Book of Mormon on Broadway


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I must admit - I've visited their website and I'm cautiously optimistic.

It will be explicit and crude, certainly, but Matt and Trey have a history of treating members of the LDS church as naive and genuinely good.

While I don't think it will be a glowingly positive religious experience, please remember that baptisms spiked when The Da Vinci Code was released as people became curious about finding the truth about the Catholic church rather than what they were fed.

I hope this is a resounding success and that it gets people curious.

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I am an avid watcher of south park...i know, im probably going to hell haahah (just kidding). If you watch the episode "All about Mormons" (season 7, episode ep. 12), you will see that although they do poke fun at mormons, they really do not make mormons look too bad. They poke a lot of fun at mormon culture, more so than doctrine (which i think is hilarious). All my friends and I at BYU watched the episode last week and were cracking up...the episode is funnier to mormons than non-mormons because Trey Parker and Matt stone will make jokes at mormon culture that only a mormon would understand. However, I will agree that I am a little nervous, but for the most part I think that they will poke fun in a respectful way, just like they did with the episode. i would recommend you all watch the mormon episode before judging the South Park creators, however I know i would get flamed for saying that.

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How does it not make us look bad? They state our beliefs but make them sound all made up and call us dumb for believing them.

It doesn't make us look bad because nobody goes to the South Park creators for a legitimate treatise on religion.

They portray our religion as stupid, but the people involved in the religion as upstanding, genuinely nice people.

I can think of worse stereotypes. As for making the beliefs sound 'Made up', didn't Joseph Smith once say "I don't blame any one for not believing my history. If I had not experienced what I have, I would not have believed it myself."

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IMHO, considering it's a play created by the guys who inspired the whole, gingers don't have souls thing, kick a ginger, that whole mohammed controversy, etc. etc., I don't think it'll cast a good light on us.

Also, 2012 isn't soon enough.

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Hey everyone,

This was just brought to my attention by a friend and I'm not happy about it. :(

The Book of Mormon the Musical

It's going to be really mean and offensive. People are raving about it. I worry about how it will skew perceptions of the church. Aargh, these guys make me so mad!!! Why are they always picking on the church? :mad:

South Park makes fun of everybody and, actually, their episode about Mormonism was pretty funny. The closest thing to offensive was when they were talking about Joseph Smith and, in the background music, it kept saying, "Dum dum dum dum dum..."

I have my doubts about the play being that nice however. ;)

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I definitely think Orgazmo seemed really offensive. I didn't watch it because I think it's rated NC-17 or something and it would probably really annoy me.

The thing I'm concerned with is that they (the creators of South Park) think the whole BOM story sounds so ludicrious and they cannot believe millions of people 'actually' believe it.

Never watch Orgazmo. I watched it in my younger, stupider days...It's completely perverted and disgusting. Just exactly what you would expect from the creators of South Park. ;)

Edited by curtishouse
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Isn't the Book of Mormon a copyrighted trademark title? Why don't they just sue the producers for copyright infringement.

Because that makes a bigger deal out of it, and they'd just come up with a different title. Besides, how do you know they don't have permission to use it?

The Church hasn't made a statement on the musical. That tells me that it's not all that important to our leaders. I've said it before, but I think this is one of those things where making a big deal out of it is what makes it a big deal.

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It seems that some are taking this all wrong. You ever hear that any publicity is good publicity? South Park is so popular, it's unreal. There could really be some people out there that watch the play or listen to the songs and such if they come out and wonder if this is really what the Book of Mormon says. They could even get in touch with missionaries and ask them questions. This could really be a good thing despite Matt Stone and Trey Parker's bad intentions. God makes good out of bad all the time. The human race is a prime example of that! :)

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I think the play will be inaccurate and negative, but those who are ready for the Gospel will see through the mockery and find the truth. I see it as a missionary opportunity. Certainly this play will introduce the church (albeit in a negative way) to far more people who would never consider looking into the church otherwise.

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It seems that some are taking this all wrong. You ever hear that any publicity is good publicity? South Park is so popular, it's unreal. There could really be some people out there that watch the play or listen to the songs and such if they come out and wonder if this is really what the Book of Mormon says. They could even get in touch with missionaries and ask them questions. This could really be a good thing despite Matt Stone and Trey Parker's bad intentions. God makes good out of bad all the time. The human race is a prime example of that! :)

Nobody cares enough about it to do that. They just want to find someone to trash all over. Matt and Trey claim they know everything about the Mormon church and are telling the truth about it so they will take their word for it.

If I was a leader of the church I would wait until after opening night and then I would sue them and put them in debt.

Revenge is sweet.

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