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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by Soulsearcher@Nov 17 2005, 12:44 PM

But many families who lose their kids to cults, for example, go thru alot of hard work and tears to get their kids back.

My problem is did they honestly do that much work before hand? i agree prevention is important, but it's the right ype of prevention. THe youths have to feel as if they are part of the plan not just the end result or you have already lost them.


Well, this family has gone public with their story, so yes, I believe in this case, they were a loving family whose daughter just got mixed up with the wrong crowd. It's not unusual for kids to rebel (I did my husband). LDS believe that Satan was also a son of God, but even he rebelled and led away one third of the host of heaven. Does that make God a bad parent? We each have our free agency to choose.

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by Outshined@Nov 17 2005, 12:55 PM

Those who keep their head buried in the sand will remain in the dark.

I agree; seeking evil where there is none is a good way to "keep your head buried in the sand"...


There are none so blind as those who will not see.

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Originally posted by Soulsearcher@Nov 17 2005, 01:05 PM

I'm not saying it's unusual to rebel, I'm saying a lot of families do't see that there is so much they are missing, and how easy it is to fix it.  they family went through a lot and is now doing great and i am glad o hear it.  However were they as close and loving and watchful and holding regual and frank communications with their daughter before she got mixed up in this "cult"?

something i have learned about a lot of families is that in hindsight they see a lot of things could ahve been avoided if only they had done a few simple things to put a stop to the source of the problem.

I think you've hit the nail on the head. People blame music and video games and television for corrupting their children, but often the truth is that these children are raised by these media instead of their parents.

With correct parental influence, children can see the difference between fantasy and reality, right and wrong, and learn to make the right choices. Trying to force their musical tastes is a sure way to spur rebellion in them.

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Originally posted by lisajo+Nov 17 2005, 11:46 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Soulsearcher@Nov 17 2005, 10:44 AM

My problem is did they honestly do that much work before hand?  i agree prevention is important, but it's the right ype of prevention. THe youths have to feel as if they are part of the  plan not just the end result or you have already lost them.

Very good point soul....I have to agree with that!!!!!!!!!

Me too!

When the "REAL WORLD" came on ...I would sit down and watch it with my daughter and then we would discuss the show and the cast's attitudes and choices they made and the consequences and such. I still have a great line of communication with my kids... don't agree with some of their thoughts and choices...but they know they were always part of the big picture. And they have never doubted my love for them.

"Reflected in this forum, you can see much opposition from ppl who are unwilling to listen to the truth. How can we be influential with our children, if they reject what we are teaching them?"

That's the truth as some people see it though, not everyone see's things the same way...what is one persons 'truth" is someone elses propoganda. And I don't think that it's so much the unwillingness of some people being "unwilling to listen" to the "truth" as it is so much that many have done research into some of the things they didn't know about or couldn't understand, or those who have lived thru first hand and gained that experience themselves.

All we can do is to take an active role in the lives of our children, and to teach them what WE know is the truth, and hope that they grasp that along with the responsibility we teach them to be good people.

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by Soulsearcher@Nov 17 2005, 01:05 PM

I'm not saying it's unusual to rebel, I'm saying a lot of families do't see that there is so much they are missing, and how easy it is to fix it.  they family went through a lot and is now doing great and i am glad o hear it.  However were they as close and loving and watchful and holding regual and frank communications with their daughter before she got mixed up in this "cult"?

something i have learned about a lot of families is that in hindsight they see a lot of things could ahve been avoided if only they had done a few simple things to put a stop to the source of the problem.


In my estimation, from watching the video, and hearing the family report what happened to them, my answer is still yes. But if you want to know for yourself, I would get the video.

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by Lindy@Nov 17 2005, 01:25 PM

"Reflected in this forum, you can see much opposition from ppl who are unwilling to listen to the truth. How can we be influential with our children, if they reject what we are teaching them?"

That's the truth as some people see it though, not everyone see's things the same way...what is one persons 'truth" is someone elses propoganda. And I don't think that it's so much the unwillingness of some people being "unwilling to listen" to the "truth" as it is so much that many have done research into some of the things they didn't know about or couldn't understand, or those who have lived thru first hand and gained that experience themselves.

