For Jehova's Witnesses


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I wanted to know, if by any luck we have in our forum any members of the Jehova's Witnesses Organization, i find many things concerning their doctrine pretty questionable and interesting :hmmm: , and would want their participation in some of my questions.

Please answer this post if any, if not, let it be ignored. :backtotopic:

Nice day,


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I do not believe you will have success finding a Jehovah's Witness to engage you here, as they are discouraged from representing their faith on the web. For a brief explanation see the following:

There is an unofficial site called Jehovah's Witnesses United, but it is very cautious in what it offers, and also encourages visitors to go to the official site.

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Originally posted by Serg@Nov 30 2005, 10:48 AM

I wanted to know, if by any luck we have in our forum any members of the Jehova's Witnesses Organization, i find many things concerning their doctrine pretty questionable and interesting :hmmm: , and would want their participation in some of my questions.

Please answer this post if any, if not, let it be ignored.  :backtotopic:

Nice day,


Hi Serg,

I have a former JW friend who converted to LDS, He might be willing to talk to you. I'll see what i can do

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  • 2 months later...

ummmmm Im a Christian and have been all my life and am Not Jehovah Witness and never have been one! im new here so nice to meet you all here and i hope that im welcome??

well i have had the waitness knock on my door many times in diffrent places where i have lived i used to have waitness both sides as neighbours and always knock on my door every week.

i wanted to know more about the JW so i got a book from the Liburary today Called Opening The Door to Jehovah Witnesses

i was soooo Shocked!!!! when reading the things the JW belive in...

i will list some can you tell me if its true???


1)that JW belive that they will live forever on the earth and if you fall away from the Jw then god will kill you??

2)JW cant have friends outside of JW?


4) are banned to vote? and cant support the government full stop?

5) that Jw belive that every Religion is of Satan!! and esp belive that christians are!!!!

6)when the 2nd coming comes that every one that is Not a JW will be killed?

7 JW belive that birthday,Christmas,Easter,mothers day. fathers day, are BANNED and are a PAGAN CELEBRATION

8)JW are not allowed tp partake of the bread and wine ie the Sacrament ?

9)JW not allowed to see RELATIVES if not a JW?

10)JW dont belive that all christians are part of the new covenant.Only a Elect group of 144,000 are belived to go to heaven these are said to include the apostles but not FAITHFUL MEN OF OLD ?


12) JW will be Disfellowshiped if they break the rules?

13)JW not allowed to christen their children? have blood transfusions?

not allowed to do higher education and the pursuit of a career are frowned upon?????

14) JW women are not allowed to hold a position of any kind in thier congregation? banned from saying Grace at the dinner table?? unless there is a JW MAN THERE!!

15) JW door to door ministry is compulsory???

well the list goes on and on ...... i just wanted to know if its true???

Also there are alot of statements of men and women that have left the JW Or have been disfellowshipped that have gave a TRUE life inpression of anguish this can bring

I read one statement that made me Cry and really feelt for him...

I typed a letter resigning my responsibilities. I handed it to the elders.... I was bitter after 24 years of my life in which I gave up all personal goals. Being a ninth grade dropout, I had to eke out a living with minimum wage jobs. Now I look back and wonder how stupid it all was. Yet, the worst was to happen. The strain on my family during all this time, caused by my own physical and emotional breakdown was immense. My wife carried all the weight as I went downhill. I could barely work: my nerves were bad. I had three sensitive sons who were very affected by seeing their father treated so poorly by those who claimed to love their dad. Michael was particularly disturbed by all of this. He went downhill to the point where he just broke down and could not trust anyone and just hated himself. We tried everything, psychiatrists to family theropy for help. We begged the elders to come over to pray for my family and me but they were so cold towards these kind of emotional problems. Finally on Nov. 17/ 1982 Michael killed himself He was 16.

well guys i put this into a Ex Jw website the other day!!

you will find alot of Jw are not allowed to talk or become friends with anyone out side of there Jw thing best to go to a EX JW site they are very friendly :D

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ummmmm Im a Christian and have been all my life and am Not Jehovah Witness and never have been one! im new here so nice to meet you all here and i hope that im welcome??

well i have had the waitness knock on my door many times in diffrent places where i have lived i used to have waitness both sides as neighbours and always knock on my door every week.

i wanted to know more about the JW so i got a book from the Liburary today Called Opening The Door to Jehovah Witnesses

i was soooo Shocked!!!! when reading the things the JW belive in...

i will list some can you tell me if its true???


