Lets Set Something Striate Outshined / Shanstress70

Winnie G

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Awww people...Winnie you know I usually love your posts, especially your Pro Canada ones...as I like what you write about their political system...sounds good.

Anyway, Jared!! I think you should take up Shanstress70's offer to write a book...expand it to include many of the most well known places in the world, and you could make a million dollars!! I'm not kidding...a very funny article...thanks for making me smile today:)

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That's what I'm talking about; almost every time I see political argument here, it's Winnie slamming the US. Then she takes offense when people respond to it. That's the majority of "chest-beating" I see.

I don't come here to read political rants; I have political discussion boards for that. It would be nice if you could leave your politics and how little you think of the US and George Bush out of it.

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Oh, I’m sorry free speech only counts for you, I’m sorry I forgot.

Do you see what I mean now.

You know what I do, if I dont LIKE IT I DONT READ IT!

Now if only you'll take your own advice. :rolleyes: Everyone else has a right to free speech as well, whether you like it or not. You're the only one making it an issue.

And if you don't want me to read it, don't address threads to me personally, okay?

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Guest Taoist_Saint

I am a Canadian/American...but that is just my citizenship.

But we are not talking about citizenship...we are talking about Nationalism and Patriotism...

na·tion·al·ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nsh-n-lzm, nshn-)


1. Devotion to the interests or culture of one's nation.

2. The belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals.

3. Aspirations for national independence in a country under foreign domination.

pa·tri·ot·ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ptr--tzm)


1. Love of and devotion to one's country.

Do these apply to you?

Canadians are certainly Patriotic, though not so Nationalistic.

I say that because:

A. They don't have devotion to one culture, because of multiculturalism...and also because of the cultural differences in Quebec...nor to one interest, because of their diverse interests (many different political parties). (See Nationalism #1)

B. They do not believe in acting independently (they did not want to defy the UN over Iraq). (See Nationalism #2)

C. They never fought a war of independence, though they obtained the same sort of freedoms we have in the United States, which might mean that they believe that violent rebellion is unnecessary (see Nationalism #3)

Americans have Patriotism, but display it more. I don't think this is because of insecurity...I think it has to do with the fact that they have more Nationalism than Canadians.

I am saying that if you have Nationalism, then Patriotism becomes more visible, and perhaps stronger.

A. They have less cultural divisions (melting pot). They have only 2 political parties...so while they are not united in interests, you can say they have 2 nationalistic ideals that are in opposition to each other. Their rabid opposition to each other only strengthens the two nationalisms, which in turn strengthens Patriotism on both sides (Democrats and Republicans). (See Nationalism #1)

B. They believe in acting unilaterally (Iraq). While they invite support, they do not believe it is necessary to justify themselves internationally. (see Nationalism #2)

C. They fought a war to be independent, and probably most believe that this war was necessary to gain their freedom. They probably believe that Canadian-style diplomacy would not have worked after 100 more years under the British (perhaps because they believe that the British had more interest in keeping the lands that became the USA?) (see Nationalism #3).

Personally, being a dual-citizen and having lived in both nations, I don't have feelings of Nationalism.

I enjoy the freedoms that both nations provide, which are actually very similar to each other, so I think that makes me a Patriot in both nations.

I recognize that my own ideals are not entirely compatible with Canada or the United States...if you mix some Canadian, Democratic and Republican ideas, you will probably have my political party. I don't believe in unilateral action. I never lived in an occupied country where my own cultural group was oppressed. I wasn't here in 1776, so maybe I would be a different person if I had.

Therefore, I never had the experiences that build a Nationalist.

When it comes to the USA and Canada, I can only be a patriot...not a nationalist.

But I don't like to limit myself to such national identities, and find more pride in my ideas...which evolved from several countries historically...Ancient Greece's philosophers, India's Buddhists, China's Taoists, Judeo-Christian monks, Italian Renaissance thinkers, French enlightenment thinkers, American enlightenment thinkers...and yes...Canadians.

I suppose you can call me a patriot to my ideas.

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1) They have cleaner air than us- Yes they do....cept in the big cities...they have air pollution same as we do.

2) They are better at hockey than us!...... depends on the team you watch.

3) They ruined the Christian name Doug!..... ok I"ll give you that.... Doug is a Christian name?

