Kangaroos forced to box


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There is a show held at the BorderFest festival in Hidalgo, Texas, called Rocky Show Circus, involving two kangaroos and their owner, Javier Martinez, who dons a clownsuit. The show which is the star attraction at a festival in the US sees a Red Kangaroo forced into fighting a human clown. The festival is designed to celebrate Australia and is sponsored by Kraft, the US owners of Vegemite.

I wish to express my sheer disgust at the boxing Kangaroo show in the USA that Kraft is sponsoring. How dare they encourage the cruel treatment of any animal and in this case a Kangaroo being teased, restrained and frightened by a stupid “Human Being???” in a clown suit. :mad:

How can they say that this act of cruelty celebrates Australia? :duh:

Of course, we know that if the Kangaroo disembowels this clown there will be outrage and the poor roo would be put down while the humans involved would take no responsibility for animal cruelty.

Typically animals are blamed whenever there is a problem however when you really look behind the animal 'problem' you will find a stupid “Human Being” involved in someway.

I am so disappointed in Kraft - so much so I refuse to buy their products here in Australia. Please stop condoning animal cruelty now!

Shame on "Rocky's Boxing Kangaroo Circus Show" and to those featuring this sick show to play in their town.

:nosign: to animal cruelty

How could anyone hurt one of God's beautiful animals - look at this fellow isn't he simply stunning? :)

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These Kangaroos should seek sanctuary in Canada. It is wrong to make them box or watch Pauly Shore movies. This cruelty must be stopped!!!

Even those Kangaroos into bondage, like in that song "Tie me Kangaroo down mate..", are basically lovers and not boxers.

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Sounds like it's pretty harmless:

We feature THE SENSATION OF THE 21ST CENTURY. ROCKY, THE BOXING KANGAROO! this is a comedy routine with ROCKY simulating a boxing match with his opponent (the trainer) for 3 rounds. the act involves ROCKY boxing, setting back on his haunches and kicking, and all the while making the audience believe that he is indeed THE CHAMPION! With a choke hold for a finish, ROCKY is "of course the WINNER"!

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I have a hard time with anything like this. I've heard of kangaroo boxing. Ranks up there to me with cock fighting and dog fighting.

Um...except there isn't any REAL boxing going on...and it sounds like a Kangaroo simulating boxing with a person, not twp roo's doing a beatdown on each other.

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Good news!:)

The show has been cancelled due to outcry from various people and animal protection groups across the world. Way to go - animals need us to be their voicepiece - I hope this means the roos will be taken off the clown and put somewhere safe. I only hope the bears and other animals being treated cruely elsewhere can also be protected -

Um...except there isn't any REAL boxing going on...and it sounds like a Kangaroo simulating boxing with a person, not twp roo's doing a beatdown on each other.

bytor - It is more than that - it's downright cruelty here's a link that shows the boxing scene plus an article on the cancellation. Kraft-sponsored kangaroo boxing cancelled after outcry from PETA activists | News.com.au

It is also dangerous practice for the stupid clown - Kangaroos can in defense disembowel an animal by catching their attacker with their forepaws and kicking with their powerful hind legs. The roo's in the show are frightened and it would take a split second for it to respond in defense to that fear. :o

On Wikipedia it says "Kangaroos are shy and retiring by nature, and in normal circumstances present no threat to humans. Male kangaroos often "box" amongst each other, playfully, for dominance, or in competition for mates. The dexterity of their forepaws is utilised in both punching and grappling with the foe, but the real danger lies in a serious kick with the hindleg. The sharpened hind claws can disembowel an opponent." Kangaroo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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There is a show held at the BorderFest festival in Hidalgo, Texas, called Rocky Show Circus, involving two kangaroos and their owner, Javier Martinez, who dons a clownsuit. The show which is the star attraction at a festival in the US sees a Red Kangaroo forced into fighting a human clown. The festival is designed to celebrate Australia and is sponsored by Kraft, the US owners of Vegemite.

I wish to express my sheer disgust at the boxing Kangaroo show in the USA that Kraft is sponsoring. How dare they encourage the cruel treatment of any animal and in this case a Kangaroo being teased, restrained and frightened by a stupid “Human Being???” in a clown suit. :mad:

How can they say that this act of cruelty celebrates Australia? :duh:

Ah, the sweet science, that pugilistic marvel, kangaroo boxing. I've often lamented the appalling paucity of quality kangaroo boxing.

I've always said two things:

1. Germans love David Hasselhoff, and

1. You can't get too much kangaroo boxing.

... and least there's no shortage of aardvark aerobics.

Brought to you my KangooBox, KangooBox is a Registered Trade Mark of the Marsupial Corporation.

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I love how Kraft spun this one...no denial of knowledge that the show would include kangaroo boxing, and simply deflecting the blame squarely onto the shoulders of the organisers.

"Following widespread publicity, Kraft released a statement on today saying it was pleased the event had been cancelled.

"We understand the BorderFest Association, which organises this annual cultural celebration, has apologised for offending anyone, particularly the people of Australia, with the kangaroo boxing display," said Kraft spokesman Simon Talbot.

"That portion of the event has been cancelled.

"Kraft Foods is pleased they've taken this proactive stance."

There's a reason I no longer buy Kraft products. Dick Smith's version of Vegemite is better anyway! :D

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I for one was appalled and disturbed to learn of the ghastly violence aimed at the lovely kangaroo. If you dare, try and picture the specter of a 6 foot 7," 200 lb. kangaroo rough housing with the Ronald McDonald clown.


