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The baptism can be just as private or just as public as you wish. Invite those you wish to attend or keep it as small as you wish. Usually one of the missionaries who has taught you will baptize you or someone in the ward that you would like to do it who holds the priesthood and is worthy to do so.

You and the person performing the baptism will enter the baptismal font, water should be about waist deep and warm. Person performing the baptism will take their left arm, holding their elbow along their side and extending their left hand out perpendicular to the ground. With their left hand they will take you by the right wrist. Raising their right hand, like when in school and raised to say "Present" they will say your name and the baptismal prayer and then place their right hand in the middle of your back and help lower you in to the water until you are totally covered and then help lift you back up.

Ben Raines

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How is the baptism performed? I plan on being baptized soon but just curious what to expect. Is it in a private room or do people watch? Who does it and how long does it take?

Thanks in advance!

Congratulations on the best decision yu have ever made! after yer baptism make every effert to live and follow the comandments; you will begin to understand the lords blessings;:)

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I agree with the previous posts. It would be good for you to attend a baptism before yours to know what to expect. Technically, all that is needed for a baptism is you, the person baptizing you, and two men holding the priesthood to act as witnesses. You can invite as many or as few to be there with you as you wish, generally the room where the baptismal font is in has seating for 20-30 people. Sometimes when there are a few with large groups at the same time, they will meet in the chapel and then as each person's turn to be baptized comes up that group goes into the baptismal room to see it and then return to the chapel afterwards.

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I was involved in a baptism in a river once in Kentucky. Just me, the lady, my companion, and the ward mission leader. The water was cold.

I loved one picture they had at the MTC, was a baptism done in some river/lake in Canada, they had to chop a hole in the 1' thick ice to do it, looked mighty nippy.

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I loved one picture they had at the MTC, was a baptism done in some river/lake in Canada, they had to chop a hole in the 1' thick ice to do it, looked mighty nippy.

I know this is off topic but heyyyy you brought it up. My dad was baptized in a lake in Alaska during the middle of winter. The lake had ice around the edges. He said during the baptism he never once felt the coldness of the water.

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