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Originally posted by Taoist_Saint@Nov 1 2005, 04:37 PM

Dukes of Hazzard (Fridays, right after the Hulk!)

It's funny how you can remember the time Taoist, you must have been an avid fan. I'm the same with Starsky and Hutch. I was a teenager at the time it aired on TV and of course watched because of the cute lead actors (at that time of course). Starsky and Hutch aired on Tuesday's at 9:30pm. :D


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Guest Taoist_Saint

Originally posted by Maureen+Nov 1 2005, 06:02 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Taoist_Saint@Nov 1 2005, 04:37 PM

Dukes of Hazzard (Fridays, right after the Hulk!)

It's funny how you can remember the time Taoist, you must have been an avid fan. I'm the same with Starsky and Hutch. I was a teenager at the time it aired on TV and of course watched because of the cute lead actors (at that time of course). Starsky and Hutch aired on Tuesday's at 9:30pm. :D


LOL...well, its funny how I can remember things like that, but I still forget my own phone number.

Let's see how well I can remember the TV shows of my youth:

(All times are Pacific because I lived in Oregon in those days)

Incredible Hulk: 8pm Friday

Dukes of Hazzard: 9pm Friday

That is easy to remember because it was a weekly ritual to watch those shows.

Also, when I was seven, I shook hands with Lou Ferigno and got his autograph at some auto show.

Then of course, when I was ten years old, there was the A-Team: 8pm Tuesday if I remember correctly.

Other memorable shows:

Moonlighting...I was in Junior High when I watched it.

MacGyver (how the heck do you spell that?)...another one I watched in Junior High.

But going back to childhood...

The Fall Guy - 8pm - Not sure which day...but definately followed by Dallas at 9pm...though didn't watch Dallas...I just watched opening credits)

Knight Rider - 8pm...I don't remember the day, but I will guess Wednesday.

Street Hawk (I think that lasted one season)

6 Million Dollar Man

The Bionic Woman

Little House on the Prairie: I think it was on at 7pm...funny thing about this show was that I didn't know my history very well when I was that age. And unlike many of you, I wasn't taught much about pioneers. So I never figured out that this show took place in the 19th Century! I thought it took place in present day (early 1980's) in some remote part of the country where they didn't have technology :dontknow: Funny how kids think.

Actually, I read a thread on a Star Wars message board recently about "misconceptions you had about Star Wars as a kid" was hilarious. One person said that he thought that Boba Fett was Darth Vader's "best friend" :lol:

I didn't have many misconceptions about Star Wars, but I obviously was confused about Little House of the Prairie.

Anyone else have funny misconceptions about their childhood TV shows, movies, toys, current events, etc.?

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winnie you crack me up, sounds like me every sunday i read the obituariys and the newspaper, by the time we leave my mom's house my husband knows ill be in tears mourning for the people i didnt know.. he says i take it too literally the scripture that says mourn with those that mourn lol but that is funny bout your son. i used to watch bugs bunny with my dad and i used to love the show JEM lol

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I watch Dallas re-runs on TV land (satellite) 11:00AM every day now.

Would have not been caught dead watching it with my parents.

I really need to go back to work. Dallas is fallowed by the old 60’s Bat-man. No I am not watching it.

The other day I told my husband in confidents, (he tells the kids he dies!)

I remember having a childhood crush on Robin and crying because Mr. Freeze had Robin in a giant Sundae, he was going to die, and I had to wait a week to see if he got out alive!

Oh Man am I old or what?


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"Anyone else have funny misconceptions about their childhood TV shows, movies, toys, current events, etc.?"

When I was little I watched a lot of westerns....and cried thinking that the horses really DID get hurt by the guns and arrows and such! My dad sat me down to explain to me about how the horses didn't get hurt....they were "actors" just like the people were. And that made things a lot more enjoyable for me ;)

Misconception? I had to have a "talk" with my mom one time and told her the main reason I didnt' bring the kids around anymore was the fact that she drank a lot, and she needed help for the alcoholism. She didn't skip a beat when she countered with...."I'm not an alcoholic! I only drink beer" Sheeeeeesh mother !! 12 to 18 a day?

It wasn't funny at the time....but the statement really IS hilarious.

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Originally posted by Maureen+Nov 1 2005, 07:02 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Taoist_Saint@Nov 1 2005, 04:37 PM

Dukes of Hazzard (Fridays, right after the Hulk!)