I was so shocked and saddened to learn of this injustice that I decided to do a little research. I was mortified to learn that kangaroo boxing is only the start of it. If you are of age and able to withstand the heinous and unspeakable atrocity...

Let's pray that someone has the courage to do something about it.

On an unrelated note: I just love Triscuit and Ritz Crackers served with some Cracker Barrel Cheese and Oscar Mayer Salami slices. Buy Kraft products today.

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I think you need a stronger disclaimer. I feel slightly queasy after being subjected to that.

On an unrelated note: I just love Triscuit and Ritz Crackers served with some Cracker Barrel Cheese and Oscar Mayer Salami slices. Buy Kraft products today.

That sounds good... or at least it would if I wasn't still queasy.

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I am so disappointed in Kraft - so much so I refuse to buy their products here in Australia. Please stop condoning animal cruelty now!

Shame on "Rocky's Boxing Kangaroo Circus Show" and to those featuring this sick show to play in their town.

Perhaps if we all join in unity and boycott Kraft Foods we can drive down their business revenues and force some employee layoffs. When those laid off workers lose their health insurance and default on their mortgages, then they'll be sorry for sure. If we are really successful, maybe the stock price will crash and some retiree pensions will be worthless.

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Hi, Snow.

I agree: someone should do something about this!

Kangaroos shouldn't have to box: they should be allowed to roam free in the wild, and do this all day:

Oh, wait...

Animal behaviour in a natural setting is a tad different to having someone aggravate a kangaroo deliberately in the hope of creating an aggressive spectacle.

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I for one was appalled and disturbed to learn of the ghastly violence aimed at the lovely kangaroo. If you dare, try and picture the specter of a 6 foot 7," 200 lb. kangaroo rough housing with the Ronald McDonald clown.


I was so shocked and saddened to learn of this injustice that I decided to do a little research. I was mortified to learn that kangaroo boxing is only the start of it. If you are of age and able to withstand the heinous and unspeakable atrocity...

Let's pray that someone has the courage to do something about it.

On an unrelated note: I just love Triscuit and Ritz Crackers served with some Cracker Barrel Cheese and Oscar Mayer Salami slices. Buy Kraft products today.

Haw-haw. You are a hoot. It's also worth mentioning that the idiot who put on the 'show' for Kraft was investigated for animal cruelty after two other kangaroos in his possession died of a treatable disease he didn't bother to take care of.

Animal cruelty is ever so amusing and trivial - tee-hee.

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Perhaps if we all join in unity and boycott Kraft Foods we can drive down their business revenues and force some employee layoffs. When those laid off workers lose their health insurance and default on their mortgages, then they'll be sorry for sure. If we are really successful, maybe the stock price will crash and some retiree pensions will be worthless.

You can do whatever you want to support the status-quo in the US of A. In Australia I'll be buying Dick Smith products for the opposite reason.

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Haw-haw. You are a hoot. It's also worth mentioning that the idiot who put on the 'show' for Kraft was investigated for animal cruelty after two other kangaroos in his possession died of a treatable disease he didn't bother to take care of.

Animal cruelty is ever so amusing and trivial - tee-hee.

Ah - sarcasm. I get it.

Try and keep it in perspective. The issue at hand was about getting a large kangaroo to rough-house with a clown, not failure to treat a disease. It sounds about as harmful as putting your 8 year old daughter karate classes.

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You can do whatever you want to support the status-quo in the US of A. In Australia I'll be buying Dick Smith products for the opposite reason.

Absolutely. That's the point. If we all get behind you we can probably get some employees laid off, take away their health benefits and cause them to lose their mortgages. That will really show how atrocious it is make animals wrestle with clowns.

Next I say we go after the seeing eye dog industry. An enlightened citizenry should not allow slavery,

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Then we start getting into police dogs, dogs that go into areas devastated by natural or man made conditions to sniff out cadavers. After all, we are putting them at extreme risk.

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Hi, MsQwerty.

Animal behaviour in a natural setting is a tad different to having someone aggravate a kangaroo deliberately in the hope of creating an aggressive spectacle.

To you, there is a difference.

To the kangaroo, there is no difference. He reacts to a human trainer the same way he reacts to a competing male in the wild (which is why I attached that video).

If the trainer had been beating up on the kangaroo or malnourishing the kangaroo or running Frankenstein experiments on the kangaroo, I would agree fully with you. But, the trainer deliberately refrained from landing a single punch, and, if you watch the video, did not "aggravate" the kangaroo: the kangaroo came out swinging while the trainer's back was turned!

Letting oneself get pummeled by a wild animal in front of a crowd while taking measures to prevent serious injury simply is not animal abuse in my book.

Any actual abuse that did occur here was of such a small measure as to be a complete waste of effort to try to rectify. If animal abuse really upsets you, focus on Michael Vick and commercial pork farms.

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Ah - sarcasm. I get it.

Try and keep it in perspective. The issue at hand was about getting a large kangaroo to rough-house with a clown, not failure to treat a disease. It sounds about as harmful as putting your 8 year old daughter karate classes.

The perspective here is that the same person antagonising the kangaroo for entertainment, is the same one who couldn't even be bothered providing necessary, lifesaving veterinary care for other 'Roos in his care. This kangaroo may very well meet the same fate.

There's no point discussing the mistreatment of a kangaroo with anyone who clearly considers its life and dignity to be worthless. Apparently it's all good for a joke though.

Carry on.

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