Another lds net get together


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He might have enjoyed that, Honor.

Psh doubt that. BUT we're not even talking about enjoyment here. We're talking about for the good of the pictures being taken. When SF goosed Elphie, she jumped a foot in the air, blocking ME from the camera's view completely and that just simply wouldn't do!

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If that's how it goes, everyone there is guilty as sin!

And Dravin, be thankful I wasn't a gooser! You were on the other side of me!

See then I would have had to relied on social mores to protect me. If you had goosed me and the camera had been on me I'm sure my expression would have been comedy gold.

But yes, Thank you for not goosing me Honor.

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See then I would have had to relied on social mores to protect me. If you had goosed me and the camera had been on me I'm sure my expression would have been comedy gold.

But yes, Thank you for not goosing me Honor.

But you would have been slightly thrilled too!

I think you were deprived. We'll just switch places next time, okay?


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By the way, what IS a social more? I've heard of them, but was never able to actually find one, and I've always been afraid it shows!


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Oh wait... that's Moor, wrong spelling.

/me digs around some more.

Here we go!

Main Entry: mo·res

Pronunciation: \ˈmȯr-ˌāz also -(ˌ)ēz\

Function: noun plural

Etymology: Latin, plural of mor-, mos custom

Date: circa 1899

1 : the fixed morally binding customs of a particular group

2 : moral attitudes

3 : habits, manners

Edited by Dravin
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Oh wait... that's Moor, wrong spelling.

/me digs around some more.

Here we go!

Well, that was actually my pathetic attempt at humor. I don't think many here would be surprised if I had no social mores. For some reason, though, I'm not particularly bothered by that. It's served me well in the darker reaches of my past. :P



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Ok, with all this goosing going on, I'm really sad I couldn't attend. Although I see it's the women being bold with their attention grabbers....

beefche, you should stand between Strawberry and me next time as well. In fact, I'll make a sacrifice, and let EVERYONE stand next to Strawberry next time.

She's a hoot! (I'm sitting here thinking of all the crazy things she does, and realize I should have anticipated "goosing." She cracks me up!)


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As a complete aside to the current silliness. I must say it is kinda weird having people to attach to the handles.

How many people called others by their handles as opposed to their real names, either out of habit or not knowing their real name? That could have been quite amusing to watch.

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How many people called others by their handles as opposed to their real names, either out of habit or not knowing their real name? That could have been quite amusing to watch.

It's the Returned Missionary effect. :) I still think of all those old Mission buds by their last names even though I know quite a few of their first ones. But yes, I've pretty much forgotten the names but not the faces and if confronted I'd be inclined to respond with handles.

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How many people called others by their handles as opposed to their real names, either out of habit or not knowing their real name? That could have been quite amusing to watch.

It happened a lot. Everyone kept calling me Honor, and Pam, Pam, and Ryanh, Ryanh. It was a mess!

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Well so much for my hostessing.. lol Thanks Dravin..You just crushed me. hahahaha

You introduced me to everyone I just suck with names. The funny thing is that I can correctly match up a handle with a face after one visit but not remember names.

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