National Infertility Awareness Week


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Hmmmm, I wasn't aware of that. I guess they're making special weeks for everything these days.

Eventually they'll run out of weeks and start double booking. I'm waiting for an amusing double booking like maybe putting National Infertility Awareness week on the same week as National Contraceptive Week or possibly national childless couple week.

Though I suppose if they move to days that buys them a little more time. Still, National Spousal Abuse Awareness Day and National Boxing Appreciation Day has some snerk potential.

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I think it is great that they have a week for Infertility. There are so many couples out there that are struggling with it, it sometimes is nice to have someone else to talk to about it. My husband and I are coming up on 10 years of trying, hopefully through IVF we might get pregnant before we hit the full 10 years. We should know by the end of May. Thank you for posting this.

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I wish you the best of luck, Tarnished :]

It does seem like we have an awareness day/week/month for just about anything these days but I don't see any harm in it. Especially when it's an event highlighting and bringing "awareness" to an incurable disease or lifelong disability. I think if people had a little more understanding of some of these issues, society might be a little kinder and a little more tolerant of those struggling with them.

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I think it is awesome that there is a awareness for infertility. People who are able to conceive don't understand the challenge of not being able to get pregnant. It took us two years to get pregnant (I am 12 weeks today) and people would say things like, "oh you can just adopt" or my personal favorite "Well maybe you just don't have enough faith". Adoption cures being childless not infertility. Plus it is not like there is a abundance of babies just floating around waiting for homes. Sometimes I think being a member of the Church can at times make the pain worse. You are constantly told that motherhood is your divine role and children are one of the greatest blessings. I use to question my worth because I could not get pregnant. I know that Heavenly Father loves me and wants the best for me but it can be hard to see that sometimes....especially if your desires are righteous. Now that I am pregnant I could not be happier and I truly am thankful for this blessing. Tarnished I hope the IVF works for you and you will be in my prayers.

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I think it is awesome that there is a awareness for infertility. People who are able to conceive don't understand the challenge of not being able to get pregnant. It took us two years to get pregnant (I am 12 weeks today) and people would say things like, "oh you can just adopt" or my personal favorite "Well maybe you just don't have enough faith".

While I have been blessed to have a daughter of my own, I have some dear friends who aren't able to conceive. They've heard pretty much everything. Their favorite is, "Maybe you just need to adopt because then you'll be less stressed about not being able to have kids, and you'll conceive. Stress can prevent it, you know. I have [insert number here] friend(s) who went through the exact same thing as you, and as soon as they adopted, they got pregnant!"

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I am one of those. Was told I had 1 in a million chance of getting pregnant..adopted my daughter. When she was 13 months old, found out I was pregnant with twins.

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With us my husband was sterilized by chemo therapy. So when people say to us, "Maybe you just need to relax, I know so and so who adopted and then they got pregnant." And I say, "Well that is nice for them, but since my husband physically can not get me pregnant then I doubt that will work for us. We will just try science first and if that doesn't work then we will adopt." I am just glad that we have vials saved from before he started the chemo.

It is aggravating, and frustrating, and so very difficult. When I watched the song that Confuzzled posted I bawled my eyes out. And even now, I have mixed feelings about getting pregnant. I want to get pregnant so bad, but if I do I feel almost guilty because I am getting pregnant while there are so many others out there who can't. Then again with all the shots that go with it, I think you really have to want it pretty badly to go through IVF.

For me I feel that I have been able to be strong over the years, and yet it has been so difficult for me as well. I am the oldest of my siblings, and I have been married the longest, but both of my siblings (who are 5 and 6 years younger than me) are now married with kids, and we are still childless. It can't help but hurt, even as I am happy for them.

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With us my husband was sterilized by chemo therapy. So when people say to us, "Maybe you just need to relax, I know so and so who adopted and then they got pregnant." And I say, "Well that is nice for them, but since my husband physically can not get me pregnant then I doubt that will work for us. We will just try science first and if that doesn't work then we will adopt." I am just glad that we have vials saved from before he started the chemo.

It is aggravating, and frustrating, and so very difficult. When I watched the song that Confuzzled posted I bawled my eyes out. And even now, I have mixed feelings about getting pregnant. I want to get pregnant so bad, but if I do I feel almost guilty because I am getting pregnant while there are so many others out there who can't. Then again with all the shots that go with it, I think you really have to want it pretty badly to go through IVF.

For me I feel that I have been able to be strong over the years, and yet it has been so difficult for me as well. I am the oldest of my siblings, and I have been married the longest, but both of my siblings (who are 5 and 6 years younger than me) are now married with kids, and we are still childless. It can't help but hurt, even as I am happy for them.

I have a hard time going to my nieces and nephews birthday parties. I am so happy for them but I can't help but think that my kids are missing from the grandkids. Christmas was super hard for me this year...and I really did not want to be around anyone. We went to Monkey Jo's for my nephews party last week and since I did not have any children they put a big fat zero on my wrist band. I wanted to burst out in tears but held it together. Seeing all those children run around makes my heart ache. Even though I am pregnant the feelings still have not went away.

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I have a hard time going to my nieces and nephews birthday parties. I am so happy for them but I can't help but think that my kids are missing from the grandkids. Christmas was super hard for me this year...and I really did not want to be around anyone. We went to Monkey Jo's for my nephews party last week and since I did not have any children they put a big fat zero on my wrist band. I wanted to burst out in tears but held it together. Seeing all those children run around makes my heart ache. Even though I am pregnant the feelings still have not went away.

I am sure they haven't, and I am sure it will take awhile for them to go away. We ended up moving into the ward that I grew up in and I often find myself seeing the girls who I was in young women with, and most of them have three or four children, and I think, how many years have I missed? How old could my children be at this point? It is difficult to handle. I think Mother's day is the worst though. Especially when they make you stand up. After awhile of us not getting pregnant when we were first married they put us in the nursery, as if being around so many little kids could jump start things. We stayed in nursery even through moving towns and wards. That was difficult. But I think it got me a bit used to the kids and not as bothered by them.

Last weekend I went to visit my parents and my brother and sister in law who are visiting my parents for the summer. My brother and SIL just had a new baby and I spent most of Saturday holding her. I remember thinking how wonderful it will be to hold my own baby once we get pregnant or adopt. It is that hope that we will one day have children that keeps me sane.

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I am one of those. Was told I had 1 in a million chance of getting pregnant..adopted my daughter. When she was 13 months old, found out I was pregnant with twins.

I have a friend from high school who tried and tried, finally adopted, and a week later found out that she was 7 or 8 weeks pregnant. I know that it does happen; I just hate it when people offer it as a solution to a medical problem.

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Hmmmm, I wasn't aware of that. I guess they're making special weeks for everything these days.

actually this would seem to be better than national arse day (altho i'm pretty sure that that is more an underground type thing rather than official)... At least in name anyways, but taking a moment to think about and give best wishes to those who can't have kids seems to be a nice thing to me.
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