Tell Me If You Remember!


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AnyOne Remember What It Was Like... ...

Before the Internet or the AIM

Before You Had Ever Heard Of semi automatics and weed

Before playstation2 or X-bOX, When You Could ONLY MOVE LEFT or RIGHT on the Screen!!!

Before the 5 hours of homework you put off every night...

Before You Got Your Heart Broken

Way back...

I'm talkin' bout "HIDE and GO SEEK" at dusk.

Red light, Green light.

Playing kickball & dodgeball until your porch light came on.

Mother May I?

Red Rover

Four square, No Double Bounces, No Finger Tips PALMS ONLY!!

Hula Hoops & Skip Its

Running through the sprinkler

Drinking out Of The Hose When You were THirsty and Not Being Judged About Doing It ... or Worried about Diseases!!

Happy Meals... Better Yet ... The Happy Meal TOYS!!!

Getting the privelage to sit in the front seat of the car


Watchin' Saturday Morning cartoons

Remember Doug and all the cast of 'One Saturday Morning'

Or what about legends of the hidden temple, global guts, double dare, Wild and Crazy Kids, ARE YOU AFFRAID OF THE DARK!?! Or Eureka's Castle, Alegra's Window, Under The Umbrella Tree, HeathCliff, or DAvid The Gnome!!!!

Who could forget Snick???

Or the teenage mutant ninja turtles,and Power Rangers, Before They Became The Mighty Morphin European Space Turbo NInja Rangers

Christmas morning... Or Better Yet ... Christmas Eve... and Trying to sleep that night!!!

Your first day of school

Bedtime Prayers (Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray The Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray The Lord my soul to take) and Goodnight Kisses

Climbing trees And being too Afraid to climb back down!!

Getting an ice cream off the ice cream truck

A MILLION mosquito bites and StIcKy fingers

Jumpin' down the steps .... and Sliding Down Them In Your Sleeping Bag!!

Jumpin' on the bed

Pillow fights

Runnin' till you were out of breath

Laughing so hard that your stomach hurt and you almost peed your pants

Being tired from playing all day

Your first crush...

Rainy days at school meant playing "Heads up 7-Up" in the classroom

Remember that?

I'm not finished yet...

Kool-Aid and Squeeze-its were the drinks of the summer

Giving your friends a ride on your handlebars or spokes Meant You Were Their Hero!!!

Wearing your new shoes on the first day of school, and Trading Them in the Middle of the Day With Your Best Friend

Class Field Trips ... where THE BOYS wanted to sit on the opposite side of the bus from the girls and THE GIRLS were perfectly FINE with it!!

When nearly everyone's mom was at home when the kids got there.

When getting high was swinging on the swingset

When $5 seemed like a million, and another dollar a Miracle.

When your parents took you to McDonalds and you were so cool.

When Toys r Us overuled the "mall"

I want to go back to the time when...

Decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-moe" (or "bubble gum, bubble gum")

Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, "DO OVER!!"

"Race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest.

Money issues were handled by whoever was the banker in "monopoly"

Catching fireflies could happily occupy an entire evening

It wasn't odd to have two or three "best" friends.

Being old, referred to anyone over 20.

The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was COOTIES.

Nobody was prettier than Mom

Nobody was cooler than Dad

Scrapes and bruises were kissed and made better

It was a big deal to finally be tall enough to ride the "big people" rides at the amusement park.

Getting an inch of snow was a dream come true.

You were The Coolest kId on The Block if You had The Neighboorhood Slip 'N' SLide!!!

Abilities were discovered because of a "double-dog-dare"

Spinning around, getting dizzy and falling down was cause for giggles. And done at Random ... Just Because You Felt Like It!!!

If you can remember most or all of these, then you have LIVED!!!

a friend wrote this to me and it really hit home for me! i mean yeah im 19 now but its still i miss those days and everything! as a child we didn't care.....i mean it could be colder then cold and we wanted to be outside and now we look out the window see snow and are like hot cocoa and a movie! even kids these days are like that! its sad but true....people have no imaginations anymore and children are forced to grow up!

I hope you all remember these days and treasure them or stil try to bring them back in some way!

I know i miss these days!

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Originally posted by PrincessMandy@Oct 30 2005, 06:18 PM

AnyOne Remember What It Was Like... ...

Yes I remember and I too sometimes wish I could go back but soon after i remember how things that now seem simple were then hard and gave us pain and suffering.....Think about it!!!!!

Before the Internet or the AIM

Before You Had Ever Heard Of semi automatics and weed

Before playstation2 or X-bOX, When You Could ONLY MOVE LEFT or RIGHT on the Screen!!!

Before the 5 hours of homework you put off every night...

