Move to Florida and......


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Move to Florida and enjoy the sunshine and the FREEZING cold weather. It is 10:21 PM Central time and 29 degrees and feels like 21 degrees and is expecting to get MUCH colder!

Cold in Florida is not like cold out West, it is a wet, humid cold....brrrr.:eek::eek: Might snow Thursday!!! Bytor will be staying home!

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Guest Godless

Take it from someone who's experienced desert winters, wet and humid cold is much better than dry cold.

And I'm with pam. Suck it up, wimp. I had to suffer through temps in the 60's while my homeland was being bombarded with snow last month. I can't wait for that arctic freeze to roll through Texas in a couple of days!!! I just wish it would bring some snow with it.

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I understand bytor. Don't listen to pam and Godless, the heartless beasts that they are.

I had to turn my thermostat up to 64 degrees in my house because the temps here stay in the low teens. (I am cheap and keep my heat low in the winter to save money--but that means I have to use tons of blankets to keep from freezing this slobber all over me).

Once New Year's is over, I'm ready for spring. So, these cold temps are ticking me off!

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16 years ago I was living in Wisconsin and in January went to visit friends that had just moved to Orlando, FL that year. After a week there of 70 degree weather, visitng theme parks, going to the beach, etc I fly home. its 78 degree's when I get on the plane in FL and -30 (thats minus 30) when I get off of it. I called up a realtor friend of mine and put the house up for sale that week (although the house didn;t sell til summer). Lived in FL for 7 years then my career brought me to Texas - where winters, while much better than Wisconsin, are still chilly - going down to 28 tonight and I've lost all my tolerance for cold. 28 feels like -30 to me after 16 years in the south.

Oh and according to the old timers, it does snow in Orlando about once every 30 years - of course its gone the next day.

Orlando is the only place I know that when it gets cold people wear shorts and a jacket.

Edited by mnn727
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You sound like my mother in law. She likes to call and tell us how cold it is in West Palm.

"It was 50 and rainy today" "How is it there"

She does this knowing we have a foot of snow on the ground:mad: but she only does it when we live in cold places. I think she is trying to convince us to move back.

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I was just telling a co-worker(who's from Florida) about a trip I took to Florida. It was when I was in college and a friend talked me into spending the Christmas Break there with him (his family was there). We went to Orlando. The first day we were there it SNOWED!! IN FLORIDA!!! It snowed about an inch.....shut the whole state down. It was hilarious how unprepared they were for it. Also people put their sprinklers out, against trees or whatever, to create icicles like that was some kind of novelty. (I guess it is in Florida). Anyway, we spent a week there and it never got above 45. I can say that Disneyworld and Epcot Center are not near as much fun when it's that cool (cool not cold). But we had a good time anyway. That's my trip to Florida story. Anybody want to go to the Bahamas with me? I'd like to see the beaches with snow on them!!

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I think I'll stay where I am. I like to see the seasons change and like to see the snow in winter, as long as it doesn't get too bad.

Besides I had a friend that lived in Florida. He said you weren't allowed to park a truck on the street. If you had one you had to put it in the garage with the door shut. A lot of other rules too. It said it was a walled community. I told him we had walled communities in Ohio also. We call them penitentiaries

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I think I'll stay where I am. I like to see the seasons change and like to see the snow in winter, as long as it doesn't get too bad.

Besides I had a friend that lived in Florida. He said you weren't allowed to park a truck on the street. If you had one you had to put it in the garage with the door shut. A lot of other rules too. It said it was a walled community. I told him we had walled communities in Ohio also. We call them penitentiaries

Must be South Florida.......not the case in my neck of the woods.

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