All we can do is to take an active role in the lives of our children, and to teach them what WE know is the truth, and hope that they grasp that along with the responsibility we teach them to be good people.


It's interesting, isn't it? We want others to listen to us, but sometimes they not only reject what we say, they try to discredit us. How can we get our children to listen to us, if we can't even listen and learn from one another?

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Originally posted by Lindy@Nov 17 2005, 01:25 PM

That's the truth as some people see it though, not everyone see's things the same way...what is one persons 'truth" is someone elses propoganda. And I don't think that it's so much the unwillingness of some people being "unwilling to listen" to the "truth" as it is so much that many have done research into some of the things they didn't know about or couldn't understand, or those who have lived thru first hand and gained that experience themselves.

All we can do is to take an active role in the lives of our children, and to teach them what WE know is the truth, and hope that they grasp that along with the responsibility we teach them to be good people.

Very good post.

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Originally posted by LDSister@Nov 17 2005, 12:34 PM

It's interesting, isn't it? We want others to listen to us, but sometimes they not only reject what we say, they try to discredit us. How can we get our children to listen to us, if we can't even listen and learn from one another?

I think it's all in the way we present ourselves. talking to children is so much different than talking to adults. And I think we learn a lot from each other, but we are all different individuals with different levels of acceptance of HOW we chose to listen and learn. In your face methods are like hitting a brick wall head on to me.... I ain't going to go past that brick wall in my face. Remember...I'm a stubborn cuss at times.... ;)

edited: THANKS OUTSHINED! You made my day! :)

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Originally posted by Outshined@Nov 17 2005, 04:40 AM

IMO when rock stars associate themselves with devil worship and other 'unsavoury' things, publicly, they are only doing so for effect, to add to their iconic status...I really don't take it seriously for a minute!



Frankly, I almost respect the integrity of a rock star who really believes that satanic elements are spiritually superior, versus one who likes to tweek parents and win children as fans by enticing them with a spirit of rebellion.

But, don't take my word for it. The Apostle Paul has more authority than I do.

Philippians 4:8: Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious--the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. (The Message)

Or for you King James Version diehards:

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

In my humble opinion most pop, rock, hard rock, country western music does not qualify. It's not a question of what I'm allowed to listen to. I'm a child of the King. That makes me a spiritual prince. Some things are beneath royalty, and it's time we think, listen to, participate and speak of things worthy of our spiritual station. I say this not in arrogance, but as a matter of encouragement...we can do so much better!

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I was looking up a song to post on my blog...and remembered another great country song.....if you read and think about the may understand that we can only do our best while raising our the end it's up to them to decide what they want in life. Try as we may...sometimes its all for naught.


The first thing I remember knowing,

Was a lonesome whistle blowing,

And a young un's dream of growing up to ride;

On a freight train leaving town,

Not knowing where I'm bound,

No-one could change my mind but Mama tried.

One and only rebel child,

From a family, meek and mild:

My Mama seemed to know what lay in store.

Despite all my Sunday learning,

Towards the bad, I kept on turning.

'Til Mama couldn't hold me anymore.

And I turned twenty-one in prison doing life without parole.

No-one could steer me right but Mama tried, Mama tried.

Mama tried to raise me better, but her pleading, I denied.

That leaves only me to blame 'cos Mama tried.

Dear old Daddy, rest his soul,

Left my Mom a heavy load;

She tried so very hard to fill his shoes.

Working hours without rest,

Wanted me to have the best.

She tried to raise me right but I refused.

And I turned twenty-one in prison doing life without parole.

No-one could steer me right but Mama tried, Mama tried.

Mama tried to raise me better, but her pleading, I denied.

That leaves only me to blame 'cos Mama tried.

