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The President is launching a attempt to stop obesity is the coming generation. It's a good idea and the place to start is the schools. Some kids don't get any meals except the ones they get at school. Those two meals should be good ones. The school where I taught served all packaged meals. The "cooks" never cooked anything. All they did was open packages.

Since retirement I have been sub teaching here in my home county. For breakfast most kids pick donuts or muffins and chocolate milk instead of cereal or juice. Lunch may then be cheeseburgers and french fries with kids lined up at the candy machine. The first thing they need to do is serve better meals at schools. Take out candy, snack and pop machines. They don't need these things and having them there doesn't teach good eating habits.

It's an excellent idea and I hope they are successful.

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Take out candy, snack and pop machines. They don't need these things and having them there doesn't teach good eating habits.

Of course that's not the point of them, the point is revenue.

I do agree that school lunches could be a lot more healthy, and even if you don't remove the snack machines you can at least change up what is in them some.

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I think they would bring in just as much with a Gatorade instead of a Coke machine. There's a company in California that takes boxes of fruit around to businesses in place of the usual donuts. Maybe they should offer their service to the schools. They deliver 7,000 boxes a month. I'm sure they would be happy to have the additional customers.

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I think they would bring in just as much with a Gatorade instead of a Coke machine. There's a company in California that takes boxes of fruit around to businesses in place of the usual donuts. Maybe they should offer their service to the schools. They deliver 7,000 boxes a month. I'm sure they would be happy to have the additional customers.

Gatorade isn't particularly better for you than Coke. Even large amounts of juice can be problematic. Fresh fruit though is a good idea, some water and an apple or orange beats a Coke and Snickers.

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I think there are a lot of kids that would make wiser choices on snacks and foods if those options were available to them. My kids told me they had a machine in their high school that sold yogurt, muilti grain bars etc but they were always out. That tells me either 1) they don't fill them enough or 2) many kids are using those options verses the sugary variety of snacks.

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I wonder how much you can do. Given a choice, how many kids will choose to eat donuts over oatmeal or some other healthy cereal? And when you ultimately take that choice away from them, how many will just not eat anything at all? Then their parents will be all over the school about how they never serve food the kids will eat, so the schools end up serving less healthy meals. It's a viscious cycle. Good eating choices needs to be taught at home and carried over to school, it rarely starts at school and gets carried over to home.

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We never had a candy machine at any of my schools, and I went to several high schools. We did have 'hot lunches' that almost no one ever got, that included a salad bar. This was the meal that would be paid for if you were of a qualifying income. The a la carte menu was very popular, pizza and bagels.

Now here is where I see the problem. My parents have a very small income and rely entirely on food stamps for food for them and the three teenagers still at home. No one ever goes hungry, ever, and they still eat breakfast at home. You can give people better options and more food stamps and more programs, and they will still make dumb decisions that are not healthy, not all of them, but there is always the people who abuse the system, or ignore their kids needs or what have you. But I'm pretty happy with the food stamps program and income ceilings for it to tell you the truth and I know that my family back at home eat very healthy. I really don't think the system is to blame for the kids going hungry or being unhealthy, but the parents, and if they want to be idiots, they can be.

Also, I don't know any school that regularly supplies donuts for breakfast. This healthy foods campaign isn't new. They've had the presidential fitness test (not sure actual name) every year that I was in school.

Want to know what makes me really really mad though? I live in California and restaurants aren't allowed to serve foods with trans-fats anymore. My favorite nachos at my favorite place now taste horrible. HORRIBLE!!! I only got them about once a month (but so what if i got them everyday) but now I'll never be getting them again:(

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Also, I don't know any school that regularly supplies donuts for breakfast.

Try a number of high schools in the area I live in. I know my kids high school had them delivered every single morning. I know this because the distributor was the same that delivered to the convenience store I worked at.

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For breakfast most kids pick donuts or muffins and chocolate milk instead of cereal or juice.

Why does chocolate milk get such a bad rap?

Chocolate milk has substantial qualities that help improve your overall health. Studies show that when the two items, milk and chocolate, are combined, the nutritional benefits of each doubles their effects on your body. There is no real reason not to drink this ultimate kids’ drink as it has been proven to aid in all sorts of health benefits from prevention of cancer to helping your body build stronger muscle and bone. It makes the optimal drink not just after exercise, but any time to really aid your body in a number of ways. Chocolate milk and health - benefits of chocolate milk and your health | ChocolateMilk.com

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The main problem with chocolate milk is the sugar. Darigold chocolate milk has 31 grams of sugar per serving, that's compared to say, Tropicana OJ's 22 grams though on par with Mott's apple juice's 28 grams. Smith's 1% Milk has just 12 grams. Still better than a soda any way you look at it*.