Before You Got Your Heart Broken

Way back...

I'm talkin' bout "HIDE and GO SEEK" at dusk.

Red light, Green light.

Playing kickball & dodgeball until your porch light came on.

Mother May I?

Red Rover

Four square, No Double Bounces, No Finger Tips PALMS ONLY!!

Hula Hoops & Skip Its

Running through the sprinkler

Drinking out Of The Hose When You were THirsty and Not Being Judged About Doing It ... or Worried about Diseases!!

Happy Meals... Better Yet ... The Happy Meal TOYS!!!

Getting the privelage to sit in the front seat of the car


Watchin' Saturday Morning cartoons

Remember Doug and all the cast of 'One Saturday Morning'

Or what about legends of the hidden temple, global guts, double dare, Wild and Crazy Kids, ARE YOU AFFRAID OF THE DARK!?! Or Eureka's Castle, Alegra's Window, Under The Umbrella Tree, HeathCliff, or DAvid The Gnome!!!!

Who could forget Snick???

Or the teenage mutant ninja turtles,and Power Rangers, Before They Became The Mighty Morphin European Space Turbo NInja Rangers

Christmas morning... Or Better Yet ... Christmas Eve... and Trying to sleep that night!!!

Your first day of school

Bedtime Prayers (Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray The Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray The Lord my soul to take) and Goodnight Kisses

Climbing trees And being too Afraid to climb back down!!

Getting an ice cream off the ice cream truck

A MILLION mosquito bites and StIcKy fingers

Jumpin' down the steps .... and Sliding Down Them In Your Sleeping Bag!!

Jumpin' on the bed

Pillow fights

Runnin' till you were out of breath

Laughing so hard that your stomach hurt and you almost peed your pants

Being tired from playing all day

Your first crush...

Rainy days at school meant playing "Heads up 7-Up" in the classroom

Remember that?

I'm not finished yet...

Kool-Aid and Squeeze-its were the drinks of the summer

Giving your friends a ride on your handlebars or spokes Meant You Were Their Hero!!!

Wearing your new shoes on the first day of school, and Trading Them in the Middle of the Day With Your Best Friend

Class Field Trips ... where THE BOYS wanted to sit on the opposite side of the bus from the girls and THE GIRLS were perfectly FINE with it!!

When nearly everyone's mom was at home when the kids got there.

When getting high was swinging on the swingset

When $5 seemed like a million, and another dollar a Miracle.

When your parents took you to McDonalds and you were so cool.

When Toys r Us overuled the "mall"

I want to go back to the time when...

Decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-moe" (or "bubble gum, bubble gum")

Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, "DO OVER!!"

"Race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest.

Money issues were handled by whoever was the banker in "monopoly"

Catching fireflies could happily occupy an entire evening

It wasn't odd to have two or three "best" friends.

Being old, referred to anyone over 20.

The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was COOTIES.

Nobody was prettier than Mom

Nobody was cooler than Dad

Scrapes and bruises were kissed and made better

It was a big deal to finally be tall enough to ride the "big people" rides at the amusement park.

Getting an inch of snow was a dream come true.

You were The Coolest kId on The Block if You had The Neighboorhood Slip 'N' SLide!!!

Abilities were discovered because of a "double-dog-dare"

Spinning around, getting dizzy and falling down was cause for giggles. And done at Random ... Just Because You Felt Like It!!!

If you can remember most or all of these, then you have LIVED!!!

a friend wrote this to me and it really hit home for me! i mean yeah im 19 now but its still i miss those days and everything! as a child we didn't care.....i mean it could be colder then cold and we wanted to be outside and now we look out the window see snow and are like hot cocoa and a movie! even kids these days are like that! its sad but true....people have no imaginations anymore and children are forced to grow up!

I hope you all remember these days and treasure them or stil try to bring them back in some way!

I know i miss these days!

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That was nice to read. However, I think there are lots of people who are trying to make sure their kids will have some of the same experiences they did as a child. You said that "even kids these days are like that", and that's true - there are a lot of kids like that, but they don't have to be.

We live in a sizeable city, but my MIL and FIL have a farm out in the country. My mom and stepfather live out in the country in the mountains of NC, and have horses galore - probably next summer he will take his first horse ride!

My 3 yr old loves to go to these places more than anything. Yesterday we were at my IL's farm and he was playing with his 4 cousins all day. They were walking in the woods, talking to the cows, jumping in mud puddles, and he and his male cousin were burying the rocks they found in the dirt before the "girls find them and try to take them away."

