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I have been intrigued by Mormonism for a while now, and thought about joining the movement (as a lot of my beliefs fit within the guidelines), but naturally, I have heard a lot of anti-Mormon sentiments. "Stay away from Mormons," one says, for as the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians says,

"If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!" (Galatians 1:9, NIV)

So, I want to join the LDS Church, but I have a few concerns:

*Do you have to have an entire family ancestry of Mormons? I don't think anyone in my family is, or was, a Mormon.

*I have a coffee addiction, and I really don't want to give up drinking coffee for the "Word of Wisdom," but if it's necessary, I will.

*Many people say that it has been proven that Joseph Smith, Jr. is a fraud.

*Many say Mormons are not Christians.

*What are the exact dietary restrictions?

*Are missions "optional?" I am 22, and I really don't have time to go on a mission across the world for 2 years, but...

So, I guess my concerns are legit, I don't know. Anyway, a lot of what LDS teaches is found in the Bible.

Thanks in advance!!!

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Hi, Nemo. I myself am a convert to the church -- I've been a member for about almost 2 years now.

To answer you're questions, being a convert, I feel as though in the scriptural reference by Paul, you have to have the chance to accept the gospel first, and by learning (being intrigued enough to do so) by the LDS church, you're having a chance to learn and eventually accept it if the Spirit is telling you to do so.

I haven't done much ancestral work, but from what I know of my own history, there hasn't been a Mormon relative down the lines of generations, so no -- you don't need to have Mormon "blood," so to say, as a requirement to join the church. :)

It is necessary to give up coffee as said in the Word of Wisdom. For some people this can be incredibly hard, for others, it is easy because of the spiritual and temporal blessings received by fulfilling what is asked in those verses of scripture (to give up tea, coffee, tobacco, and so forth). I drank a bit of coffee myself before joining the church but have found that a coffee substitute ("Caro," for example, is a brand which contains no coffee and is caffeine free -- it's actually made with barley, rye, and chicory!) gives the same taste as coffee (which was my reasoning for enjoying true coffee in the first place), without the side effects. Plus, you're still following the Word of Wisdom as this is not coffee, but rather a substitute made with ZERO coffee at all.

As for people debating over Joseph Smith, those who have no faith in this church find it easy to say such things. However, it just goes along with having your own faith -- whether or not you believe this church goes hand in hand in whether or not you believe Joseph Smith had revelations, translated the Book of Mormon, etc. ...Nobody can tell you the truth about Joseph Smith -- it's one of those things you have to pray about and know for yourself (like the Book of Mormon, for example).

Mormons are Christians, as we are very Christ-centered. Our entire church teachings are based on the words and works of Christ and his life.

Dietary restrictions: read The Word of Wisdom. :)

Missions are "optional," so to say -- it is always great when missions are served, but it's not to say you'll be "damned" if you don't serve one while you're young. My husband served a mission when he turned 19, but I on the other hand did not -- I got married before I ever had the chance. Because I wasn't able to, we're planning on serving a couples mission in our older years (think 50s or 60s). The truth about missions though is that it's great to serve the Lord, and I think giving up 2 years would be worth it for anyone -- my husband testifies that in doing so, his testimony of the church was confirmed and strengthened by sharing the gospel with others.

Hope this helps!

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I have been intrigued by Mormonism for a while now, and thought about joining the movement (as a lot of my beliefs fit within the guidelines), but naturally, I have heard a lot of anti-Mormon sentiments. "Stay away from Mormons," one says, for as the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians says,

"If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!" (Galatians 1:9, NIV)

So, I want to join the LDS Church, but I have a few concerns:

*Do you have to have an entire family ancestry of Mormons? I don't think anyone in my family is, or was, a Mormon.

Not at all. Such a policy would be self-defeating, don't you think?

*I have a coffee addiction, and I really don't want to give up drinking coffee for the "Word of Wisdom," but if it's necessary, I will.

You will. The word of wisdom has been made binding upon members of the church by the prophets, the Lord's representatives on the earth.

*Many people say that it has been proven that Joseph Smith, Jr. is a fraud.

Many people say that it has been proven that there is no God.

*Many say Mormons are not Christians.

Many people say that Jews seek world domination.

*What are the exact dietary restrictions?

No alcohol, coffee, tea (black AND green, in fact anything that comes from the tea plant itself), tobacco or recreational drugs.

*Are missions "optional?" I am 22, and I really don't have time to go on a mission across the world for 2 years, but...

What would you say if the Saviour himself asked you to serve a mission?

So, I guess my concerns are legit, I don't know. Anyway, a lot of what LDS teaches is found in the Bible.