I grew up around Jehovah's Witnesses and have attended a few Kingdom Hall meetings, and even a convention. Yet, I'm certainly not the final expert--and am in fact, a hostile witness. But, here's my take:

1)that JW belive that they will live forever on the earth and if you fall away from the Jw then god will kill you?? TRUE. All non-JWs will be annihilated at the Day of Judgment.

2)JW cant have friends outside of JW? Acquaintences, yes, but not friends. "What has light to do with darkness.

3) DONT BELIVE THAT CHRIST IS A SON OF GOD?TRUE. Jesus was a human man, a great teacher, and prior to his birth, was likely the Angel Michael.

4) are banned to vote? and cant support the government full stop? TRUE. All governments are of the god of this world, Satan.

5) that Jw belive that every Religion is of Satan!! and esp belive that christians are!!!!TRUE. Christianity is often referred as Christendom, and cast in a negative light.

6)when the 2nd coming comes that every one that is Not a JW will be killed?TRUE. Go to the website and it will tell you that not only JWs, but also those who believed prior to the establishment of the Watchtower Society, and also those yet living who may come to the true faith. Bottom-line: Today you must be or become JW.

7 JW belive that birthday,Christmas,Easter,mothers day. fathers day, are BANNED and are a PAGAN CELEBRATION TRUE. Ironically, their historical information is largely true, but their conclusions have only gained traction with Halloween celebrations--many Christians no longer celebrate it.

8)JW are not allowed tp partake of the bread and wine ie the Sacrament ?I'm sketchy on this, but understand that only the JWs who are part of the 144,000 are allowed to actually partake, and that at most meetings none are.

9)JW not allowed to see RELATIVES if not a JW?This one is probably FALSE, UNLESS the relative was a Jehovah's Witness and became apostate (left the faith).

10)JW dont belive that all christians are part of the new covenant.Only a Elect group of 144,000 are belived to go to heaven these are said to include the apostles but not FAITHFUL MEN OF OLD ?I'm not sure on this one. Only the 144,000 go to heaven. All other JWs will live on a paradicical earth.


12) JW will be Disfellowshiped if they break the rules? Depends on the rule and severity of the breaking, but potentially true.

13)JW not allowed to christen their children? have blood transfusions? not allowed to do higher education and the pursuit of a career are frowned upon????? All pretty true.

14) JW women are not allowed to hold a position of any kind in thier congregation? banned from saying Grace at the dinner table?? unless there is a JW MAN THERE!!Don't know.

15) JW door to door ministry is compulsory??? Let's just say the ole spirituality will be seen as slipping, and the member will be considered as becoming inactive, should the door to door work reduce or stop.

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I always thought it was interesting that JW would come to my door. Why would they want to convert anyone and lower their chances of they themselves being one of the 144,000 who go to heaven? I remember them coming around when I was around 15 or so and telling me that it was okay to drink wine. All in all they seemed pretty friendly and weren't pushy.

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I always thought it was interesting that JW would come to my door. Why would they want to convert anyone and lower their chances of they themselves being one of the 144,000 who go to heaven? I remember them coming around when I was around 15 or so and telling me that it was okay to drink wine. All in all they seemed pretty friendly and weren't pushy.