We allow jumping on the bed (our big one!). We have a rule that we turn off the TV from 6:00 to bedtime each night, so that we can do other things as a family. Besides 2 or 3 shows, he could care less about TV anyway! And I was very pleased the other day when he came home from preschool singing "Ring around the rosie..." as he took my hands and started twirling with me. (I had totally forgotten about that one!)

I didn't have such a great childhood, so I think I'm very aware of doing all I can to make my son's childhood wonderful! However, this doesn't mean spending lots of money and buying him the stuff I didn't have... it means making sure he gets to experience lots of different things!

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I did a lot in my childhood Shan~ but a lot of different things than my kids ever got to do...I think what you are doing for your son is the greatest! I'm sure that he will have fond memories of growing up with a mom like you! :)

I grew up a lot WITH my children, so I can remember a lot of things on that list I didn't do as a kid.

I still love teenage mutant ninja turtles!

Jumpin' down the steps .... and Sliding Down Them In Your Sleeping Bag!! YEP :D

Laughing so hard that your stomach hurt and you almost peed your pants~ HEY! I STILL do that!

Thanks for the smiles Princesss!

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Originally posted by Lindy@Oct 31 2005, 07:58 AM

I did a lot in my childhood Shan~ but a lot of different things than my kids ever got to do...I think what you are doing for your son is the greatest! I'm sure that he will have fond memories of growing up with a mom like you! :)

I grew up a lot WITH my children, so I can remember a lot of things on that list I didn't do as a kid.

I still love teenage mutant ninja turtles!

Jumpin' down the steps .... and Sliding Down Them In Your Sleeping Bag!! YEP :D

Laughing so hard that your stomach hurt and you almost peed your pants~ HEY! I STILL do that!

Thanks for the smiles Princesss!

Hey Lindy Ol Buddy Ol Pal! You can see a doctor about that ya know! :lol:;)

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I was waiting to see if.

Do you remeber when TV went color?

Or how we had to turn the antenna poll out side the back door to tune in the three channels by your brother yelling at you to let you know when the channel came in clear.

I remeber when a neighbor family bought a colored TV! and we all ran over to watch after shcool TV show. Allycat and Pansy Show (Landsing MI)

I remeber concerned parents fighting over the Bugs bunny Roadrunner show because it was toooo violent.

Yup I show my age. :sparklygrin:

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Originally posted by PrincessMandy@Oct 30 2005, 09:18 AM

Bedtime Prayers (Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray The Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray The Lord my soul to take) and Goodnight Kisses

I remember many of those things and this was my goodnight prayer with a goodnight kiss except, I never much liked the prayer. I remember thinking after reciting it that "I'm only 6, why would I die in my sleep!". I've never taught this prayer to my kids. But the prayer we would say for grace is a favorite:

Come Lord Jesus

Be our guest

Let these gifts to us be blessed



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LOL...those are great memories, and yes I remember them lots more from the 60's and 70's when I was a youngster...watching Wacky races, Top Cat, Pink Panther, The Banana Splits (might have got that one wrong!), and Sesame Street...Champion the Wonder Horse, Casie Jones...and more...

My memories of days out with my family were those of walking over fields and moors, passing the coal 'slag heaps' and fishing in the streams, with our pet dog...and playing in the woods around Towneley Hall in Burnley, imagining all the ghosts that lived there and spooking myself about them...feeding the horses in the field at the top of our council estate, playing street games such as Hop Scotch and Queeni O Co-Co, who's got the ball? and such...wonderful, innocent days!

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Sorry if this double-posts... it didn't look like it worked the first time.

As I read my earlier post, I thought it sounded rather boastful... I didn't mean to come across that way at all. I just wanted to make the point that just because it is 2005, that doesn't mean that kids can't enjoy anything besides computers, videogames, and TV. My son is probably going to be an only child, so we are very mindful about not spoiling him with material things. Luckily, I find that he would rather dig in the dirt rather than watch TV!

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Originally posted by shanstress70@Oct 31 2005, 12:23 PM

Sorry if this double-posts... it didn't look like it worked the first time.

As I read my earlier post, I thought it sounded rather boastful... I didn't mean to come across that way at all.  I just wanted to make the point that just because it is 2005, that doesn't mean that kids can't enjoy anything besides computers, videogames, and TV.  My son is probably going to be an only child, so we are very mindful about not spoiling him with material things.  Luckily, I find that he would rather dig in the dirt rather than watch TV!