Thanks in advance!!!

Hope I could be of service.

The most important thing for you to do is not to take anonymous internet posters at their word, but pray to God about these decisions.

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*Do you have to have an entire family ancestry of Mormons? I don't think anyone in my family is, or was, a Mormon.

No, I'm the first (and only) member

*I have a coffee addiction, and I really don't want to give up drinking coffee for the "Word of Wisdom," but if it's necessary, I will.

We all have vices, and some things are harder than others to get over... for some reason my starbucks gold card still gets used, and it's a little awkward when the Ensign shows up in the mailbox along with a "free drink" coupon from Starbucks... it's easy to rationalize (new baby, etc), but it's something i'll have to get over...

*Many people say that it has been proven that Joseph Smith, Jr. is a fraud.

Yeah, I heard that one too when investigating the church, but if it has been proven, why do so many of us continue to join even after trawling the internet for months?

*Many say Mormons are not Christians.

What does it mean to be a Christian? Believing in Christ? You bet we do- in fact, we close every prayer in His name!

*What are the exact dietary restrictions?

Coffee and Tea

*Are missions "optional?" I am 22, and I really don't have time to go on a mission across the world for 2 years, but...

It's a personal choice- at your age after a year you could go on a mission if you wanted, but I think converts at your age going on missions is the exception rather than the rule. I couldn't go on a mission even if I wanted to because i'm married.

Anyway, a lot of what LDS teaches is found in the Bible.

I would hope so- we ARE Christians after all :)

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I have been intrigued by Mormonism for a while now, and thought about joining the movement (as a lot of my beliefs fit within the guidelines), but naturally, I have heard a lot of anti-Mormon sentiments. "Stay away from Mormons," one says, for as the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians says,

"If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!" (Galatians 1:9, NIV)

And if we were preaching a different gospel, I would agree, but we’re not preaching a different gospel, we’re preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, same as what is in the Bible – clarified a bit but still the same.

*Do you have to have an entire family ancestry of Mormons? I don't think anyone in my family is, or was, a Mormon.

nope, I am a convert and there is no other LDS (Mormons) in my ancestry

*I have a coffee addiction, and I really don't want to give up drinking coffee for the "Word of Wisdom," but if it's necessary, I will.

If you believed God asked you to give up coffee, would you? It’s an obedience thing. Jesus hung on a cross and died for me – I can give up coffee for Him. His sacrifice was much greater than mine.

*Many people say that it has been proven that Joseph Smith, Jr. is a fraud.

Many people say many things, I study and pray and make up my own mind.

*Many say Mormons are not Christians.

Again, many people say many things. We are as Christ centered as any Church I have ever been to, more so than some.

*What are the exact dietary restrictions?

No: Coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco, recreational drugs.

*Are missions "optional?" I am 22, and I really don't have time to go on a mission across the world for 2 years, but...

Missions are optional.
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Recreational drugs are those whose PURPOSE is to remove you from a 'normal' connection with reality and the Spirit. They include, but are not absolutely limited to:

What in the US we would consider illegal drugs, including marijuana*

Drugs not used in the prescribed or intended manner

Drugs used when not necessary

So, no, Claritin is not. It is a drug used for a condition and as long as you use it as intended, for the purposes it is created, and do not abuse it, then it is fine. True of most anything.

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I have been intrigued by Mormonism for a while now, and thought about joining the movement (as a lot of my beliefs fit within the guidelines), but naturally, I have heard a lot of anti-Mormon sentiments. "Stay away from Mormons," one says, for as the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians says,

"If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!" (Galatians 1:9, NIV)

So, I want to join the LDS Church, but I have a few concerns:

*Do you have to have an entire family ancestry of Mormons? I don't think anyone in my family is, or was, a Mormon.

*I have a coffee addiction, and I really don't want to give up drinking coffee for the "Word of Wisdom," but if it's necessary, I will.

*Many people say that it has been proven that Joseph Smith, Jr. is a fraud.

*Many say Mormons are not Christians.

*What are the exact dietary restrictions?

*Are missions "optional?" I am 22, and I really don't have time to go on a mission across the world for 2 years, but...

So, I guess my concerns are legit, I don't know. Anyway, a lot of what LDS teaches is found in the Bible.

Thanks in advance!!!

To begin – I am a 5 generation descendent of the pioneers Mormon. My grandchildren are 7th generation. And I say to you – welcome to our family, to our community and to household of G-d. We love you and the fresh newness you bring and add. As my children have married my wife and I have been greatly blessed by our new sons and daughters into our family. We love them as dearly as our own and so it is with new converts to the “Mormon” family.