The little flock will be made up of 144000 JWs who will rule in heaven. The Great Flock will be the millions of faithful Jehovah's Witnesses who will live on paradise earth. You were no threat to the elite little flock. :P

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QUOTE:"3) DONT BELIVE THAT CHRIST IS A SON OF GOD?TRUE. Jesus was a human man, a great teacher, and prior to his birth, was likely the Angel Michael." QUOTE PrisonChaplain

Also, they DO believe Jesus to be The Son of God, in fact, that He had Divine UPON Him(not WITHIN HIM), so he was more than a prophet, our SALVATION. BUT, for them, as Christ was the SON could not hence be the Father(who they say is the ONLY GOD) hence, they say Christ is a mere criature with powers allowed. But is NOT God himself, or having the FULL glory of the FATHER, but a mere administrator of such empire...even more, he was the angel Michael, the "Prince"of Israel, and every scripture portraying Christ as GOD(a lot) they turn to be speaking of The Father, and in John1:1-14, they say Christ was not GOD but "a god".

Please, this could sound familiar with our view of Christ, BUT IS NOT!!! we dont consider Christ a mere criature, but the CREATOR, nor "a god" but "A GOD", and not just an administrator, but THE GIVER of such administration, He is God with us, the SON, the SECOND(not in any order of glory or power, but of name mentioning) member of the Godhead.

Most christians share our view of Christ, the only difference is that they dont separate Him (substantially) from the Father. But in everything else, (aspects, attributes) we hold the same.

But our fellow JW have fallen into a deep trap, trying to erradicate the true image of Christ(not ours) but the very Bible's. But somehow, their organization increases more and more...

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It's been a few years so let me double check your answers PrisonChaplain. BTW - I was JW about 14 years ago. Look for the smilies to see additional comments.

<div class='quotemain'>

ummmmm Im a Christian and have been all my life and am Not Jehovah Witness and never have been one! im new here so nice to meet you all here and i hope that im welcome??

well i have had the waitness knock on my door many times in diffrent places where i have lived i used to have waitness both sides as neighbours and always knock on my door every week.

i wanted to know more about the JW so i got a book from the Liburary today Called Opening The Door to Jehovah Witnesses

i was soooo Shocked!!!! when reading the things the JW belive in...

i will list some can you tell me if its true???


I grew up around Jehovah's Witnesses and have attended a few Kingdom Hall meetings, and even a convention. Yet, I'm certainly not the final expert--and am in fact, a hostile witness. But, here's my take:

1)that JW belive that they will live forever on the earth and if you fall away from the Jw then god will kill you?? TRUE. All non-JWs will be annihilated at the Day of Judgment.

2)JW cant have friends outside of JW? Acquaintences, yes, but not friends. "What has light to do with darkness.

:excl: 3) DONT BELIVE THAT CHRIST IS A SON OF GOD?TRUE. Jesus was a human man, a great teacher, and prior to his birth, was likely the Angel Michael.

JWs do not believe in ANY form of Trinity and do not essentially deny the divine nature of Jesus, but rather believe Jesus is the first true Creation of Jehovah God and does Jehovah's bidding and thus is not the Almighty or THE God to worship.

4) are banned to vote? and cant support the government full stop? TRUE. All governments are of the god of this world, Satan.

5) that Jw belive that every Religion is of Satan!! and esp belive that christians are!!!!TRUE. Christianity is often referred as Christendom, and cast in a negative light.

:excl: 6)when the 2nd coming comes that every one that is Not a JW will be killed?TRUE. Go to the website and it will tell you that not only JWs, but also those who believed prior to the establishment of the Watchtower Society, and also those yet living who may come to the true faith. Bottom-line: Today you must be or become JW.

Actually, the second coming is already here. JW believe Jesus returned 'invisibly' to rule the Kingdom in 1914. When the war of Armedgon (sp) comes, then the wicked (ie, Non-JW) will be destoryed. If you have not heard the 'good news', then you get a second chance card (like LDS Paradise) to hear the gospel in the ressurection in the Paradise earth. If you deny it there or fall to Satans temptation after the 1,000 year, then you are uterrly destroyed.

7 JW belive that birthday,Christmas,Easter,mothers day. fathers day, are BANNED and are a PAGAN CELEBRATION TRUE. Ironically, their historical information is largely true, but their conclusions have only gained traction with Halloween celebrations--many Christians no longer celebrate it.

