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Dr T

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I was excited until I saw the completly cast. I'm sure they had the idea of Heroes vs Villians before they even new who would be on each team. Seems like the Villians have like what 3 or 4 people from the Survior a year ago? An article pointed out that they probably filmed this before the last survior (with Russell) aired on TV. So I'm guessing he might be able to pull some of his magic off.

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Can't say I'm a hardcore fan of Survivor, or one at all, for that matter. But it's been a very long time since I'd seen it too. I watched some previews on it and it looks very interesting. I don't think I know or recognise a single person on either team though :/

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  • 1 month later...

I actually watched this today, and I'm not a big Survivor fan. I found it interesting to say the least and may even continue to watch it through the whole season.

They voted Sugar off, which was exactly what I would have done :P . Gotta get rid of the weakest link first. May not be the best bet strategy-wise, but it helps you fare better in the long run.

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I am quite excited about this new survivor, but we are getting rid of our cable so that we can save money so I will be watching all of it online. But yes, I have had many squee fits with excitement about watching Russell play in another survivor.

It's on broadcast tv, so all you need are rabbit ears. Remember those?

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I'm already loving this season! It's great to see all those familiar faces back again. I always liked Stephanie, Tom, and James, and Russell is a new favorite and I'm glad to see him again. But, I'm not sure if his tactics are going to work a second time; these players aren't as stupid as his teammates last season. Judging from his reaction at the last reunion show, he probably doesn't do so well in this season, or else he wouldn't have been so upset.

On another note, it was pretty hilarious to see Sugar following Colby around camp. I just about died laughing when he retreated from her to the fire but she curled up on the sand!

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  • 2 weeks later...

K, I don't know about James this time. It's not that I don't like him or anything. I know he is a force in the challenges but it's just his anger and how he's talking to people that I don't appreciate I guess. Russ and hiding the machete was a Russell thing to do. We'll see how that works out. I wonder if he'll take Boston Rob's hat and burn it? I don't know. I'm happy the Heroes one tonight. I hope they win more.

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I wasn't surprised to see Randy go, but I wish it had been Parvati. The men are just enchanted with her "cute little miss innocent" act and it'll probably bite them in the butt later. Whoever said "she's like a virus" was right. I didn't like her in any previous seasons, and that hasn't changed now.

It's pretty much a given that Russell won't make it as far as he did last season. He was playing with a bunch of idiots then, but these people aren't fools. And although I doubt it'll happen, it would be hysterical if he found the hidden idol yet again.

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Tonight's show was a good one. Two things I thought were about Russell and him looking for the idol and how that angered his tribe and how James said, "It's all about keeping the strongest players and forget all that social piece-James doesn't do that." (My paraphrase) and then he actually voted for Tom. The heroes need to start playing better. Yes, they were very close tonight but they need to win. I like JT. He seems like a good guy. I like the show.

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I don't know why Russell was so obvious with the whole "I'm going for a walk" thing. I mean, the tribe wasjust talking about the idol, it's not like people aren't going to figure out what you're doing.

I think it would be funny if somebody made a really realistic, authentic looking idol before the game, and snuck it in and hid it and let someone else find it!

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Hahaha that would be great. Yeah, I know, Russell, think. "I'm going for a walk right down the shoreline. Oh yeah, it's toward where the clues for the idol but don't follow me because I'm not going to look for it." Ok what did you all think of "Coach" and his tears? I like Rob more and more. :)

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Glad Cirie is gone too. What kills me is how they will vote out a physically strong player or a good player, such as Stephanie, and keep the weak ones. I would want my team to win at every chance we had and would get rid of those who do not work or do not play hard.

Guess I would be voted out quickly.

Ben Raines

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Glad Cirie is gone too. What kills me is how they will vote out a physically strong player or a good player, such as Stephanie, and keep the weak ones. I would want my team to win at every chance we had and would get rid of those who do not work or do not play hard.

Guess I would be voted out quickly.

Ben Raines

I had to laugh because i yell that at the tv each week.


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