More Girls Start Puberty Sooner, Like Age 7


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Researchers, as well as the girls' doctors and nurses, used a standard measure of breast development to determine which girls had started puberty.

we already know that being over weight will cause breast development, even in men. so that can be caused by more than just puberty. why not use the standard if if they have started their period?

and last time i recall reading about this all the hormones in our meat was to blame. that and all the use of hormone birth control being used causing tainted water in some cities.

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last time i recall reading about this all the hormones in our meat was to blame. that and all the use of hormone birth control being used causing tainted water in some cities.

That's what I've read also. I know here in Arizona, especially the birth control.

And I've also heard that an abundance of certain chemicals/metals (chemical trails or something of the sort) being emitted in the air by planes, such as iron and magnesium and others, are also to blame.

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and last time i recall reading about this all the hormones in our meat was to blame. that and all the use of hormone birth control being used causing tainted water in some cities.

This second part seems much, much more likely. Not to mention that tainted water which hasn't been drank will flow out to the oceans and possibly reach other people.

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Personal experience, my daughter was going through puberty at age 9, but after a few months seemed to go back to being 9, and then started up again at 11. A lot of the girls at her school seem to have the same start/stop stuff going on, too. Maybe the dairies started using a different hormone :P

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There's a movie out that I saw a few months ago called Food Inc.

I think a lot of the answers lie in that movie, but don't watch it if you have already had your dinner, it may not sit well.

The first two comments in the link -- Stephen McDonald and the other guy named John Doe pretty much hit it on the head. All the mass produced, horrible conditions and the hormones they pump into the cattle, pork and chicken will just make you shake your head.

Natural grass grazing is free range feeding is obsolete. I'ts all hormone packed grains that they feed these animals.

If you would compare it to a human, you would be born, then -- the next thing you know you would be turning into 'The Hulk' and then slaughtered and then of course put on the spit.

Of course there's other factors, but I have no doubt whatsoever that there is a connection.

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That's what I've read also. I know here in Arizona, especially the birth control.

And I've also heard that an abundance of certain chemicals/metals (chemical trails or something of the sort) being emitted in the air by planes, such as iron and magnesium and others, are also to blame.

I stumbled onto the chem trails thing awhile back on YouTube -- very interesting stuff -- kind of still at the conspiracy stage it seems, what little I got to watch.

I can't remember the celebrity that is so convinced of the fact -- it seems like it was Charlie Sheen or someone like that.

If our government would stoop to that level -- then I guess nothings sacred anymore. I would like to hear a lot more about it from all sides -- crazy stuff!

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we already know that being over weight will cause breast development, even in men. so that can be caused by more than just puberty. why not use the standard if if they have started their period?


Biro's team found that girls with a higher body mass index (BMI) - a ratio of weight and height - at age 7 and 8 were more likely to be developed than their thinner peers.

Stop the presses.

My brother must be hitting puberty, at the age of 30 ,because he has developed breast.:o

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Just for the record, there's no clear way to determine when puberty starts. Puberty is a term that covers the sexual maturation process and is medically considered to begin when hormone signals are sent to the sex organs to begin maturation. This can happen years before menarche (first period) or a wet dream. So sexual discharge is a pretty poor way to define the onset of puberty.

It's also really difficult to come up with a single factor that will cause premature onset of puberty. It's going to be a combination of many things. The best you can do is ensure your kids eat a healthy diet, get plenty of exercise, lots of social and interpersonal interaction, and then deal with puberty when it comes. Physically and emotionally healthy children with strong support networks will cope with puberty whenever it happens.

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i just think of all the factors they could use breasts is a very poor choice. they change based on soooo many factors at all ages.

I agree, especially with regards to the fact that loosing weight may contribute to a decrease in the size of an individual's breasts, so how could maturation be based solely on that factor? By that degree, couldn't scientists have the opinion that puberty has been stunted because breasts have become smaller than they were when they reached a certain peak in maturation? I surely hope not!

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In the fourth grade, I had the 2nd biggest breasts in my class. This was such a harrowing experience that I remember the full name of the girl who had the 1st biggest, when I don't remember a single teacher there or any other kids. And I never grew bigger than a 36B, it just all happened early. I didn't go through puberty until I was like 13.

Edited by UrbanFool
FOURTH grade, not 2nd.
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