Sad And Terrible Thing


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"When I talked to the police, they said they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and it's sad because they didn't know the area. They don't know the area. They just go." she said.

Why not know the area? These are kids. Often clueless ones raised in a sheltered middle class environment. There are some areas, during certain times, or any time, where you just don't go there.

Who are the people in charge of those kids? Because frankly, it sounds like they screwed up bigtime. As sad as this is I am more PO'd at some idiot leaders.

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Originally posted by sgallan@Jan 3 2006, 07:15 PM

"When I talked to the police, they said they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and it's sad because they didn't know the area. They don't know the area. They just go." she said.

Why not know the area? These are kids. Often clueless ones raised in a sheltered middle class environment. There are some areas, during certain times, or any time, where you just don't go there.

Who are the people in charge of those kids? Because frankly, it sounds like they screwed up bigtime. As sad as this is I am more PO'd at some idiot leaders.

Geeze thanks Mr. Compassion. Maybe you can go sue somebody.

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How compassionate are you towards the "parents" of those who take their eye of their kids while they drown in a swimming pool. If I take my kid rock climbing (yes we rock climb) and I do not have her properly protected..... she dies.... what do you think of me?

Why don't you give you kids, or grankids, something sharp to play with, and get back to me.

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I believe you are smart enough to know this.....and also....I am a parent of a son serving a mission in another part of the world....and also those young men did not screw up as you put it.

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Actually, I'm not sure but in all fairness I think sqallan was talking about the people in charge of the kids screwed up (in the quote below).

"Who are the people in charge of those kids? Because frankly, it sounds like they screwed up bigtime. As sad as this is I am more PO'd at some idiot leaders."

Is there time spent informing missionaries of what areas of a town are safe vs. unsafe? I've always wondered that... will have to ask DH.

It's one thing to serve a mission where you grew up and are familiar with, but these guys are sent to parts of the US or world that they've never seen before most of the time. I'd be scared of that, as a parent.

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As you become more informed you will find that where they were is a nice neighborhood. Avg income in neighborhood is 50K plus. Lots of homeowners in the area.

A tragic example of in the wrong place wrong time. An attempted murder was happening and they came around the corner and witnessed it. Attacker turned the gun on witnesses. Man being shot at left the area and shooter too.

Mission Presidents tell the missionaries where they can work and the bad neighborhoods they are told to be out of by certain times or not to go there. That doesn't keep 19-21 year olds from thinking that they know better. That did not happen in this case. Happened very much like being in a bank while it was being robbed and getting shot.

They were not in a bad place but bad guys were there.

That does not make it any less tragic. I am sure that the Mission President and his wife feel almost as bad as the parents. They are like foster parents to these missionaries. After over 30 years I am still on contact with my Mission President and his wife.

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I lived in VA and that is not a bad area.. Seth you live there to, what are your thoughts?

We had a crazy man in a car the other night just sitting in front of our house, he sat there for several hours. When my hubby got home he left, it was all to wierd. There are crazy people every where you cannot change that...

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Originally posted by Faerie@Jan 4 2006, 04:42 PM

Can anyone link me w/ the news they were witnesses?

This obviously is a big subject on many of my message boards and I really feel for the families involved. The elder that died was going home in April I think. :(

I guess when they came around the corner they walked right into a mess...a guy was getting ready shot shoot another man and then saw them and shot them...the other guy got away so did the killer
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Originally posted by Faerie@Jan 4 2006, 06:42 PM

Can anyone link me w/ the news they were witnesses?

This obviously is a big subject on many of my message boards and I really feel for the families involved. The elder that died was going home in April I think. :(

Sure, from the first thread we had on this subject:

Two Mormon missionaries were shot in Chesapeake Monday night. One of those missionaries died in the early morning hours on Tuesday. The other is in good condition at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital.

It happened just after 6:00 p.m. on Elkhart Street in the Deep Creek section of Chesapeake. Police say it all started when two men were arguing in the middle of Elkhart.

One of the men whipped out a gun and shot at the other man, but the man was not hit. Police say the "victim" pretended to be shot and fell to the ground. That's when the two missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints turned the corner and witnessed the shooting.

The man with the gun then shot the missionaries. One of the men was shot in the head; the other was shot twice in the neck and shoulder. The second man limped to a nursing home and called medics for help.

The shooter ran away and witnesses say they last saw him run through some woods towards Janie Lynn Court.
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My thoughts.

The missionary is the representitive of Christ and His Church. The elders are sent throughout the earth to seek out children of Heavenly Father who will hear His word and seek to Obey His law. They are there to serve God's children and to bless them, and comfort them. They are to be as Christ like as humanly possible.