Also most of the health benefits from chocolate come from eating dark chocolate, chocolate milk doesn't exactly qualify. And for the benefits from the milk, just drink the white stuff.

Calories in Darigold - 1% Chocolate Milk

Calories in Tropicana Beverages - Orange Juice Original

Calories in Mott's - 100% Apple Juice Original

* Which is probably your point. It is something kids are willing to drink and better for them then other choices they may make, so in that sense it's good, it has kids drinking milk. It's just the section your quoted from ChocolateMilk.com sounds like a gush for Acai or something.

Edited by Dravin
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The President is launching a attempt to stop obesity is the coming generation. It's a good idea and the place to start is the schools. Some kids don't get any meals except the ones they get at school. Those two meals should be good ones. The school where I taught served all packaged meals. The "cooks" never cooked anything. All they did was open packages.

Since retirement I have been sub teaching here in my home county. For breakfast most kids pick donuts or muffins and chocolate milk instead of cereal or juice. Lunch may then be cheeseburgers and french fries with kids lined up at the candy machine. The first thing they need to do is serve better meals at schools. Take out candy, snack and pop machines. They don't need these things and having them there doesn't teach good eating habits.

It's an excellent idea and I hope they are successful.

I make my kids' lunches and they never eat their fruit. So frustrating. Very doubtful they're eating the green beans offered when they buy lunch.

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Not just kids but adults to! When was the last time I have seen organized physical events for adults? I never heard of kids dieing from heart attacks. Never heard of them suffering from obisity releated health issue unless its diabetes.

I have taken it apon myself to work out by running, swimming and weight lifting and I am past 40 years of age.

So its time to get to it work out shed some pounds for a better you and your health :) I have shed 15 bls and getting ever so closer to my BMI!

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I would agree bcguy. But that isn't the point or the purpose of the OP. Though I would have to agree that if we, as adults, set better examples the next generation might not have the problems of obesity that is of concern.

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I think my comment was maybe too subtle.

For the record, I disagree with the Government (and our schools) being involved with anything like this. Because of subsedized and publicly funded lunches, some might feel that the government is justified in dictating the eating habits of those dependent on public assistance. But not every one is. Of course, if we embrace socialized healthcare, then we are basically inviting the government to dictate things of this nature for all of us, for the purpose of keeping healthcare costs down. It's not their role to begin with. I think it is diabolical for Americans to hand over the raising of their children and the regulation of their eating habits to the government.

What is next after that? I think we see a general trend with this President and govenrment to want to usurpt further authority over us than the Constitution allows them, because they think people are too dumb to make the right choices on their own, and they have to step in. That's not the American way. Americans want to be free, and quite honestly, I'd rather be dead than have someone regulate my every day choices.

Yes, staying fit is the right thing to do, and smoking is bad for you, we should all eat healthy, etc... But all that does not justify what amounts to more government regulation of our lives. It really is not the President's problem. I think it begins a slippery slope to an infringement of the freedom of our conscience (D&C 134:4-5). The President's duties are outlined in Article II Section 2 of the U.S. constitution. Basically he is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed services, has the power to grant reprieves and pardons, has the power to make treaties with Senate approval, appoints Ambassadors, Supreme Court judges, and all other Officers of the United States, appoints vacancies that may occur during the recess of the Senate, receives Ambassadors and other public Ministers, and takes care that the laws are faithfully executed (see FindLaw: U.S. Constitution: Article II).

We need to stop looking at the government to solve all the problems of society.



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I agree with you Vanhin, but I don't see it so much as the government trying to usurp authority. I think they see a lack and they are trying to fill in a gap. The problem is, this gap can only be filled by families.

The family unit is falling apart, and with that society. The government is trying to deal with the symptoms of this (like obesity) and having difficulty discovering the root of the problem. Many families just aren't doing their jobs anymore. Children grow up to think they need not respect authority because their parents give them no reason to respect them. They grow up making poor health choices, because their parents don't teach them the importance of their health. Etc. etc.

Many of the problems we see in our society, which the government is trying to fix with harsher laws and punishments, with more government funded programs and taxes, etc, CANNOT be solved this way. If we want to correct these problems, we need to correct the discord in our homes and take care of ourselves and our families.

People rely too heavily on others solving all their problems when it is US who must solve our own problems. We must take responsibility for our own actions and choices and teach our children to do the same.

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I definitely see a trend in the current and past governments to try to "take over" different segments of our society. It's not good. The current government is not even trying to hide it. I'm not interestied in giving them any more control, as insignificant and innocent as this may seem. They need to stay out of it. the truth is, they are not more capable of solving these problems than we are, and they prove it every day.

