Women more righteous than men


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I am not going to get into doctrine and what has or has not been said, instead I am only going to give an example of why I feel we will see more women than men in the Celestial Kingdom.


Bosnian 'Rape Camp' Survivors Testify in The Hague | Womens eNews

As long as things like this continue to happen we will not be seeing those men in the Celestial Kingdom anytime soon.

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I have often heard men say this sort of thing when confronted with those women who are upset that men hold the priesthood and women do not. "But women don't need the priesthood as they are more righteous than men".

This is not doctrine, it's a cultural tradition to placate women who are upset by the practice.

I have also heard that men need the priesthood to keep them closer to God while women are naturally closer to God as we carry the physical bodies of his spirit children.

Whatever rationale you choose, it's boils down to not being anything more than speculation and culture.

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Guest mysticmorini

I am not going to get into doctrine and what has or has not been said, instead I am only going to give an example of why I feel we will see more women than men in the Celestial Kingdom.


Bosnian 'Rape Camp' Survivors Testify in The Hague | Womens eNews

As long as things like this continue to happen we will not be seeing those men in the Celestial Kingdom anytime soon.

unfortunately there are many women who do equally despicable things to men and society in general (the woman who was pimping out her daughter comes to mind) pointing to one example of men behaving badly without acknowledging the bad behavior of women is sexist bottom line. making judgements about who heavenly father will let into the celestial kingdom is also very dangerous, he will forgive who he will but we must forgive all men(and women)

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Most of us have heard at some time or another that women are more righteous than men, more women will make it to the Celestial Kingdom, etc. Is this just one of those "cultural" church beliefs, or is there anything to back this up in scripture, doctrine, or from general authorities?

Do not forget to factor in Infanticide:

China started their one-child policy in 1977. The only way for the family name to be carried on was to have a son. Results girls were routinely terminated before or after birth.

India had a different problem, Boy baby one cloth, Girl baby two cloth. It was much cheaper to raise a boy, plus girls required a dowry for marriage, approximately $35,000 US. It got so bad finding babies left out to die the government put in drop-off stations where parents could leave the girl baby for pick up instead of leaving them out to die.

It will need a good researcher to determine the total number.

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I can't say for the next life but in this life, all we need to do is look at the prison population to see who is "more righteous" men or women. Facts vs. opinion here folks - In the USA the overwhelming majority of people in prison are men. An indicator that any logical person would have to concede, shows that men are less righteous at least when it comes to criminal activity, than women.

You can argue all you want that the judges / juries don't send women to prison as often, or they don't get caught as much, etc. but no argument can make up for that huge difference in numbers.

Project America: Crime: Prison Population

Depending on the sources found, it ranges from 90% to 96% men vs. 10% to 4% women.

That number is far to great to be ignored. Although the number of women in prison has just about doubled in the last ten years, the graph on that link above shows that the gap between the number of women vs. men is widening not narrowing.

Edited by WindRiver
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I had to chime in.

More male babies die in utero than women. This is a biological fact. Are those boy babies in the celestial kingdom? I would also think that more males die as warriors than women, so that in the last days, maybe there are a lot of righteous women, and few righteous men, because the men (good and bad) are warring and killing each other.

I have heard many, many times in church that women are more spiritual than men, and then the connotation is that they are more righteous. I think this is one of those things that people start saying that turns into a mormon legend/false doctrine, spread around the church.

My last thought, in studying human development in college, we were studying bullying and aggression in children. Most people think of a bully as a boy picking on a beating up a smaller, weaker boy or girl. Girls EQUALLY bully, they just have different methods. Boys tend to be aggressive and mean by calling each other names and beating up each other. Girls tend to be verbally aggressive by calling each other names and then socially excluding people by ignoring them and telling others that they are not allowed to play with so and so.

Also we have to be careful when reading things from scholars such as Hugh Nibley, or even prophets, that sometimes what they say is their opinion/speculation and still may not be doctrine. Brigham Young said things that are used against the church all the time about black people, and so did Bruce R McKonkie, but when Pres Kimball received the revelation for blacks (all worthy males) to receive the priesthood, Elder McKonkie had no problem immediately changing his opinion, and I don't think Pres Young would have had a problem either.

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I wonder if we took out ideas of conjecture such as women being more righteous and substituted items we have evidence for, what we could come up with?

Here is one: Women have a higher rate of attendance for religious services.

Perhaps from that we could surmise that:

1. Religion means more to women

2. Women believe in the tenets of religion more than men.

3. Women make better religious adherents.

Just a thought...

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This a somewhat of a repeat – I believe it is better for a man and a woman together in love for each other to error than it is for one to be right on their own without the other.

It really does not matter which is greater or more righteous if there is an inability for parents (or potential parents) to work together they both will fail and the entire family (as well as society) will suffer grave consequences.

Perhaps it is the odd notion that we “fall” in love seemingly without effort into relationships we are magically predetermined or predisposed to have. I believe the differences between man and woman are such that a marriage filled with love between a man and a woman is not a “natural” untendered event but must be achieved and only achieved by great personal sacrifice and extreme effort.

The Traveler

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I can't say for the next life but in this life, all we need to do is look at the prison population to see who is "more righteous" men or women. Facts vs. opinion here folks - In the USA the overwhelming majority of people in prison are men. An indicator that any logical person would have to concede, shows that men are less righteous at least when it comes to criminal activity, than women.

You can argue all you want that the judges / juries don't send women to prison as often, or they don't get caught as much, etc. but no argument can make up for that huge difference in numbers.

Project America: Crime: Prison Population

Depending on the sources found, it ranges from 90% to 96% men vs. 10% to 4% women.

That number is far to great to be ignored. Although the number of women in prison has just about doubled in the last ten years, the graph on that link above shows that the gap between the number of women vs. men is widening not narrowing.

You do realize that by that logic white men are more righteous then black men? And the rich more than the poor?

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You would have to look into percentages.

Black men are more greatly represented in US Prisons then White Men, and the poor more so than the rich. Or are you suggesting that after a certain gap then conclusions can be drawn? In which case, what is that gap?

Also, using the law to determine righteousness is flawed. Take for instance elective abortions, perfectly legal and thus women participating in abortions would not be represented in prison populations (nor would adulterers, liars and say college students who cheat on tests, of either gender). Also, by the metric of imprisonment Jesus Christ was unrighteous. The variables involved are a tad more complicated then looking at a graph/table and saying, "Yep, there is more of them in prison, ergo they are less righteous."

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I was just meaning the percentages of the whole population.

Blacks are disproportionally represented in prison: Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't have stats for economic representation just my dimly recollected understanding that the lower on the economic latter are more greatly represented.

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