Hey Shan~ I never saw anything boastful about your earlier post.... just saw a fun loving mom who loves her child. I think you are great! and I'm sure that your son thinks the same! Keep up the good work!
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Originally posted by dizzysmiles@Oct 31 2005, 02:06 PM

my cartoons were my lil poneys, thundercats, punky bruster, today's special, I thought Doug was still farley new. lol

You poor, poor child! Nobody deserves to have to grow up with Punky Brewster. Bugs Bunny was and still is the best all-time cartoon show, bar none, with Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote a distant second. The Mel Blanc-voiced shows were almost all enjoyable to watch. Flintstones were okay until they got cheesy with the kids and the alien. Yogi Bear was sometimes tolerable but the sugary aspect was too much at times and ultimately killed the fun for me. I didn't much care for the superhero ones either, they were all too serious to enjoy.

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When I was a kid there was a kids after school program called Popcorn Playhouse. They would air cartoons and kids would attend for birthday parties and just to be on TV. The cartoons that I enjoyed most were:

Huckleberry Hound, Quick Draw McGraw, Magilla Gorilla, Batfink (which would include Karate and Hugo-a-Go-Go). There were more, it's just hard to remember them all. And of course the Pink Panther was also a favorite.


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ha ha....My childhood right there yo!!!! lol... I remember skip-its!!! SO MUCH FUN!! I have a pink one!!.... Do you remember the ghetto skips-its... you go into your mums drawer get some pantyhose cut the legs off and put a tennis ball in the end... then tie a loop in the other end!!! But then your brothers would scam them and use them as a weapon to beat you up.. then they would get in trouble for beating you up but then you would get in trouble for cutting up your mums pantyhose!!! LOL... Ahhh the good ole days!!!.....

I think I remember Under the umbrella tree.... MAYBE... I would have to see it again.. I remember My Pet Monster though.... ANYONE else?.... Rainbow Bright, all those fun shows!!! Mr. Dressup, Sesame Street... I wish they had cool cartoons like that these days!!!... but NO... they have CRAZY cartoons these days!!... but I have to admit that Dora is pretty darn cool!!!!!

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I am a CANUCK!!!! Born bred and raised!!!!.... I am not sure if Mr. Dressup was aired in the states maybe not I think it was on CBC but he is dead now.. That was a SAD SAD day when we found out Mr. Dressup had died. Very sad indeed! but you really should find a way to watch him!! He was a COOL man!! and Casey and Finnagan back in the day were WAY cool too!!! So I suggest to anyone who has not seen it.. to get your hands on a copy any way you can!!!! Keep Mr. Dressups memory alive!!!!! you RIP Mr. D!!!

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Originally posted by Amy@Nov 1 2005, 01:00 PM

I am a CANUCK!!!!  Born bred and raised!!!!.... I am not sure if Mr. Dressup was aired in the states maybe not I think it was on CBC but he is dead now.. That was a SAD SAD day when we found out Mr. Dressup had died. Very sad indeed!  but you really should find a way to watch him!! He was a COOL man!!  and Casey and Finnagan back in the day were WAY cool too!!!...

Welcome Amy!

I am also Canadian, so I am very familiar with Mr. Dressup and back in the day, Casey and Finnegan. Mr. Dressup, also known as Ernie Coombs was a talented artist and made childhood quite memorable.


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Oh, Mr. Dressup I cried when the news said he had died, my children loved him.

Now when Mr. Rogers died my collage boy left the dinner table in a huff, telling off his sibling and storming out of the room. He was my Mr. Roger’s child.

As an American, I loved Captain Kangaroo the dancing bear. I moved to Canada when I was small so I had the best of children's entertainers and TV educators.

I could not belive I married a man who does not know who Gumby and Poky are?

I could not believe that, I finely found an old comic book and on the back was Gumby and Poky and showed it to him he just shrugged his shoulders and reminded me he was born and raised in Newfoundland in a fishing village. He also reminded me that is why he joined the army to see the world and some how Gumby and Poky never crossed his path in 25 years of living on the mainland or off the rock as it is called.

Were all mainlanders to them and once cable TV hit his father has not left Newfoundland since. He thinks the world has gone nuts.

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Guest Taoist_Saint

Well I remember alot of that stuff too, but like many others I would have to customize the list a little around the TV shows and toys...

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe...mainly the toys, not the cartoon

Transformers toys and cartoons

Star Wars - Return of the Jedi action figures from 1983 (was it?)

Space Lego!!!



Spiderman (the 60's cartoon)

The Incredible Hulk (80's series)

Dukes of Hazzard (Fridays, right after the Hulk!)

Watching The Dark Crystal and The Secret of Nimh in theaters for the first time (I still rent them regularly every few years)

Classic Loony Toons (Tunes?)

And of course...The Atari 2600...wishing there were more multi-player games available because I had seen 4-Player games (a miracle of science!) such as "Gauntlet" at the arcades...and all I could play was two-player Mario Bros. or Combat.

Which reminds me of another memory...going to Chuck E. Cheese and having FUN. Now its just annoying :wacko:

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