:excl: 8)JW are not allowed tp partake of the bread and wine ie the Sacrament ?I'm sketchy on this, but understand that only the JWs who are part of the 144,000 are allowed to actually partake, and that at most meetings none are.

True - and the 'Memorial' only takes place once a year to correspond with the Jewish calendar's passover.

9)JW not allowed to see RELATIVES if not a JW?This one is probably FALSE, UNLESS the relative was a Jehovah's Witness and became apostate (left the faith).

10)JW dont belive that all christians are part of the new covenant.Only a Elect group of 144,000 are belived to go to heaven these are said to include the apostles but not FAITHFUL MEN OF OLD ?I'm not sure on this one. Only the 144,000 go to heaven. All other JWs will live on a paradicical earth.


:excl: 12) JW will be Disfellowshiped if they break the rules? Depends on the rule and severity of the breaking, but potentially true.

If a JW wishes to repent, they need to submit to a displinary hearing in which their sincerity will be questioned and it will decided what action up to and including disfellowship will occur. A person can also 'disassociate' or rather fade away and are treated as if they were disfellowshiped without the hearing (like me!)

:excl: 13)JW not allowed to christen their children? have blood transfusions? not allowed to do higher education and the pursuit of a career are frowned upon????? All pretty true.

Baptism is only for believers and those willing and currently participating in field service (knocking on doors, bible studies, etc) so children aren't encouraged to be baptized. The reason for not pursuing a higher education is a)shows greed , why want a hirer paying job other than to buy stuff?, B) this system is going to end so spend time in field service than in classes.

:excl: 14) JW women are not allowed to hold a position of any kind in thier congregation? banned from saying Grace at the dinner table?? unless there is a JW MAN THERE!!Don't know.

Actually, on the prayer issue, a woman can say a prayer during a bible study but not during congregation meetings on Sunday. If she prays or teaches anyone with a baptized male publisher (JW) then she must where a head covering during the session. A woman can give a talk in the theocratic ministry school, but not the Sunday meeting, and when she does so it is presented to another sister or child on the stage and does not directly address to congregation (because there are men there).

:excl: 15) JW door to door ministry is compulsory??? Let's just say the ole spirituality will be seen as slipping, and the member will be considered as becoming inactive, should the door to door work reduce or stop. Can't get baptized without it and your lack of activity will be noticed by others and your invites to social situations will diminish.

Hope that helps!


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Hola Senior,

Munchas gracias por este pregunta.

Hello all,

First off, Serg, if you really want to talk about J.W. topics-I'd recommend going to a J.W. site. IMHO, they are the experts on their own religion and would likely have a deeper and more coherent explanation/rationalization of their beliefs than speculators. I have read quite a bit J.W. literature and regrettably threw away a New World Translation Bible that I had. :weep:

I have a passion for philosophy of religion and therefore seek out many different religious belief systems in an effort to become aware of others beliefs. I'm curious about your ideas about this question. From what I've read on this site, there is a lot of, "Oh those [insert church name here] are always trying to bad mouth us! They always teach the wrong stuff about what we believe. They're all just anti-Mormon." If this question was posed, in the way it has developed thus far, on a J.W. site directed at LDS beliefs, would that be considered "anti-Mormon"? I'm just trying to understand the similarities and the differences.

I am not a J.W. but I can share a little bit about what I do know about their beliefs. Admittedly, these statements are generally addressed and not specific to each individual. They are basically the teachings of that religious background. I'll start with some of their theological views. I caution you to confirm or correct these assertions with a true J.W.

-The church was stated by "Pastor" Charles Taze Russell. He was an evangelical turned skeptic.

-They view the bible is the written word of God, inspired by God's Spirit. It is the only infallible norm and that it is guaranteed to be without error.

-They feel there is no Trinity. Jesus is not God and there is no personal Holy Spirit.

-They believe death ends personal existence. They don't believe in the soul.