4) They have flooded the American Lumber Market with cheap Canadian Lumber! .....as long as Canada wants to sell its lumber and the U.S. still wants to buy it. ....what's the big problem? Sounds like a political problem to me...the WTO, along with the NAFTA... all red tape, tarriffs, fines....what a messl

tid bit I found...."As much as officials on both sides bluster and point their fingers across the 49th parallel, each country knows it is economically dependent on the other" http://www.canadiandemocraticmovement.ca/d...article801.html

5) They are world leaders in Zamboni technology!..... Ahhhh but the first Zamboni Machine, was invented in California in 1949. Granted there is a second plant in Brantford, Ontario, and a branch office Switzerland; But the main Zamboni plant is in Paramount, California...and it still is a family-run business. So, the USA can lay claim to the Zamboni! Yay US!!!!!!!!!

6) They're icon is a cross between the two things we hate the most, State Troopers and The British!......

I don't hate State Troopers! And I respect any British who stays out of Northern Ireland.

7) They have free health care!..... Sheeeesh not from what I hear....nothing is free!

8) Their beer stinks (except LaBatt Blue)! That's what I hear....lol...wait...what about Molson?

9) They use the Metric System! eeeeeekkkkk!!!!!

10) Some of them speak French! ...and German, and Korean, and Laotioan, and Spanish, and OMH...English!


I don't hate Canada...... Good people in Canada....good people came from Canada.... good people run to Canada. I'm grateful for Canada in many ways.

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An aplogy note to Winnie G:

Nobody wants to be prejudiced. But sometimes you can be biased and not even realize it. I think many Americans are biased in this way against Canadians. I never really stopped to think about it, but I myself used to be this way. I guess I thought that Canadians were "stuck-up" — you know, smarter and better cultured than us. But then I got educated about Canadia.

Canadians — and actually, the polite term for them is "Canadian-Americans" — aren't actually hung up on good spelling and manners like everybody thinks they are. This is nothing but a stereotype. Here at LDSTalk, we get a lot of posts from Canadians, and most of it is rude, illiterate spew, just like you'd expect from any other American!

For example, a reader calling himself "Every Loyal Canadian" wrote in to say "Canada is the best freekin nation you $%#@ !. You dont know crud. Your just an American who thinks they know stuff but they dont." See? Despite what you may read in the media, the average Canadian is clearly no better educated than the average Californian or Arkansan. It just goes to show you that we're all in this together.

There is also a common stereotype that Canadians will lord their superior taste and refinement over you. But if you've heard from someone like "I AMCANADIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" — who says "I LOVE MOLSON BEER! CANADIAN ICE, MORE ALCOHOL THAN YOU YANKS CAN HANDLE!" — you'll know that Canadians are belligerent drunks just like the rest of us.

Loyal reader Mike adds: "You are jealous that Canada is bigger than the U.S. S uck on that one American Pig. If this country is so poor, then how can we support the businesses that all the Americans go to when they cross the border." Mike cusses just like an American, but like a Yankee, he is absolutely right. We need Canadia so that we have somewhere to go on our vacations. I myself got drunk in Canadia one time, and I bet if you stop to think about it, you probably know somebody who has benefited in a similar way from Canadian "service with a smile."

In fact, I have learned that American-Americans should all become more sensitive to the needs and culture of Canadian-Americans, because once you really get to know them, you'll know that we're not very different after all. Here are some things to think about. Did you know...

...Canadia technically consists of not one but THREE states — Canada, Quebec, and Alaska?

...Canadia maintains its own set of armed forces? Although largely ceremonial, the Canadian army is occasionally authorized to take field trips overseas.

...Canadia is not ruled directly by Congress and the President, but instead by a regional governor, called the "Prime Minister"?

Knowing things like this can help you avoid offending the Canadian-American community. So to Americans I say: Just examine your prejudices before you assume that Canadians are any different from you. And to Canadians I say: Thanks for all you've taught me, and keep those letters coming!

Also for some time it may have seemed as though it were LDSTalk editorial policy that Canadia is Bad. Considering that this is a pure and christian board for all children of God, some of us aren't sure if that's a Bad thing. Or a Good thing. Or... whatever.

To my knowledge, there is no such editorial policy here at LDSTalk. In fact, I can assure our readers that the professional journalists here at LDSTalk rely on scientific testing and sound logic when determining the relative Goodness or Badness of Canadia. The facts are reported accuratley without any anti-Canadia bias.

LDSTalk has taken quite a bit of flak over this issue. Many irate Canadian readers have written in (sometimes we get several pieces of such hate mail every day) to complain about our treatment of Canadia. A recent example:

Buddy, first of all, you're a freekin retard. To think it's called Canadia is to be an american. Or as we call it here, an idiot. You might think Canada stinks, but you know what, you're just jealous. You're jealous that we're the #1 Nation of Hockey, the best place to live, (voted I don't know HOW many times consecutively), and you're also jealous of the fact that our Canadian girls are FREEKIN HOT!!!!! First, if you wanna bash us, have a good reason. You know, we don't sleep in igloos, we have running water, and explain to me why us Canadians keep doing incredible things with our population of 30 million, where as yours, of over 200 million can't freekin keep up with anything we do? Canada (or as idiots, oh, pardon me, americans call it, Canadia, according to you) rocks the world, and you know it. You just can't admit it. So to heck with you, and have a great life.

