Weight Loss in 2011


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Yes those that joined our group need to check in with the group. We are adding things all the time to it.. Including a monthly challenge and now a 7 week challenge.

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you can do it! Did you see the challenge for march?

I haven't seen the March challenge. Unfortunately, I went on vacation and then when I returned home, I've been knocked for a loop with a nasty sinus infection. My energy level has been so low that even after 9 hours of sleep I wake up feeling tired. I have three more days of antibiotics left and I'm starting to feel better.

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The HCG diet is a joke. I know two guys who are on the diet and they rave about how much weight they've lost because of it. My thought was that if I cut my caloric intake to 500 calories a day and injected water into my body, I'd lose weight quickly, too. If HCG is supposed to adjust your metabolism so it works "properly" why do people have to go back on it when they regain the weight they lost?

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Right now I'm horribly against the HCG diet. This summer there was a bad family experience. My mom's lifelong friend, a woman I consider my "other mom" was on it. She... had a breakdown, and medically it was because of the lack of calories and nutrients in her body. She and my mom got in a huge fight, this woman said some horrible, horrible things of possession level, and their relationship has not been the same sense, despite this woman going off the diet, apologizing...

My personal trainer thought it was a good idea to try it i still boggle over that one considering when she was on it she was running into walls that have been there as long as i have been going to my gym....

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I haven't seen the March challenge. Unfortunately, I went on vacation and then when I returned home, I've been knocked for a loop with a nasty sinus infection. My energy level has been so low that even after 9 hours of sleep I wake up feeling tired. I have three more days of antibiotics left and I'm starting to feel better.

yucky feel better!

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yucky feel better!

Thanks Saldrin. Two more days of meds. I'm planning on getting back on the treadmill on Monday and restarting a push-up program with my son. We were doing this thing where in 6 weeks you can get up to 100 push-ups. Unfortunately, he got sick, too, so it's back to week one for both of us.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have found over the years diets just don't work. I am a guy in my middle 60's and losing weight is a real challenge. Seems you can eat or not eat and just look at food sometimes and gain 10 pounds.

I am losing a little weight mainly because I have days when eating just doesn't turn me on. Yes I know it is bad not to eat but when you have to force yourself to eat that isn't good either. I can remember when I was not eating and all food tasted like card board. It lasted for a while, well months until I got sick and had to go into my doctor and got read the riot act. I had lost 6-15 pounds in months of not really eating.

I am now eating more fruit less meat and starches and losing maybe 1-2 pounds a week and sometimes not that but I am happy with my progress.

Weight loss is both of mental and physical issue and with the coming increase in food prices it will get much easier to lose money, weight and the desire to eat as many of us will not have the funds to spend on food so we will go on a more or less forced diet of what we can afford that will allow us to feel satisfied after each meal.

Do I think that Americans are an overweight people yes and fast food is no friend when over done. I think we can all eat once in a while foods that are really not good for us but taste soooooooo good.

I would like to lose 50 pounds this year, but every time I try to consciously lose weight I feel hungry all the time and end up gaining weight.

If you look at the medical charts for my height and size I should weigh around 176 pounds and at that weight I feel and look like crap. I would love to get down into the 185-195 pound range but once there know how to stay there. I have been down to that weight a few times in my life but in a few years end up with the weight back on.

I know I am not alone with this issue and just hope to find the way to stay there when and if I get there again.

You may wonder why I want to get the weight off well arthritis is one reason, to feel better, to be more active, and hopefully to live longer.

I have two small children ages 4 and 5 that I would like to see grow up and to enjoy, selfish I know but they are dad's treasure and at my age not much is new and exiting but what they come up with is very interesting and I only get them twice a month.

I am in college learning to be a mental health counselor which will keep me very busy when I graduate and get licensed. I have a friend that is looking to get some land near me so I can farm in my spare time so in the future weight might not be a problem unless keeping some becomes an issue. Ha Ha

I think many of us can blame our lifestyle for some of the added pounds we carry. No I don't mean mom's, they do so much and are so often just accepted as being there when needed. I know some dad's that are there for their kids too, but many times they have to do what ever the job asks to keep working and taking care of the family.

