictive than me, I am only tryin to understand the logic behind that way of thinking....

I've explained my logic--you may not agree with it, but I don't think it's difficult to understand.

Just as an FYI--it's not that difficult to avoid alcohol in food in restaurants. Since I don't beat myself up over it if there is in alcohol, I just try to make sure to avoid anything that has alcohol in it's name -- Jack Daniels steak would be avoided by me. I also try to avoid red sauce as that usually has wine and not list it as such. It's just those things that I'm unsure of that I question.

I remember one place in particular that I had to ask what desserts didn't have alcohol because it seemed like they all did. Out of 10 desserts, I had 3 choices (BTW, it was Lydia's in KC--FANTASTIC food!). There was only one time that I remember a waiter taking way too long to convince me that having wine in a sauce was no big deal. I finally just had to tell him to back off and just get me my order (the dish that had no alcohol in it).

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Talisyn, just as a quick aside about Starbucks, I know alot of people have a problem with it because of how much money they make (but doesn't every company dream of being that successful?), but as a partner who got paid 9 dollars an hour, I also got health benefits that took care of my family (and I only had to have 20 hours a week to get it). I have a family of seven and the benefits alone paid back HUGE. I also have to say in their defense that they do a TON to help in countries where there is no good water supply, they help coffee farmers get their farms up and running and pay them WELL and take care of them. Starbucks really does have a global mission statement that they adhere to and are passionate about. I got to see that.

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