-They hold that there are two classes of Christians. The "anointed" class will go to heaven as spirit sons of God and those that are not.

-They believe a "great crowd" will be resurrected on earth and given an opportunity to live on earth forever. This will include all pre=Christian believes and most of those now living.

-They believe that there is only one true religious organization (it is administrated by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society). They follow that all believers must submit to this one true organization.

-They believe that salvation requires faith in Christ plus hard work. Although not something they readily profess, salvation is ultimately a matter of proving oneself worthy by changing one's life according to the Watchtower organization's directives.

-Only 144,000 are "born again." This "born again" is the same as the "anointed class." They are born again as a precondition of becoming spirits in heaven, not as a precondition of salvation.

-Christ is invisibly present. He will never actually return to the earth. His invisible presence began in 1914.

Well, I’ve gone on long enough. I really need some feedback from you all. I’m new here, I’m having a great time reading and posting but I’m afraid I’m clogging up the board. Have my posts been too long, boring, offensive, etc. Please let me know. I just ask that you speak the truth in love… :wacko:


Dr. T

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Hola Senior,

Munchas gracias por este pregunta.

Hello all,

First off, Serg, if you really want to talk about J.W. topics-I'd recommend going to a J.W. site. IMHO, they are the experts on their own religion and would likely have a deeper and more coherent explanation/rationalization of their beliefs than speculators. I have read quite a bit J.W. literature and regrettably threw away a New World Translation Bible that I had. :weep:

I have a passion for philosophy of religion and therefore seek out many different religious belief systems in an effort to become aware of others beliefs. I'm curious about your ideas about this question. From what I've read on this site, there is a lot of, "Oh those [insert church name here] are always trying to bad mouth us! They always teach the wrong stuff about what we believe. They're all just anti-Mormon." If this question was posed, in the way it has developed thus far, on a J.W. site directed at LDS beliefs, would that be considered "anti-Mormon"? I'm just trying to understand the similarities and the differences.

I am not a J.W. but I can share a little bit about what I do know about their beliefs. Admittedly, these statements are generally addressed and not specific to each individual. They are basically the teachings of that religious background. I'll start with some of their theological views. I caution you to confirm or correct these assertions with a true J.W.

-The church was stated by "Pastor" Charles Taze Russell. He was an evangelical turned skeptic.

-They view the bible is the written word of God, inspired by God's Spirit. It is the only infallible norm and that it is guaranteed to be without error.

-They feel there is no Trinity. Jesus is not God and there is no personal Holy Spirit.

-They believe death ends personal existence. They don't believe in the soul.

-They hold that there are two classes of Christians. The "anointed" class will go to heaven as spirit sons of God and those that are not.

-They believe a "great crowd" will be resurrected on earth and given an opportunity to live on earth forever. This will include all pre=Christian believes and most of those now living.

-They believe that there is only one true religious organization (it is administrated by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society). They follow that all believers must submit to this one true organization.

-They believe that salvation requires faith in Christ plus hard work. Although not something they readily profess, salvation is ultimately a matter of proving oneself worthy by changing one's life according to the Watchtower organization's directives.

-Only 144,000 are "born again." This "born again" is the same as the "anointed class." They are born again as a precondition of becoming spirits in heaven, not as a precondition of salvation.

-Christ is invisibly present. He will never actually return to the earth. His invisible presence began in 1914.

Well, I’ve gone on long enough. I really need some feedback from you all. I’m new here, I’m having a great time reading and posting but I’m afraid I’m clogging up the board. Have my posts been too long, boring, offensive, etc. Please let me know. I just ask that you speak the truth in love… :wacko:


Dr. T

Hi Dr. T.