The reader makes some cogent points. In fact, our crack investigative team has found evidence of running water in Canadia. Much progress has been made in turning this frozen wasteland into a colony habitable for human life. For this Canadians are to be commended. Furthermore, there's the issue of hockey which, although not quite as elegant or refined a sport as Argentinian lesbian midget jello-wrestling, clearly has its merits.

But the real point this gentleman makes is, in his words, "our Canadian girls are FREEKIN HOT!!!!!". This is a credit to Canadia as well as a chief obstacle to Canadian Goodness. See, the problematic thing is, while Canadia has undeniably brought us lovely young women such as Dorothy Stratten, Canadia ultimately has brought us also the likes of her husband Paul Snider. I think we can all see what the problem is here. What's the point of having "FREEKIN HOT!!!!!" babes if all you do is kill them in such a way that doesn't even leave a pretty corpse?

So dear reader, I'm sure that you can see why we've had such difficulty with Canadia.

It must however be noted that Dorothy Stratten did live long enough to pose in front of numerous photographers. Her legacy has been preserved. We have to look at the gestalt of this sort of trouble and accept the rose along with the thorns. The question becomes, rather than "is Canadia all good or all bad?", instead, "on the whole, is Canadia more good or bad." See, professionals such as the ones you may read here in this marvelous website, rely upon empirical scientific data rather than base prejudice when determining the spin to put on events north of the border.

Because of all this, I am pleased to announce that new scientific evidence has been released that nudges Canadia up to 51.2% good and only 49.8% bad.

Hooray Canadia!

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Guest Taoist_Saint

It seems my last post in this thread was a bit too serious in nature.

Following the example of Jared, here is some humor for you...

Canadian World Domination!!!

Warning: This web page is a satire!


Here are a few of their maps of the future world under Canadian domination...

Posted Image

Posted Image

From what I understand, they have three parties: Liberals, Conservatives, New Democratic Party (or NDP). Is this not true?


There are more, but the first four are the dominant parties...

Liberal Party of Canada

Conservative Party of Canada

Bloc Québécois

New Democratic Party

Green Party of Canada

Christian Heritage Party of Canada

Marijuana Party of Canada

Progressive Canadian Party

Communist Party of Canada

Canadian Action Party

Libertarian Party of Canada

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1) They have cleaner air than us! - Quite true!

2) They are better at hockey than us! - Definitely!

3) They ruined the Christian name Doug! - You can always use the formal version of Douglas.

4) They have flooded the American Lumber Market with cheap Canadian Lumber! - Cheap, as in inexpensive but of high quality!

5) They are world leaders in Zamboni technology! - Especially the driving of...

6) Their icon is a cross between the two things we hate the most, State Troopers and The British! - Can't think of anything.

7) They have free health care! - Not quite, but reasonable. I am deducted about 43 Canadian bucks from my paycheque bi-weekly for a variety of health care - including great coverage for Orthondontist services - one child almost done and one to begin.

8) Their beer stinks (except LaBatt Blue)! - I'm not much of a beer drinker but we have excellent Canadian wine.

9) They use the Metric System! - Of course, it is the 21st century after all.

10) Some of them speak French! - This alas, is a negative. Spanish is by far a more beautiful sounding language.


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My great-grandfather, Charleston Warrington Nye IV came to the United States from Canadia when he was 37 and a half years old. He always had fond memories of his homeland. More often than not, Grandpa Charleston could be found sitting in his easy chair, wearing a floral dress, drooling a little, and mumbling something about the renegade moose resistance guerilla fighters who thought he knew too much about something. He'd always say to me (in his rare lucid moments when I happened to be visiting) "Girl! You must not let them find us! The moose! The moose! They've learned our secrets!" Hahaha... yes. Grandpa Charleston could never remember my name. Which was amusing considering I was named after him. Nevertheless, that old man taught me a lot about life and the harsh realities thereof. When he was crying, chewing his fingernails, and urging us all to "shut up" lest the "moose" track us down and "enact their unholy revenge", I think what he was really trying to tell me was this: life is too short to waste time supposing how different people are. People are people. And it's ridiculous to think that any one group of people is better or worse than any other. Why? Because everyone is equally terrible.

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