Worst book you have ever read


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The movie was pretty bad.

I think it's pretty much the statas quo that movies adapted from books come out horrible. There are few movies though from written works that turned out well. Benjamin Button for one was an extrodinary film, although the film almost completely differed from the short story.

I'd make a list of book adapted films that were bad, but there are too many to list.

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When you've been a sci-fi and fantasy fan as long as I have you start running out of things to read. I finished Heinlein decades ago, but only a few of his books are worth re-reading to me. I love the whole Darkover series by Marion Zimmer Bradley and reread all 30 or so of those books every few years. I really like Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, and I may have to start reading that series again, to remind myself of all the ongoing plotlines as Brandon Sanderson wraps that series up.

My husband and I are currently going through the Wheel of Time series again, well he has finished it and I am on book 9 of 12. It is amazing how much of the plot line, and side plot lines and side side plot lines I had forgotten since the first time reading it. After that series I plan to read the Hunger Games trilogy.

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I genuinely enjoyed the whole Ender series. Did you know the author, Orson Scott Card, is LDS?

The worst book I ever read - or more accurately couldn't force myself to finish reading - was Moby Dick. The worst one I actually finished was Time Enough for Love by Robert Heinlein.

I found out he was LDS after I got mid way through Ender's Game. He's still a bad writer. Anyone who writes about pigs becoming trees or little girls tracing wood grain lines and thinks to themselves "YA THIS IS GREAT" is retarded. He was good when writing Ender's Game but I can't and don't even want to imagine what the other 9 books in the series are like. I think if I read them all I'd probably commit suicide. That is how bad I would expect it to be. The man has a talent for writing bad books. I have only read 3 of his books and they were the first 3 in the Ender's Game series. Maybe the first book of every series he writes is fantastic and maybe every one after that is absolutely horrible. Thankfully, I'll never have to find out because I'm never going to read anything ever again with his name unless I want to inflict pain on myself.

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I found out he was LDS after I got mid way through Ender's Game. He's still a bad writer. Anyone who writes about pigs becoming trees or little girls tracing wood grain lines and thinks to themselves "YA THIS IS GREAT" is retarded. He was good when writing Ender's Game but I can't and don't even want to imagine what the other 9 books in the series are like. I think if I read them all I'd probably commit suicide. That is how bad I would expect it to be. The man has a talent for writing bad books. I have only read 3 of his books and they were the first 3 in the Ender's Game series. Maybe the first book of every series he writes is fantastic and maybe every one after that is absolutely horrible. Thankfully, I'll never have to find out because I'm never going to read anything ever again with his name unless I want to inflict pain on myself.

Why not tell us how you REALLY feel? :P

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I found out he was LDS after I got mid way through Ender's Game. He's still a bad writer. Anyone who writes about pigs becoming trees or little girls tracing wood grain lines and thinks to themselves "YA THIS IS GREAT" is retarded. He was good when writing Ender's Game but I can't and don't even want to imagine what the other 9 books in the series are like. I think if I read them all I'd probably commit suicide. That is how bad I would expect it to be. The man has a talent for writing bad books. I have only read 3 of his books and they were the first 3 in the Ender's Game series. Maybe the first book of every series he writes is fantastic and maybe every one after that is absolutely horrible. Thankfully, I'll never have to find out because I'm never going to read anything ever again with his name unless I want to inflict pain on myself.

That's why there are so many popular authors writing such vastly different books. Not everybody likes the same thing, not everybody interprets an author the same way. And a sad place the world would be if we did!

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Let's be a little careful about attacking books, it can easily be taken as an attack on those who like the books in question if the phrasing isn't very specific.

It is not my intention to attack people who like the other books in the series or even the author. Not everyone agrees on books. I can accept that. Not everyone agrees on art either. I don't like modern art at all and to be honest I don't consider really any of it art at all. Have any you been to Washington D.C. and seen those large red steel bars hanging together?

Here is a link to a picture of it. http://www.dmbusinessdaily.com/dsm/dsmarts/images/sculpture-t8.jpg

That is modern art. It's kind of like someone telling me they like the look of that thing when they tell me they like the additional books in Ender's Game. I'm not going to criticize them for it but there is no way I can ever understand how they would like it. I guess it just blows my mind that anyone likes it especially the author. Oh well. To each their own. Hopefully no one is offended by what I wrote.

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t is not my intention to attack people who like the other books in the series or even the author.

I didn't think it was. People can get worked up about art, both pro and con however. I was just warning people to be specific. For example "I think the book is idiotic!" is perfectly fine while "Only idiots would like that book!" isn't. Thus my comment about specificity and being careful. It's easy to go a bit to far for dramatic effect.

I personally like comparing fans of some art to thrice lobotomized monkeys but I realize that's not really nice. :)

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I loved Lord of the Flies. Although it was way to detailed at times the symbolism was great!

I HATED Gary Paulsens "The Rifle." A book about a gun. ERG!

And i also started to read some book with a title something like "The end of the world."..... It was really horrible! No paragraphing....It was like one long run on sentance.

I NEED formating! I wanna see white space!

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I loved Lord of the Flies. Although it was way to detailed at times the symbolism was great!

I HATED Gary Paulsens "The Rifle." A book about a gun. ERG!

And i also started to read some book with a title something like "The end of the world."..... It was really horrible! No paragraphing....It was like one long run on sentance.

I NEED formating! I wanna see white space!

Indeed. :P

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Each to his own when it comes to books. There are some authors I really do not like and others that I do. But my appreciation of books is defined by what clicks with me and what doesn't. Some people like Steinbeck, I personally find his books too dull. Some people hate Orson Scott Card, I find much of what he writes to be interesting, and quite a few of his books to be very good. When it comes to Card I think you have to have a little bit of an appreciation of the bizarre, as much of what he writes is quite bizarre.

I really did like his series about women from the Bible, he wrote a book about Sarah, Rebecka, and Rachel and Leah. I loved all of them. When it comes to Card's books I often take them with a grain of salt, some of them are fantastic, and others I could do without.

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Guest The_Doctor

I read the Left Behind series and got into the story in the first hand full but then it just became a "who will die next" as the main reason I kept reading them all. I enjoyed them for the most part.

I liked the Left Behind series until I learned to recognize good quality writing. The day it really sunk in was after I read Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency after reading Babylon Rising: The Secret on Ararat. I would argue Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency is Douglas Adams worst novel and it still beats the snot out of Tim's writing.

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