Weight Loss in 2011


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This app is for the iPhone but my also be available for other smartphones.

It's called LiveStrong. It records your daily weight and gives you a visual chart of gains/losses. It also allows you to search via online calories for food. This applies to a whole pizza eaten and to only a single slice eaten. It provides a wide variety of food brands (household and generic). It'll also help you keep track of how many calories you have left throughout the day, as you jot down what you've already eaten. So if you've eaten 380 calories for breakfast, that would be taken away from the 1,200 calories that you're allotted for the day. You are free to adjust what your calorie range is etc etc.

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I so need to join this group... My goal is 30 pounds.

Something to think about for the rice eaters out there (like me).

Substitute Quinoa for Rice and have it for breakfast and lunch only. Avoid carbs past 6PM. Quinoa has lesser carbs content than rice and it has 26 grams of protein per serving.

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I lost 21 lbs just by eliminating gluten from my diet.

Seriously. It became hard to get the calories I needed because everything fatty has gluten in it! :P

Oh yeah, Quinoa has no gluten in it...

So, it's like being on a diabetic diet? I could go for that...

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I won't be visiting this topic during 2011 since I'm on the opposite end with wanting to gain weight; which since May 2010 I have gained 4.5kg. I am quite happy. I contribute most of it to entering menopause, but I take what I can get. :)


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I won't be visiting this topic during 2011 since I'm on the opposite end with wanting to gain weight; which since May 2010 I have gained 4.5kg. I am quite happy. I contribute most of it to entering menopause, but I take what I can get. :)


Wishing you successful weight gain then I guess! :D
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Were you the one that posted the thread regarding LDS/modest bridal gowns? I recall a thread on that not too long ago.. Honestly, maintaining a healthy weight is probably the very hardest thing to do!

Not me... there's an incredible designer in my city who is LDS and happily caters to LDS customers.

I'm not too worried about maintaining. I've maintained the same weight for nine years.

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I won't be visiting this topic during 2011 since I'm on the opposite end with wanting to gain weight; which since May 2010 I have gained 4.5kg. I am quite happy. I contribute most of it to entering menopause, but I take what I can get. :)


We'll eat what you eat and you eat what we eat and we should have a successfull weight gain/loss year!


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I've started another support group for weight loss in 2011 under groups if anyone would like to join.

Groups » Weight Loss 2011 » LDS Social Network

I HATE weight issues! I'm one of those people who genuinely has a thyroid problem that affects my weight, and I just can't deal with it.

Some of you know I lost quite a bit of weight last year. I thought it was because my pituitary gland had been brought back into balance, and that my hypothyroidism (slow thyroid, lots of weight gain) had been resolved. It turns out I was probably overmedicated, because my thyroid had shifted from hypo to hyperthyroid (too much thyroid hormone), which can cause weight loss. In my case, I lost almost 90 pounds!!!

So, now I have to take meds to suppress my overactive thyroid, and I've already gained ten pounds, despite eating a very balanced diet of 1500 calories/day. It is completely and utterly out of my control, and I admit, I haven't been taking the suppressing meds because I just can't handle getting fat again.

It's not all because of vanity, though that's certainly one aspect of it. It's because it is a pain in the huge fat sass to be fat! The details can get pretty gross, so I'll refrain, but seriously, I know I'm doing the wrong thing by not taking the meds, but they don't make me feel any better, anyway, so why bother? (I know why, I just am dreading it.)

Okay, I'm done venting. Thanks for the listening! :P


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I HATE weight issues! I'm one of those people who genuinely has a thyroid problem that affects my weight, and I just can't deal with it.

Some of you know I lost quite a bit of weight last year. I thought it was because my pituitary gland had been brought back into balance, and that my hypothyroidism (slow thyroid, lots of weight gain) had been resolved. It turns out I was probably overmedicated, because my thyroid had shifted from hypo to hyperthyroid (too much thyroid hormone), which can cause weight loss. In my case, I lost almost 90 pounds!!!

So, now I have to take meds to suppress my overactive thyroid, and I've already gained ten pounds, despite eating a very balanced diet of 1500 calories/day. It is completely and utterly out of my control, and I admit, I haven't been taking the suppressing meds because I just can't handle getting fat again.

It's not all because of vanity, though that's certainly one aspect of it. It's because it is a pain in the huge fat sass to be fat! The details can get pretty gross, so I'll refrain, but seriously, I know I'm doing the wrong thing by not taking the meds, but they don't make me feel any better, anyway, so why bother? (I know why, I just am dreading it.)

Okay, I'm done venting. Thanks for the listening! :P


:huh::rolleyes: Yeah vent all you want !!!!! then take care of business cause we like

having you around. :)

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So, some women in the ward are doing this HTC(?) thing where they inject hormones every so often that dissolves the "bad" fats. They're raving about it...

Anybody heard about this thing?

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Rip-off diet.

Here's a good Discovery Health article about it:

Discovery Health "How the HCG Diet Works"

Losing weight (barring any medical issues) is all about calories in vs. calories out. Injections, shakes, "detoxes", counting points, cutting out food groups, etc. is all a red herring to detract you from what the diets are actually doing: reducing the amount of calories you're taking in (which for some reason, a lot of people HATE doing, but they'll give themselves injections of medicines they bought off the internet!)

I lost 48lbs. last year keeping my calories to within 1600 a day (weekly average), plus working out 6 days a week. No fancy diets or "off limits" foods or painful injections. Just good ol' fashioned diet and exercise.

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Right now I'm horribly against the HCG diet. This summer there was a bad family experience. My mom's lifelong friend, a woman I consider my "other mom" was on it. She... had a breakdown, and medically it was because of the lack of calories and nutrients in her body. She and my mom got in a huge fight, this woman said some horrible, horrible things of possession level, and their relationship has not been the same sense, despite this woman going off the diet, apologizing...

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Hey Pammy I do Zumba two to three times a week and walk..... drink lots of water and limit my processed foods and little soda can't say none but very little I drink lots of green tea. I have 24 more pounds to loose to make my new goal of breaking 200 by my birthday 4/17 so you have a great idea here and I am sooo onboard also have a computer and internet again at home so am going to be on more. Hope all is well with you.... Oh yea I can't diet it makes me hungry I just change some of my habits limit my portions

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  • 1 month later...
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Rip-off diet.

Here's a good Discovery Health article about it:

Discovery Health "How the HCG Diet Works"

Losing weight (barring any medical issues) is all about calories in vs. calories out. Injections, shakes, "detoxes", counting points, cutting out food groups, etc. is all a red herring to detract you from what the diets are actually doing: reducing the amount of calories you're taking in (which for some reason, a lot of people HATE doing, but they'll give themselves injections of medicines they bought off the internet!)

I lost 48lbs. last year keeping my calories to within 1600 a day (weekly average), plus working out 6 days a week. No fancy diets or "off limits" foods or painful injections. Just good ol' fashioned diet and exercise.

Thanks for this, this diet is a good way to get me on a rant and have blood shoot out of my eyes. HGC came about in the 1950's which fell into disfavor after it was proven it was no more effective then a placebo. but its back as an internet fad.

Edited by Saldrin
adding historical stuff
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