Allow me to address your concerns:

We teach the gospel we have received – other should as well. I see no reason why anti-Mormons should attempt to represent and teach our “Mormon” gospel – they should teach their gospel, whatever it is that they believe to be true. They should not be about teaching our gospel that they think is false. I suggest you avoid anyone teaching concerning what others other than themselves believe. If you wish to learn Mathematics – seek out a mathematician. Do not seek out someone unwilling or unable to do mathematics. Likewise learn of Catholics from Catholics and of Mormonism from Mormons.

The operative word about coffee addiction is addiction. You remind me a lot of Jesus in Gethsemane when his concern was voiced – I do not want to do this but I will if I must.

Do not be surprised that many claim Joseph Smith was a fraud – Many claim that G-d (Jesus) is a fraud. Both Joseph and Jesus died for their cause and calling.

I am not surprised that very powerful and influential Christian leaders say Mormons are not Christian. When Jesus lived many very powerful and influential Jewish leaders said Jesus was not Jewish. There are Pharisees and Scribes in our day and time as in the time of Jesus – and their works have not changed nor should we expect such things to change.

As for you serving a mission – That is your choice and yours alone. At this point of your life there are many ways to serve and the spirit will guide you.

The Traveler

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Thanks for all your help.

What constitutes "recreational drugs," because I have allergies, and I need to take Claritin-D to stop sneezing.

Recreational drugs are things used to get high.

Perscription and over the counter drugs are fine

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Thanks for all your help.

What constitutes "recreational drugs," because I have allergies, and I need to take Claritin-D to stop sneezing.

If it is over the counter or prescription then it is OK. Marijuana is on the no-no list, don't know about cases where it is prescribed. Street drugs, big no-no. There are some greer areas, but you know what recreational drugs are. Claritin treats an allergy, and is a medication.

There is a lot of self-justification that I can see happening... but there are far fewer gray areas than people would like to think.

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Awesome. Thank you all. I am really interested now, have been for a long time. It's just going to be a life change, is all. I never drank coffee until I got into college, and I got addicted to it. I took out soda permanently and candy because of weight-issues, and I can do the same for coffee.

Iced tea, now, is another matter.

What to drink? Water, apple juice, V8, grape juice, orange juice, milk?

I have read the WoW, and it's kind of vague about eating meat all the year round. I LOVE meat.

Otherwise, once I get around to it, I'll join an LDS Church.

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I have been intrigued by Mormonism for a while now, and thought about joining the movement (as a lot of my beliefs fit within the guidelines), but naturally, I have heard a lot of anti-Mormon sentiments. "Stay away from Mormons," one says, for as the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians says,

"If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!" (Galatians 1:9, NIV)

this means if someone preaches something that is wrong it will be upon their head.

So, I want to join the LDS Church, but I have a few concerns:

*Do you have to have an entire family ancestry of Mormons? I don't think anyone in my family is, or was, a Mormon.

nope, if thtat was the case it'd be a church of none.

*I have a coffee addiction, and I really don't want to give up drinking coffee for the "Word of Wisdom," but if it's necessary, I will.

at this point in time we are commanded not to drink/eat coffee, tea, tobacco, alcohol, recreational/harmful drugs.

*Many people say that it has been proven that Joseph Smith, Jr. is a fraud.

many have said that Christ has been proven to be a fraud, hoax and etc...

Unfortuanately there is so much stuff now that supportts, is against, misdirects, it is very difficult to find all the truth's .. especially as Joseph Smith, jesus Christ, the ancient apostles, moses or any of the others that such hype is over is no longer around to help clear things up...

Ultimately this becomes a matter of the heart and a leap of faith. I would advise much praying in humility and humbling oneself before God on this.

*Many say Mormons are not Christians.

We follow Christ to the best we know how, what they say is upon their heads.

{quote]*What are the exact dietary restrictions? Coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco, any drugs for recreational purposes... It stems mostly from what we call the word of wisdom which is a code of health, you can find most of it Here

It's mainly a cod e of moderation.

*Are missions "optional?" I am 22, and I really don't have time to go on a mission across the world for 2 years, but...

They are optional for the Ladies, and guys don't need to have a mission... but it considered a duty and are expected to (And it is worh it) but if you don't, it shouldnt be a big deal.

So, I guess my concerns are legit, I don't know. Anyway, a lot of what LDS teaches is found in the Bible.
yep absolutely legit.
Thanks in advance!!!

no prob hope my answers helped a bit.

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See, I joined another Christian forum thinking they would help me choose a denomination, but they served no purpose, and so I did some Bible study and looked up Mormonism and found that it is similar to what I believe.

