Would you, could you? Multiple wives and husbands.....

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Short term memory loss wing. maybe my new avatar should be named "dorry". :) Just keep swimming....just keep swimming.....

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Sounds like someone has a problem. Someone is spending too much time here.:P

While that's probably true, I also have a good memory for absolutely useless information.

I thought about suggesting a computer addiction forum but figured it might be counter productive.;)

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I actually never thought I would have a problem "sharing" my DH. We've even joked about it with single sister friends and stuff. I have a handicapped sister who will never marry, so I always figured that I would gladly "share" my DH with someone in the afterlife because of that.

Now I am a hardcore monogamist. I believe D&C 132 contains false doctrine. Therefore, I would never participate in any form of multiple spouses. However, others are welcome to participate in whatever kind of marriages or relations that they like.

If a prophet or leader ever asked for me to secretly marry them, even though I am already married, I'd tell everyone I could. If any of them approached my daughter......it wouldn't go over well.

Hmmm. How do we know it hasn't been brought back already?

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I used to really have a problem with polygamy and could never imagine any circumstances where I'd be ok with it. Then I got married, and had kids and am like "someone to share the work? BRING IT ON!!!"

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Rather than give a serious reasoned reply that the question deserves, I'll chose instead to honor my dearly departed father, one of America's last great male chauvenist pigs.

Everyone ready?

Here goes.

Polygamy? Cool - One fer lookin', one fer cookin'!


(ducks and hides under something solid)

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I'm not an expert on STD's, but it seems to me that if everyone involved were living the Law of Chastity, there would be few problems, if any. Unless you're talking about multiple women having relations with multiple men partners, or vice-versa, then I could see how the rates would be higher.

I would like to see where you came up with that 80% number, though. It seems high to me.

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too bad poligamy is about multiple wives, I could realy go for multiple husbands, only problem would be avoiding jelosy (men are soo posesive)

i wouldnt mind haing a "sister-wife" (like in david webers Honor Harrington series, or the Aiel in wheel of time) but the idea of my husband trying to support multiple households is rediculios

I agree I think multiple households would make it more difficult and also for me would feel more like he was having an affair than we were building a family

bit different in the 1800s I do think the way it was done will have to change, but I still kinda like the idea. It doesn't shock me as long as it involves adults all of whom are fine with the idea. Also like the idea of having King Size bed to myself every other night lol

Edited by Elgama
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I guess my post didn't make it through.

Hey, I'm still looking for a first wife, let's not get ahead of ourselves. :D

I like to think that given the hypothetical I'd go through with it, as a matter of obedience. That said I don't have a wife I love, nor have I ever love anyone in that manner. Which puts me outside of the emotional conflict aspect which in my experience in discussions like these is the source of most of the trepidation about such a thing.

There are other singles that feel strongly about it, such as Beefche. But personally, lacking the experience of romantic love it's all a mind game to me which removes it from the reality those with more experience in that realm have. It's like asking a 5 year old if they'd like to be a Cop or a Firefighter. They see the cool vehicle and the uniform (and in the case of the cop). The realities of burning alive, or getting shot doing a traffic stop (and other unpleasant aspects) are foreign to them.

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I actually never thought I would have a problem "sharing" my DH. We've even joked about it with single sister friends and stuff. I have a handicapped sister who will never marry, so I always figured that I would gladly "share" my DH with someone in the afterlife because of that.

Now I am a hardcore monogamist. I believe D&C 132 contains false doctrine. Therefore, I would never participate in any form of multiple spouses. However, others are welcome to participate in whatever kind of marriages or relations that they like.

If a prophet or leader ever asked for me to secretly marry them, even though I am already married, I'd tell everyone I could. If any of them approached my daughter......it wouldn't go over well.

Hmmm. How do we know it hasn't been brought back already?

Hmmmm, I'd be careful calling modern revelations false doctrine myself. Thats pretty dangerous ground.

Besides that, I don't think it has been reinstated for 2 reasons. 1, doing so would make us liars about obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. 2, with the ability of people to make things like that public nowadays, it just wouldn't work.

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The very thought of being married to or being intimate with another man, in addition to my husband, is absolutely unimaginable to me! It actually makes me feel ill even thinking about it. I thank the Lord everyday for the wonderful man I was blessed with as my one and only!

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Hmmmm, I'd be careful calling modern revelations false doctrine myself. Thats pretty dangerous ground.

Besides that, I don't think it has been reinstated for 2 reasons. 1, doing so would make us liars about obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. 2, with the ability of people to make things like that public nowadays, it just wouldn't work.

Then you should definately be careful. I have had my witness, so I feel no qualms. Thanks for the warning though. :)

The early church had the EXACT same problems and did it anyway. :mellow:

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Something Vanhin said sparked a question within me....

If the Church came out today and officially sanctioned plural marriage in any form (polygamy - either polygyny or polyandry) again....how many of you would feel comfortable going out and taking to yourself another wife or husband....or two or three or four....?

Would you do it because it was ok? Would you hesitate anyway? Would you jump at the chance?

I don't think I am strong enough spiritually but I guess if it was a commandment from God then I would have to seriously consider obeying it. It would be a real test of my faith that is for sure.

:lol:I hope I don't have 2 husbands though - one is enough and I say that with both love and humour. click cartoon below :lolsign:

As for hubby having 2 wives well he couldn't cope - one's enough LOL

However I guess on the days I am not feeling up to cooking the other wife could do it - hopefully she's a chef and a compulsive cleaner LOL :lol:

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A little boy was attending his first wedding. After the service, his cousin asked him, "How many women can a man marry?"

"Sixteen," the boy responded.

His cousin was amazed that he had an answer so quickly. "How do you know that?"

"Easy," the little boy said. "All you have to do is add it up, like the Bishop said: 4 better, 4 worse, 4 richer, 4 poorer" :lol: :lol:

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That is such an interesting stance....and I mean that sincerely. Can you please expand your feelings a little more on that? Do you suppose that dispite all that God's church has endured it would spell then end if the practice of polygamy was reinstituted? Even if God was directing that church and has promised that it would never again be taken from the Earth?

I don't think it would the "the end" of the church, but it would never be the same. The original question asked if plural marriage were reainstated TODAY, the first problem with that is that plural marriage is illegal today, so bringing it back would violate the law which would go against the 12th Article of Faith and would bring the wrath of the law down onto the church and its members.

Secondly, a lot of members would have a hard time accepting it. This thread is evidence of that, many people have said they would not do it, others have said they would have to pray long and hard about it. I think a lot of members would reject it and would logically conclude that the prophet was no longer acting 'prophetic'. There would a schism in the church not unlike when Joseph Smith died and the there were splinter groups (RLDS, etc.), and also not unlike when polygamy was officially ended (FLDS and other fundamentalists). New group(s) would form on the assumption that the Church had lost its way and needed a reformation or a return to a new fundamentalism.

This is all just my opinion of course and very speculative.

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Not at first and only if my wife was truly okay with having a sister-wife. I would not jump at the chance so to speak. I do think that once a woman was accustomed to it.. it would be fairly nice. Half the house work, half the responsibility, double the free time.. and you always have a sister to lean on even when the husband is away with work.

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