Oh Baby Its Cold Out Side.

Winnie G

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Out side my window it is -47’ Celsius. So what you might say well convert that to Fahrenheit.

Heat in the house os up, the cars are plugged in and I am staying indoors.

-47 degree Celsius = -52.6 degree Fahrenheit

I like to see the face of that visitor from Salt lakewe had here a month ago complain now.

At lest we would understand. The day he left it was melting and he was still complaining.

Hay Matt its cold out side.

Only in Canada Ah?

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Out side my window it is -47’ Celsius....Only in Canada Ah?

We've been having the most wonderful winter here in Alberta. I think we had about a week of cold in December and since then it's been above normal temperatures, until today.

It is -23C, with a 15km/h wind, to make a wind chill of -33C.

I'm thinking that this brief cold spell in these here parts has to do with my friend, who just remarried on Valentine's Day. The marriage gods were not happy with this arrangement so they made a deal with the weather gods and voila, a cold snap - some people's kids! <_<


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Just today it was in the sixties here....now a cold front has come thru and we had storms and tornadoes and a cold front.....the high tomorrow will be 26 degrees and lows in the teens at night.....if you don't like the weather here in Misery just stick around it will change.......LOL!!!!!!!!!! B)

Hey it's even cold here in sunny California! :cold:

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I consulted one winter in a meat processing plant just north of Omihah Neb. The plant was inside a freezer (28 F) to keep the meat cold. The coldest day was -77 below zero F (with wind chill). Since work was 10 - 14 hours a day in the freezer and outside was so cold I thougt I would never be warm again.

The sad part is that this is not far from Winter Quarters where the Saints suffered through the first winter having left Navuoo. Many lived in tents and one of every five died, mostly new mothers and newborn babies.

The Traveler

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It's been a warm winter here in Raleigh NC. The forecast has called for snow a few times, but we haven't gotten any so far. I LOVE snow, and would love to see some. There is a chance again this weekend, but it has been so warm that it wouldn't accumulate if it DID snow now. Yesterday we went to the park with some friends and had a picnic. It was sunny and in the 70's! How can you complain with that? But I do love winter!

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