I think your posts are great :sparklygrin: I like you,have studied many religions and I like you have gotten rid of some books and copies of the Bible I wished I had kept. I have many shelves of books and all kinds of Bibles but I have to make room sometimes. In fact I have 7 diffent copies of "The Book of Mormon". I collect books on all kinds of subjects. I love reading and learning about different religions. About J.W. I studied with them at one time and I have since gotten rid of the literature and Bible. you were correct in your answers as far as what Iwas taught. I think your posts are very informative. :wub:

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Thanks Dr.T, but JW in every aspect, always flee from good questions, they do not want to answer, nor even meditate on such, I preffer to ask ex members, or active ones that i consider wise and objective. I do not like fanatism in religion, it is not good, and us mormons if in something stand out, is in not making people feel they are completely wrong, or wrong at all always.

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Off JW Official Web site

Beliefs—God, Man, and the Future

The Bible

It is God's infallible, inspired Word, upon which Jehovah's Witnesses base all their beliefs. Some portions of the Bible are to be understood figuratively, or symbolically.—2 Timothy 3:16, 17; Revelation 1:1.


Jehovah is the name of the only true God, the Creator of all things. As such, he is worthy of our worship and devotion. His outstanding qualities are love, justice, wisdom, and power.—Psalm 83:18; 1 John 4:8; Revelation 4:11.


He is the Son of God. He came to earth from heaven and gave his perfect human life as a ransom sacrifice. His death and resurrection made salvation to eternal life possible for those exercising faith in him. He is now ruling as King of God's heavenly Kingdom, which will soon bring peace to the entire earth. Jesus never claimed equality with God and thus is not part of a Trinity.—John 3:16; 14:28; Revelation 11:15.

Sin and Death

Death is a result of sin inherited from the first man, Adam, who chose to disobey God. The original sin was not sex relations but was the deliberate disobedient act of eating of "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad." The dead are conscious of nothing. In the future, God through Jesus will resurrect the dead.—Genesis 2:17; Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10; John 11:25; Romans 5:12.


True worship emphasizes, not ritual and outward show, but spirit and truth. It is characterized by genuine love for God, obedience to his commandments, and love for one's fellowman. Jehovah's Witnesses do not use religious symbols, such as the cross, in their worship.—Matthew 22:37-39; John 4:24; 1 Corinthians 10:14.

God's Kingdom

It is the heavenly Kingdom for which Jesus taught all his followers to pray. Soon it will become the one government over all the earth and will solve mankind's pressing problems. The Bible does not give a date for these events, but it provides evidence to show that we are living in "the last days" of this troubled world.—2 Timothy 3:1-5; Daniel 2:44; Matthew 6:9, 10; 24:3-8, 36.


Jesus is God's appointed Judge who determines what each one's future will be. Those judged righteous will be given everlasting life on a paradise earth. Those judged unrighteous will not be tormented but will die and cease to exist. Humans are not responsible for this judgment, nor will they be involved when God takes action to remove all wickedness from the earth.—Proverbs 2:21, 22; John 5:22; Acts 17:30, 31; Revelation 21:3, 4.


The earth will never be destroyed or depopulated but will become a peaceful paradise.—Psalm 37:29; Isaiah 45:18; Luke 23:43.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...
Guest Ntando Muthwa

It is true theirs are very strange beliefs. This is especially when we read the scriptures and compare what we read with what they believe. But what can we say or do. We need not look with an eye of criticism, but rather do our best in the responsibility we have of being member missionaries. We should give them the freedom to worship in whatever way they want to, believe in whoever of whatever they will. Ours though is an even greater responsibility of establishing the Kingdom as instructed by Prophets past and present, bring souls unto Christ (for is their worth in His sight) and at the same time, bring ourselves to Him.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Guest Yediyd

ummmmm Im a Christian and have been all my life and am Not Jehovah Witness and never have been one! im new here so nice to meet you all here and i hope that im welcome??

well i have had the waitness knock on my door many times in diffrent places where i have lived i used to have waitness both sides as neighbours and always knock on my door every week.

i wanted to know more about the JW so i got a book from the Liburary today Called Opening The Door to Jehovah Witnesses

i was soooo Shocked!!!! when reading the things the JW belive in...

i will list some can you tell me if its true???


1)that JW belive that they will live forever on the earth and if you fall away from the Jw then god will kill you??