It's funny how you can remember the time Taoist, you must have been an avid fan. I'm the same with Starsky and Hutch. I was a teenager at the time it aired on TV and of course watched because of the cute lead actors (at that time of course). Starsky and Hutch aired on Tuesday's at 9:30pm. :D


I remember watching The Love Boat on Saturday nights with my in-laws. At the time my husband to be was serving a mission. :)

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Originally posted by Strawberry Fields@Nov 2 2005, 08:33 AM

I remember watching The Love Boat on Saturday nights with my in-laws.  At the time my husband to be was serving a mission. :)

So really at that time, they were your in-laws to be. :)


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Originally posted by Strawberry Fields+Nov 2 2005, 10:33 AM-->

Originally posted by Maureen@Nov 1 2005, 07:02 PM

<!--QuoteBegin-Taoist_Saint@Nov 1 2005, 04:37 PM

Dukes of Hazzard (Fridays, right after the Hulk!)

It's funny how you can remember the time Taoist, you must have been an avid fan. I'm the same with Starsky and Hutch. I was a teenager at the time it aired on TV and of course watched because of the cute lead actors (at that time of course). Starsky and Hutch aired on Tuesday's at 9:30pm. :D


I remember watching The Love Boat on Saturday nights with my in-laws. At the time my husband to be was serving a mission. :)

That's one of my most vivid TV memories, for some reason. It's not like it was my favorite show, but I did like it. And right after that, it was Fantasy Island. I would lay under the coffee table in my WonderWoman sleeping bag watching those shows!

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Originally posted by Maureen+Nov 2 2005, 12:54 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Strawberry Fields@Nov 2 2005, 08:33 AM

I remember watching The Love Boat on Saturday nights with my in-laws.  At the time my husband to be was serving a mission. :)

So really at that time, they were your in-laws to be. :)


Yes they were. :D One of the first things they said to their son when he came home was "Where you going to go if you don't marry Strawberry Patch (I earned the name of Fields after I married LOL) were used to not having you around but we could never give her up." Yep those nights of The Love Boat had forever bonded us together. :D

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Originally posted by shanstress70+Nov 3 2005, 07:38 AM-->

Originally posted by Strawberry Fields@Nov 2 2005, 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Maureen@Nov 1 2005, 07:02 PM

<!--QuoteBegin-Taoist_Saint@Nov 1 2005, 04:37 PM

Dukes of Hazzard (Fridays, right after the Hulk!)

It's funny how you can remember the time Taoist, you must have been an avid fan. I'm the same with Starsky and Hutch. I was a teenager at the time it aired on TV and of course watched because of the cute lead actors (at that time of course). Starsky and Hutch aired on Tuesday's at 9:30pm. :D


I remember watching The Love Boat on Saturday nights with my in-laws. At the time my husband to be was serving a mission. :)

That's one of my most vivid TV memories, for some reason. It's not like it was my favorite show, but I did like it. And right after that, it was Fantasy Island. I would lay under the coffee table in my WonderWoman sleeping bag watching those shows!

"Da Plane! Da Plane!" I loved that one too. :)

The sleeping bag though..,.you are a bit younger than I am. ;):D

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I enjoyed reading what all you remember. Unfortunately, I am familiar with MOST of it all (except the Canadian stuff) Must mean I'm older than dirt. Who knows . . . . :dontknow:

One of my oldest TV memories is the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Mic . . . . . . . . Key . . Y?, because we like you. M O U S E . Mickey Mouse! . . . . . . . .

I wanted to be like Annette. And, of course, I had a crush on several of the guys. :blush:

In fact, I named one of my sons for a Walt Disney character in Old Yeller. (I was infatuated with "Travis") :wub:

An early candy memory is the candied orange slices that my grandmother use to give us each Sunday when we had a family dinner together. (Boy, that's a long time ago) I can't imagine eating one of those things now, but since that was the only candy she had in the house, we thought it was pretty good.

I did not see where anyone mentioned "Snipe Hunting". Of course, I was in my early teens when my father first took me out snipe hunting. :P Now, that's something you definitely don't want your children to miss out on.

Most kids go once and then decide to take others hunting. One of my sons went numerous times before he made that choice. :sparklygrin: Now that was fun!!!

Of course, the "teacher" who takes you Snipe hunting really needs to know what they are doing for it to be really fun. ;)

Anyone ever soap up the concrete patio and go sliding on it? That was a favorite activity of ours in the summer. That is, until the time I was babysitting, and one of the kids hit the concrete with his chin and split it open.

How about summer days lieing on the grass looking up at the clouds and deciding what type of characters they looked like?

Or summer evenings on the grass (after a great game of tag) looking up at the stars and trying to figure out what is what?