(Merle Haggard)

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by prisonchaplain@Nov 17 2005, 02:42 PM

In my humble opinion most pop, rock, hard rock, country western music does not qualify.  It's not a question of what I'm allowed to listen to.  I'm a child of the King.  That makes me a spiritual prince.  Some things are beneath royalty, and it's time we think, listen to, participate and speak of things worthy of our spiritual station.  I say this not in arrogance, but as a matter of encouragement...we can do so much better!


Amen, and thanks, chaplain!

In one of Carman's songs, he relates an experience of having been approached by the devil with a business give his musical career to the devil to manage, and he [Carman] could continue to live the rest of his life as he saw fit. The devil argued that he would make Carman great and well known in the world.

Carman refused.

"They Sold Their Souls To Rock & Roll" gives the history of rock and roll, and documents how many of the rock stars sold their souls to satan. It was very interesting to hear what each of them had to say about their own music...some even admitting satanic possession (Jim Morrison, for instance.)

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by Lindy@Nov 17 2005, 02:52 PM

I was looking up a song to post on my blog...and remembered another great country song.....if you read and think about the may understand that we can only do our best while raising our the end it's up to them to decide  what they want in life. Try as we may...sometimes its all for naught.


What a timely and appropriate song to share.

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Originally posted by LDSister@Nov 17 2005, 01:57 PM

[ It was very interesting to hear what each of them had to say about their own music...some even admitting satanic possession (Jim Morrison, for instance.)

Do you Realize the drugs that man took?
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Make too big an issue and you may encourage your children to rebel. My parents were lifelong Democrats and my mother made a point of every time mentioning a Republican by associating a four letter word to describe the politician. Of course, I am a Republican.

I remember George Carlin doing a routine in which he said that if you want your children not to listen to certain music then you should try to force them to do it. I don't remember which groups he used but it was like if your kid comes home from school you make sure before he does his homework he has to listen to Ozzy.

Remember parents, don't let your kids go to bed at night without listening to Twisted Sister -- and then program their alarm clock to blast out Rammstein's "Moscow" to get them up for seminary.

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by Outshined@Nov 17 2005, 03:06 PM

Yep, and Merle Haggard's songs have been called "devil music" at times as well...


I've never heard him say he was a satanist, but I've heard others say it...and he wasn't talkin' about the devil in that song. lol.

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by Lindy+Nov 17 2005, 03:42 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-LDSister@Nov 17 2005, 01:57 PM

[ It was very interesting to hear what each of them had to say about their own music...some even admitting satanic possession (Jim Morrison, for instance.)

Do you Realize the drugs that man took?


When my husband was managing an apartment complex, one of the tenants there told my husband that he took drugs and entertained evil spirits. I don't know if anyone else has had a supernatural experience, but I have. And I can testify that both good and evil spirits exist, as I have encountered both.

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Originally posted by LDSister+Nov 17 2005, 04:15 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Outshined@Nov 17 2005, 03:06 PM

Yep, and Merle Haggard's songs have been called "devil music" at times as well...

I've never heard him say he was a satanist, but I've heard others say it...and he wasn't talkin' about the devil in that song. lol.

And yet other "experts" labeled him as such, just as they do with others today...

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by Fiannan@Nov 17 2005, 04:28 PM

But what the heck does that have to do with music genre?

Also, would you rather your kids listen to Twisted Sister or Barbara Streisand?  Would you rather your kids listen to Metallica or Sheena Easton?  What standard do you use to judge music?


The hippie generation was devised by followers of Aleister Crowley. Timothy Leary took over Crowley's teachings after his death. Leary adapted "Do What Thou Wilt", which Crowley taught, to "Do Your Own Thing". The kids were seduced by sex, drugs, and rock and roll. John Lennon declared: "We're more popular than Jesus now". The Age of Aquarius ushered in the New Age Movement. Today's music is more blatant; if you watch the video, you will see these heavy metal bands which I have mentioned before, chanting 'hail satan'. How much more obvious can this be?

My kids know the type of music I listen to, and now that they're grown, they make their own choices.

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by Outshined@Nov 17 2005, 04:30 PM

And yet other "experts" labeled him as such, just as they do with others today...


The musicians in this video have labeled themselves.

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