I know when I was working on construction my family didn't see much of me as I was gone most of the time because the job required me to be there and meals were a joke many times. I can remember many days when lunch was 3 pm in the afternoon and it lasted for 10 minutes and supper was 9-10 pm and up again at 4 am to go back to work.

thanks for listening to my rant

I can go back to my class work now

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Pam,

Count me in the group also. I have planned to lose 20 lbs in 3 months.

I have started taking diet plan and exercising regularly to reduce weight and to get in shape again.

Did you join the group under "groups"?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest Hallmark

Some effective and natural weight loss tips are

Avoid all fat foods and fast foods.

Take low card diet

Eat raw vegetables and fresh fruits

Drink plenty of water in a day

Make regular exercise plan.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest diane21
Posted (edited) · Hidden

A flat and well-toned abdomen is something many of strive for through exercise and weight control. Sometimes people cannot achieve goals with these methods. Than some people turned to Tummy tuck surgery.

Tummy tuck surgery is a highly individualized procedure and they should do it for themself, not to fulfill someone else's desires or to try to fit any sort of ideal image. Although the results of an abdominoplasty procedure are technically permanent, the positive outcome can be greatly diminished by significant fluctuations in weight. miami plastic surgeon

Edited by diane21
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Guest FixingTheWrongs

Some effective and natural weight loss tips are

Avoid all fat foods and fast foods.

Take low card diet

Eat raw vegetables and fresh fruits

Drink plenty of water in a day

Make regular exercise plan.

In a nutshell I did this and have lost a lot of weight the past three months. I think the thing that really boosted my metabolism was to kick my diet soda habit. Those and energy drinks are not good for people trying to loose weight.

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  • 1 month later...

Rip-off diet.

Here's a good Discovery Health article about it:

Discovery Health "How the HCG Diet Works"

Losing weight (barring any medical issues) is all about calories in vs. calories out. Injections, shakes, "detoxes", counting points, cutting out food groups, etc. is all a red herring to detract you from what the diets are actually doing: reducing the amount of calories you're taking in (which for some reason, a lot of people HATE doing, but they'll give themselves injections of medicines they bought off the internet!)

I lost 48lbs. last year keeping my calories to within 1600 a day (weekly average), plus working out 6 days a week. No fancy diets or "off limits" foods or painful injections. Just good ol' fashioned diet and exercise.

You have view I like. How many hours a day did you work out?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Is anyone interested in being my Lose It app buddy? I am wanting to lose some weight and tone up this summer, and I'm looking for a buddy or buddies that want to do the same. This app is free, and is available for iPhone and Droid but if you'd rather just log your progress online via their website, you can do that too. Private Message me and I'll add you to my friends list. I'm starting all over again, so we can do it together :]

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Anyone interested in doing a Shape Up Challenge? I understand not wanting to post personal stats (such as age, height and weight), so how about we try a different approach? Participants would simply post their goal, checking in weekly or daily, and report whatever their results be. For example:

Goal: Lose 30 pounds

Pounds lost today:

Pounds lost total:

Pounds remaining:

If you're interested in focusing on a different aspect of shaping up, you can do something like the following:

Goal: Lose 10 inches around waist

Inches lost today:

Inches lost total:

Inches remaining:


Goal: Exercise 120 minutes per workout

Minutes exercised today:


Goal: Eat 1200 calories daily

Calories consumed today:

Calories over:

Calories under:

Those are just some ideas. Maybe you have a better idea? I think LDS.Net is a great community for support and inspiration, so why not channel that into motivating each other to shape up, and get a little more healthier than we already are :] Anyway, just brainstorming of some ways we can jumpstart this Weight Loss thread, even though it's no longer 2011, and it's almost 2013 - but it's never too late. I know we got a couple fitness gurus on here, so if you're reading this and have any ideas, share away!

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