Making SNOW cream when the slightest snowfall hit and made a few drifts. (remember, I'm in TX . . . . . snow drifts were rare) :D

Visiting cousins who lived on the farm and thoroughly enjoying being there. Watching the cows be milked and an occasionally squirt going to the kittens. Or pumping water out of the well. (My cousins were bored to tears, but then, they came to visit us and were ecstatic to just walk around the corner to the little store. Then, it was our turn to be bored)

:cloud9: FISH FRY! That is one of my greatest memories. Every time relatives came to visit, we would have a fish fry. Daddy fried catfish, potatoes, and hush puppies. (He made the biggest mess in the kitchen) All of the kids ran around outside playing nonsensical games and having a blast while the fish cooked. Then, after everyone ate, the adult men sat around and talked, the women cleaned up Daddy's mess, and the kids played some more. :cloud9:

Some memories we have from things that other people are in charge of (like movies, etc). Other memories we have are those that we made ourselves. Here are a few of the memories my kids have that we created for our family:

Easter Campout & haypile hunt (we would invite friends over and campout in the back pasture on Friday night and have potluck dinner & snipe hunting, of course.) The next morning, we would have sunrise breakfast and then a hayride & various games. Around noon, we would tear up a bale or two of hay, make a pile, fill it full of individually wrapped candy, and then, the kids would dive into the hay to get the candy. We had to do it in groups by ages, because the older kids got a little rough. :rolleyes: We put fresh candy in the pile for each group. It was a blast!!!

New Year's Eve Slumber Party: we invited a whole houseful of kids to come spend the night with us; so their parents could go to the Stake Dances. We watched TV, played games, and snacked at night. At midnight, we all went outside with pots and pans and made as much noise as possible. :D The next morning, we would get up and have pancakes for breakfast and then, walk to the back pasture and jump on the big round haybales that were there. (I think we had 28 kids at our house the last time we did this really big. . . . . . that was in our two bedroom house)

Christmas Eve: we fix Mexican food for dinner and make homemade pecan pralines for dessert, we invite friends over & play board games.

Valentines: Hubby makes up baggies of candy for each child and places it on the table with their names on it. This started out when we had our seven at home, and we would buy several bags of candy and split it between them. Now, it is a MAJOR production. Although grown, our children still think they are suppose to get their bag of candy from dad. The kicker is that they get one, their spouses get one, and their children get one. I should buy stock in Hershey's. :rolleyes:

Halloween: I kind of got rid of this holiday years ago living out in the country, and my children never went trick or treating, etc. However, since we've been living in the city, we turn out all the lights, put a movie in, and serve hot dogs, popcorn, candy, and soda. Funny thing is that a couple of my grown daughters got all dressed up this year to go to he Church party. One came in all decked out in a homemade fairy costume and announced: "I feel just like a five year old going out for Halloween for the first time. Hmmmmmmmm. . . . . . maybe that is because I was never allowed to do Halloween before". Oh, well.. . . . . . . . they still have "memories". :idea: They can raise their children their way and create their own memories. :sparklygrin:

St. Patrick's Day: My kids will all tell the story of the year I threw a St. Patrick's Day party for them and put green die in everything including the popcorn.

Birthday fun: One daughter tells the story of her 8th birthday party where they all rode on our pet pig. He probably weighed 2 or 300 pounds at the time. One kid would get in front of him with a bucket of feed, run backwards, and the other kid would jump on and ride.

Animal Antics: Living out in the country, we had various different animals. Each of the kids had a pet pig at one time or another. One was litter box trained and went on vacation with us. Then, of course, there were the various cats, dogs, chickens, goats, snakes, horse, calves, etc., etc., etc.

It's fun to look back at some of the things we remember, but it's even more fun to look forward to creating some new memories. We need to always remember to take the time to make new memories with our families.



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i thought this related sorta lol

You know you live in 2005 when...

1) you accidentally enter your password on a microwave

2) you haven't played solitaire with real cards in years

3) the real reason for not staying in touch with your friends is that they don't have a screen name

4) you'd rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just pushing a button on the tv.

6) your boss doesnt even have the ability to do your job.

7) you read this list, & keep nodding and smiling

8) as you read this list, you think about sending it to all your


9) and.. you were too busy to notice number 5.

10) you actually scrolled back up to check that there was number 5

11) & now you're laughing at your stupidity

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How about summer days lieing on the grass looking up at the clouds and deciding what type of characters they looked like?

Or summer evenings on the grass (after a great game of tag) looking up at the stars and trying to figure out what is what?


LOL....I STILL do that!

LOL gurl~ 6) your boss doesnt even have the ability to do your job. HE HE HE

yep...called job security for the moment! ;)

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