At the same time, I definetly agree with you, that things of this nature should be taught in homes and churches, and through other private organizations. That is the American way. We innovate and we do step up to meet the needs of others; unless we are ruined already with our dependence on "Big Brother" (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Brother_(Nineteen_Eighty-Four). Involving the government in solving problems like this leads to more problems in the end. What they need to focus on is maintaining our liberty, and let us be free. And that means if we choose to be fat and unhealthy, so be it. Freedom is more important that health and prosperity.



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It never ceases to amaze me whenever I enter a school area anymore. When I was in high school (this was only six years ago mind you) there were MAYBE two kids a class that would be considered overweight.

Now when I go into schools, about half of the class is obese, and a fourth are on the pudgy side. It's become so commonplace that it's pathetic. I'm not even sure how a kid becomes overweight, you couldn't make me sit down for more than 30 minutes at that age. I understand how adults can become obese because a lot of people's jobs require they be fairly sedentary.....but a kid?

I just want to beat these parents over the head repeatedly. I don't see how letting your child become obese is any different than starving your child. Obviously there are a FEW health reasons why a child's weight would be out of their control....but most people just make excuses that don't hold up.

I agree with Vanhin. Personal liberty is far more important than protecting our citizens from themselves.

On a side note; school employees don't get paid enough to do a parent's job. I understand there are kids that don't have proper family lives....but that doesn't make it okay to saddle the schools with yet MORE responsibilities that the parents aught to be taking care of themselves.

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I would feel a lot better if some authority other than ChocolateMilk.com were singing the praises of chocalate over white milk.

I wouldn't say that it is singing the praises over white milk just pointing out that chocolate milk is good for you too.

Chocolate Milk - Dairyland chocolate milk is made from fresh, wholesome milk to which cocoa and sugar are added. You may be surprised to learn that the amount of sugar in 1 glass of Dairyland chocolate milk is about the same as 1 glass of unsweetened orange juice. One cup of 1% chocolate milk provides the same amount of calcium and 14 other nutrients as 1 cup of 2% or 1% white milk. Dairyland chocolate milk is available in 250 mL, 500 mL, 1 L, 2 L, and 4 L sizes. Did you know that chocolate milk has the optimum carbohydrate to protein ratio and has been proven to provide the best body mass if used within 2 hours of a workout? Chocolate milk is an excellent source of nutrients and energy to consume after a physical activity.

ProductFamily Chocolate Milk Edited by Maureen
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but a kid?

My brother, who is 15, spends most of his free time playing X-Box 360. My other brother, who is 10, while still decently active, spends a large amount of time plopped in front of the idiot box.. I myself during my high school years spent my time reading and on the computer. Just hanging out with a friend or playing Legos isn't being appreciably active. I do remember though that when I was the younger brother's age I was wandering the woods and neighborhood around the house, walking over to the school and playing on the recess equipment and the like. But electronics can easily hold the attention of many a kid, and had I access/permission to do so I probably would have spent my time entirely on a console or the TV at 10.

Also even a fairly active kid can be overweight with poor food choices, and that just feeds on itself. You eat to many twinkies and you gain weight, that weight makes you less inclined to physical activity (can't run, jump or ride bikes as easily as you used to) but it certainly doesn't damage the taste of the twinkie.

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I don't know. Obesity is the fasting growing cause of preventable death (our schools spend time, teaching about the dangers of drugs and stds which are a drop in the bucket) We have regulated the crap out of the tobacco industry, doubling the price of a pack of smokes which goes to taxes, higher regulation on sales, advertising etc. And it has worked. Smoking related deaths have stayed the same and/or (depending on year) slightly declined (last i checked) while this obesity issue has grown to number 1 (iirc) for the world and number 2 for the states.

One thing i do want to say is I told you so. I remember saying the same things vahnin is saying when the came after "big" tobacco but most didn't seem to care. The door has been opened.

I suspect if the purpose is to overcome the problem this sort of control can be as effective as the anti tobacco legislation/ regulations. But for the price of freedom is it worth it?

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Totaly true. Most peeps don't know this including most doctors and scientists.

I even posted an article a while back in the health section that said that it's better to eat fruit than drink juice all the time as even freshly squeezed juice is mostly sugar. Moderation in all things also applies to fruit juice, as it's fine as an occasional treat.

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Fructose is actually a poison to the body when injested without fibre. Fructose is naturally present in a lot of fruits, however when we eat the fruit as a whole this fructose is a benefit. What happens when too much fructose is takin in without enough fibre... the signal that tells us we are full is delayed and therefore we eat a little then we normally would. This fructose for reasons I won't say here, has been added to many products in our grocery stores. For instance almost every kind of bread has fructose added.

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