But these guys have done nothing but attack Mormons, where I got most of my info from.

Are Mormons Christians? - Christian Forums

So I was skeptical at first....

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See, I joined another Christian forum thinking they would help me choose a denomination, but they served no purpose, and so I did some Bible study and looked up Mormonism and found that it is similar to what I believe.

But these guys have done nothing but attack Mormons, where I got most of my info from.

Are Mormons Christians? - Christian Forums

So I was skeptical at first....


Stay away from ppl who attack! That should be a huge red flag. Was not Christ attacked? Is not Christianity under attack?

Find the missionaries, we can help you with this if you don't know where to begin. Like has been said, to know us and our beliefs talk to us not attackers. The gospel is really basic, much of what you might read here is just us blaabing about thoughts. Dont let it confuse you, if you have a question please ask. Seek and pray and you will feel it. I think you already have. Did you not feel a burst of energy and excitement when you came back and read the responses? In your post you seem excited that you came here and asked, I ask why? Because the spirit is leading you down the right direction. That's one way the spirit helps us. Did you feel that excitement in the other forums when they attacked? I think not. Nemo may you be blessed to have courage, strength and peace to help you. Please come back.

Here's a great site for you. You can chat with the missionaries here. :) - Home


Edited by martybess
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Stay away from ppl who attack! That should be a huge red flag. Was not Christ attacked? Is not Christianity under attack?

Find the missionaries, we can help you with this if you don't know where to begin. Like has been said, to know us and our beliefs talk to us not attackers. The gospel is really basic, much of what you might read here is just us blaabing about thoughts. Dont let it confuse you, if you have a question please ask. Seek and pray and you will feel it. I think you already have. Did you not feel a burst of energy and excitement when you came back and read the responses? In your post you seem excited that you came here and asked, I ask why? Because the spirit is leading you down the right direction. That's one way the spirit helps us. Did you feel that excitement in the other forums when they attacked? I think not. Nemo may you be blessed to have courage, strength and peace to help you. Please come back.

Here's a great site for you. You can chat with the missionaries here. :) - Home


Indeed, it seems I have received a calling, but I'm not sure.

Whenever I went to the library, I went to the religious section and I would always see The Book of Mormon, and I would pick it up and read it. And then I would search for it on the Net, and I had it saved in bookmarks.

Ever since Monday, I have been reading my Bible to prove detractors wrong, and a lot of Mormons practice is found in the Bible.

Also, before classes ended at college, I walked out of the classroom for about three weeks and I saw a flyer for a LDS Student community thingy, but now I regret not going.

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Indeed, it seems I have received a calling, but I'm not sure.

Whenever I went to the library, I went to the religious section and I would always see The Book of Mormon, and I would pick it up and read it. And then I would search for it on the Net, and I had it saved in bookmarks.

Ever since Monday, I have been reading my Bible to prove detractors wrong, and a lot of Mormons practice is found in the Bible.

Also, before classes ended at college, I walked out of the classroom for about three weeks and I saw a flyer for a LDS Student community thingy, but now I regret not going.

Ahhhhhh I see the spirit is working on you. ;) No worries though, do you know how to find the missionaries or are you hesitant too?


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Indeed, it seems I have received a calling, but I'm not sure.

Whenever I went to the library, I went to the religious section and I would always see The Book of Mormon, and I would pick it up and read it. And then I would search for it on the Net, and I had it saved in bookmarks.

Ever since Monday, I have been reading my Bible to prove detractors wrong, and a lot of Mormons practice is found in the Bible.

Also, before classes ended at college, I walked out of the classroom for about three weeks and I saw a flyer for a LDS Student community thingy, but now I regret not going.

I converted similar to you. I was searching for the true church and found many attacking the LDS faith. They said all kinds of weird stuff about Mormons which ended up not to be true. I found what is called a Missionary Pal. It was a little book that was like a quick topical guide that helped missionaries get to scripture topics quickly. What I did was read it to see all the doctrines of the LDS faith (This was before the internet LOL) I would look up all the topics using the bible's Scriptures and sure enough all doctrines of Mormonism were right there in the Bible. I found that all the stuff that was being thrown at me that was anti-Mormon was just silliness and unfounded.

What exciting time this is for you! I know it was for me :)

I am very happy for you! Use as suggested before (I wish it had been there when I was searching) and get a hold of missionaries and you can always find a ward near you to just attend. I went to Church for a while before I joined and found it to be the opposite of all the stuff I had heard. Same once I went to the temple. It was beautiful and nothing close to what lies are spread about it. I have never in my 20 years now being LDS found anything that did not fit the Bible.

May God Be With You


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