Glenn Beck 11/9/10


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I didn't. Wasn't it some sort of expose' on George Soros?

Since George Soros' is a famous financier whose life is basically an open book, I'm surprised that they would try to do an expose on him. He makes numerous public statements, he's a noted financier and pretty much everything someone says about him can be verified. He was seen as instrumental in the fall of Communism.

He also hates die-hard capitalism, which is something Glenn Beck loves. If you want to read up on George Soros and his wants, read 'The Capitalist Threat'. Incidentally, don't let the dramatic title fool you. Read the whole thing and you'll know far more about George Soros' goals. Then, you can draw your own conclusions free from fear because you'll know with certainty what he wants. Whether you want the same thing or not is irrelevant, because you'll be able to make your own decision and work towards what you want.

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Glenn is trying to do as Mormon and Moroni have counseled, to help awaken us to a realization of what we have unknowingly allowed to happen. Pres. Benson warned us over and over again and yet, here we are.

We can't let the secret combinations get above us or we will be destroyed.

[Mod note: last line edited. Remember, people, Let's try to play nice. Nastiness will not be tolerated.]

Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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Glenn is trying to do as Mormon and Moroni have counseled, to help awaken us to a realization of what we have unknowingly allowed to happen. Pres. Benson warned us over and over again and yet, here we are.

We can't let the secret combinations get above us or we will be destroyed.

[Mod: nastiness edited]

Whoah... Whoah... Whoah... I just read up on what he's saying about George Soros.

He accused George Soros, who has been credited with helping overthrow Communism, of being a Communist.

He accused George Soros of helping overthrow the government of Ukraine during the Orange Revolution. I'm uncertain he even knows what the Orange revolution was - It was a rigged election where Communist Ukraine poisoned the pro-western Yuschenko in favour of Yanukovych. Old school pro-Communists supporting Russian rule of Ukraine poisoned the favourite and rigged the election. EVERYONE in Western Europe pushed for free elections with strict oversight

There's no doubt George Soros is a socialist. Please read:

"The Capitalist Threat" by George Soros

He is not some secret puppet master and is not someone using 'Hidden combinations'. He believes in what he calls an 'Open society' with many options for everyone. Demonizing the man with half-truths(He 'helped overthrow the Ukrainian government' when, in fact, he helped fund the Orange Revolution, which was a series of protests over a rigged election) and outright lies(George Soros is a Communist) is not what I'd call 'Truth'.

Please, Mahonri... Please. PLEASE research things on your own. Do not believe what you are being told. You are being manipulated. Fear is being fed to you to keep you pliant to a political agenda. Yes, both sides use those tactics. No, it's not okay for either.

Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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