2)JW cant have friends outside of JW?


4) are banned to vote? and cant support the government full stop?

5) that Jw belive that every Religion is of Satan!! and esp belive that christians are!!!!

6)when the 2nd coming comes that every one that is Not a JW will be killed?

7 JW belive that birthday,Christmas,Easter,mothers day. fathers day, are BANNED and are a PAGAN CELEBRATION

8)JW are not allowed tp partake of the bread and wine ie the Sacrament ?

9)JW not allowed to see RELATIVES if not a JW?

10)JW dont belive that all christians are part of the new covenant.Only a Elect group of 144,000 are belived to go to heaven these are said to include the apostles but not FAITHFUL MEN OF OLD ?


12) JW will be Disfellowshiped if they break the rules?

13)JW not allowed to christen their children? have blood transfusions?

not allowed to do higher education and the pursuit of a career are frowned upon?????

14) JW women are not allowed to hold a position of any kind in thier congregation? banned from saying Grace at the dinner table?? unless there is a JW MAN THERE!!

15) JW door to door ministry is compulsory???

well the list goes on and on ...... i just wanted to know if its true???

Also there are alot of statements of men and women that have left the JW Or have been disfellowshipped that have gave a TRUE life inpression of anguish this can bring

I read one statement that made me Cry and really feelt for him...

I typed a letter resigning my responsibilities. I handed it to the elders.... I was bitter after 24 years of my life in which I gave up all personal goals. Being a ninth grade dropout, I had to eke out a living with minimum wage jobs. Now I look back and wonder how stupid it all was. Yet, the worst was to happen. The strain on my family during all this time, caused by my own physical and emotional breakdown was immense. My wife carried all the weight as I went downhill. I could barely work: my nerves were bad. I had three sensitive sons who were very affected by seeing their father treated so poorly by those who claimed to love their dad. Michael was particularly disturbed by all of this. He went downhill to the point where he just broke down and could not trust anyone and just hated himself. We tried everything, psychiatrists to family theropy for help. We begged the elders to come over to pray for my family and me but they were so cold towards these kind of emotional problems. Finally on Nov. 17/ 1982 Michael killed himself He was 16.

well guys i put this into a Ex Jw website the other day!!

you will find alot of Jw are not allowed to talk or become friends with anyone out side of there Jw thing best to go to a EX JW site they are very friendly :D

WOW! I am Sooooooooo sorry for your loss!!! I am in tears for Michael. God will heal him and you.
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  • 7 months later...

I am dating an ex-JW. He was disfellowshipped and since his family is still all active he can't talk to any of them. He wants to go back and become active again and I want to support him in doing this, but at the same time I'm kinda scared.

Right now he is going with me to my services. But has not been impressed at all and still thinks that we're wrong and what the JWs believes is right. He even talked with the missionaries, but they had a hard time answering his questions. His biggest issue is that we celebrate Christmas...Does anyone know how I can explain this to him? How we celebrate it yes, but not as a pagan holiday? Please help!

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This group believes that only faithful Jehovah's Witnesses, and perhaps some of the pre-JW faithful will survive the Day of Judgment and Armaggedon. Everyone else will be annhilated (no eternal hell). So, unless you believe they are the truth, you'll have to do the patient work of bringing your bf to a place of being at peace with not being a JW. IMHO, Christmas is but one of many doctrines and issues you'll have to work through.

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Guest Malcolm


I am not sure he asks questions with the true intent of learning or analyzing new information. I think that if he wants to get back to his congregation you should let him. Now if you do not share his faith you are wasting your time as well as walking on very thin ice by dating him. You should not compromise your faith and your beliefs because you may be attracted to and feel infatuated by this person. It is certainly not love (I do not read that in your post).

JW's hold on to and have created thru altering the standard texts an interpretation of the bible to fit their own view of deity and humanity. I am of the opinion that arguments have no place when addressing issues of faith. He wants to go back to his family and his religious community. You should let him and do yourself the same as well if you do not agree with his.

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