2 hour meeting


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I just heard that the church is looking into changing the 3 hour block on Sunday to 2 hours. Said they have been doing a trial of this in Arizona and it has been very successful! Any one else heard of this?

I haven't heard this but this doesn't make sense. There's Priesthoold/RS and Sunday School. That needs 2 hours...

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So really that would be 15 minutes of SS and 15 minutes of RS/PH. No ward could ever get everyone to class, have things set up and ready to teach in 5 minutes. That doesn't make sense.

Except for perhaps a singles ward.

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Heard it was:

Sacrament----50 min.

5 min. break.

Sunday School---30 min.

5 min. break.

RS/PH------30 min.

Then go home.

I hope they don't do this. I would really not like this. 1 hour of Sunday School is not enough as it is, especially when Sacrament meeting goes over. You can't really get in-depth into anything in 30 minutes. In RS, it takes 20 minutes just to get ward business discussed...

Try teaching children a song for the Primary Program plus Sharing Time in 30 minutes...

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I've been "hearing" this for at least eight years. There's always been a pilot program happening in some other state than I'm in.

It's an urban myth. Or at least, it always has been in the past. Maybe some day they'll actually make a change like that. But we'll have official sources to rely on, not folks 'hearing' about it.


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Guest mormonmusic

I like the idea, although I'd rather we just cut out Sunday school and met with our quorums and age groups. The new CHI and now this -- Wow!!! I love it (if it's true).

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And I can still remember the split meetings with primary during the week.

Does that make you old then? :P

I remember Sunday School on Sunday mornings, Sacrament in the evening on Sundays, Primary was Tuesday after school, Mutual was Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM. Don't have a clue when RS or PH was- Mom & Dad were not members and none of the siblings were old enough for RS/PH.

Yes, Pam, before you or anyone else asks I am OLD- and Dang Proud of It!!:eek: I am 59 and 1/2 Years Old. :P

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1. wasn't this posted on here before?

2. Once they come out with a shorter manual, then maybe I'll believe it. Not until 2012

Their is no reason to shorten the time unless they had to many wards in a building. Even then the church would build more buildings.

I don't see it, even more why would they even pilot it?

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I remember Sunday School on Sunday mornings, Sacrament in the evening on Sundays, Primary was Tuesday after school, Mutual was Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM. Don't have a clue when RS or PH was- Mom & Dad were not members and none of the siblings were old enough for RS/PH.

Yes, Pam, before you or anyone else asks I am OLD- and Dang Proud of It!!:eek: I am 59 and 1/2 Years Old. :P

Well I wasn't going to admit that I very much remember the split schedule. Then I would be admitting that I was old.

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I honestly don't see it happening unless either PH/RS or SS becomes deemed unnecessary. At this point in time, I think both programs do a lot of good and great gospel teaching when implemented correctly. There is a lot of great information included in Gospel Doctrine and also great information, but of a different sort, in PH/RS. right now that the members of the Church need to universally know. And is it really so hard to devote 3 hours of your life to learning about the gospel?

Personally, if anything could be trimmed for time, I would suggest cutting sacrament down. Do the sacrament, have a youth speaker, and then one 10-15 minute adult speaker and say a closing prayer. You could be done in 40 minutes easy. But I think the other instructional meetings should still be an hour including break times and opening exercises.

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I honestly don't see it happening unless either PH/RS or SS becomes deemed unnecessary. At this point in time, I think both programs do a lot of good and great gospel teaching when implemented correctly. There is a lot of great information included in Gospel Doctrine and also great information, but of a different sort, in PH/RS. right now that the members of the Church need to universally know. And is it really so hard to devote 3 hours of your life to learning about the gospel?

I think it would help with missionary efforts. I hear a lot of investigators (either directly or through other people) complaining and having a hard time adjusting from going to church casually to going for three hours every week.

Personally, if anything could be trimmed for time, I would suggest cutting sacrament down. Do the sacrament, have a youth speaker, and then one 10-15 minute adult speaker and say a closing prayer. You could be done in 40 minutes easy. But I think the other instructional meetings should still be an hour including break times and opening exercises.

I could definitely get behind that initiative!!

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