What do we know? We know that someone was about to die...we know someone was about to murder...and then two Servants of the Lord rounded the corner.

I am reminded of the scripture "Greater love hath no man than this..." I am reminded that the Lord's house is a house of order.

Perhaps...just perhaps, the Lord saw what was about to happen and out of mercy and compassion for either the would be victim ....or the would be killer, sent two of His most worthy and rightious servents to take the place of those who would not be ready for judgement.

Perhaps these events will stir into motion the things that need to happen in order to bring either the killer or the intended victim unto repentance?

We dont know the mind of the Lord. His ways are not our ways. Weep not for the servant of the Lord who dies in His service. Weep for those who are not yet reconciled with the Lord.

Another thought, perhaps an innocent victim, like a small child, or someone outside simply working in thier front yard would have been struck and killed by a stray bullet fired in their direction if not for the Elders causing a distraction which resulted in the rounds being fired in a different direction....

The Lord doesnt waste His materials. His servants played a very important role in some greater good that we are simply not aware. And only He and the elder that now recieves all that is His know what that greater good is...

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It would have been nice of the Lord,(if there really is one) to have protected everyone concerned, rather than your explanation Setheus. I used to be a member a long time ago. I was told the holy priesthood protects the lives of its members. It doesnt appear to me anyway, that this happens as explained to me. Why would two o innocent young elders need to be 'SANCTIFIED" by the loss of their lives at the hand of a killer? They werent hurting anyone and at the very least, trying to help people. Id call this a RANDOM act of violence, but things like this make me doubt even more, the truthfulness of the bible, the truthfulness of the church,and the existence of a loving higher power. This thing makes me sad. I remember the Mother and Father who were members who were killed by their own son, he shot them to death. It has made me doubt,,doubt, doubt every thing i was ever taught.

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There is a time for every purpose under heaven...including human life. It isn't in God's eternal plan for mankind to inhabit the earth throughout eternity. Eternal life will continue in the hereafter; therefore, those who came to earth to receive a body will live out their life as it was preordained, then return to our Heavenly Father to dwell with Him forever...if we are worthy.

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Originally posted by GRR8@Jan 5 2006, 09:03 PM

It would have been nice of the Lord,(if there really is one) to have protected everyone concerned, rather than your explanation Setheus. I used to be a member a long time ago. I was told the holy priesthood protects the lives of its members. It doesnt appear to me anyway, that this happens as explained to me. Why would two o innocent young elders need to be 'SANCTIFIED" by the loss of their lives at the hand of a killer? They werent hurting anyone and at the very least, trying to help people. Id call this a RANDOM act of violence, but things like this make me doubt even more, the truthfulness of the bible, the truthfulness of the church,and the existence of a loving higher power. This thing makes me sad. I remember the Mother and Father who were members who were killed by their own son, he shot them to death. It has made me doubt,,doubt, doubt every thing i was ever taught.

The truth is Jesus (John 14:6). The Bible explicates that truth. Jesus died for our sins, but he also said that what's necessary for the Master may be necessary for the servants--after all we are not greater than He. Sure enough, all but one of the disciples died in the service of Jesus. The one, John the Revelator, was exiled to a prison island.

We're not commanded to look for death, or seek martyrdom. However, those blessed to partake will receive special rewards. It is a gift from the Father. I remember one WWII vet, who was a POW. He was badly beaten by his captors, because the discovered he had a contraband New Testament. When he woke up from his beating, three days later, he asked, "Why Lord?" The response?

That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; Philippians 3:10 KJV

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Originally posted by GRR8@Jan 5 2006, 09:03 PM

It would have been nice of the Lord,(if there really is one) to have protected everyone concerned, rather than your explanation Setheus. I used to be a member a long time ago. I was told the holy priesthood protects the lives of its members. It doesnt appear to me anyway, that this happens as explained to me. Why would two o innocent young elders need to be 'SANCTIFIED" by the loss of their lives at the hand of a killer? They werent hurting anyone and at the very least, trying to help people. Id call this a RANDOM act of violence, but things like this make me doubt even more, the truthfulness of the bible, the truthfulness of the church,and the existence of a loving higher power. This thing makes me sad. I remember the Mother and Father who were members who were killed by their own son, he shot them to death. It has made me doubt,,doubt, doubt every thing i was ever taught.

I wonder if the man who's life was spared because that Elder took the bullet that was meant for him feels the same way you do? I wonder if he complains that there is no God or if he is greatful that the Lord allowed his life to be spared.

The Lord does protect His servants. But what is greater? Protection from harm or Sacrifice for the benifit of your brother?

And about this "Random" act of violence....I disagree. Something , some series of events had to lead up to that violent act. So it wasnt random it was enevitable due to the FREE AGENCY of man.

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