unreal! UFO over dome of the rock??


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Several instances of tourist and local video footage show what looks like a white probe or ufo descending from the sky to just above the dome of the rock in Israel and hoovering over it for about 20 seconds, then shooting skyward at a very high rate of speed. No known early aircraft can excelerate at that speed from a dead stop.

There are several armature examples of this online. What do you all think? btw, notice how there is a absents of any jet or engine noise?

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I can't say whether it is a hoax or not. The fact that it has more then one video with multiple perspectives gives it a little bit of credibility. That being said, I was also wondering why there wouldn't be any light reflecting off the gold plated Dome of the Rock (as the Hoax article stated).

This is something worth looking into more. We do live in an age where it is becoming easier and easier to manipulate video and add CGI that looks increasingly real. It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out to be a hoax.

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Several instances of tourist and local video footage show what looks like a white probe or ufo descending from the sky to just above the dome of the rock in Israel and hoovering over it for about 20 seconds, then shooting skyward at a very high rate of speed. No known early aircraft can excelerate at that speed from a dead stop.

There are several armature examples of this online. What do you all think? btw, notice how there is a absents of any jet or engine noise?

viewing angles and distance really mess up speed judgement. It may be a real UFO or it may not be. 99.9% of ufo sightings tend to turn out to be either man made or natural phenomena... it's the .01% unexplainable stuff thats fun to read about.
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I'm definitely siding with hoax and not just because I don't believe in space aliens. The discoverynews link was very informative and made a good point about how small the object would have to be by scale and that no light reflected off the gold plated dome that the object supposedly hovered over. Of course, if it is a hoax, that does nothing to prove my skepticism about space aliens. Bigfoot is something I DO believe exists, even if the Patterson footage was a fake.

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I'm definitely siding with hoax and not just because I don't believe in space aliens. The discoverynews link was very informative and made a good point about how small the object would have to be by scale and that no light reflected off the gold plated dome that the object supposedly hovered over. Of course, if it is a hoax, that does nothing to prove my skepticism about space aliens. Bigfoot is something I DO believe exists, even if the Patterson footage was a fake.

You know, Mormon legend says that Big Foot is Cain wandering the earth :cool:

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BTW, the keppler telescope may have found previously unknown earth like planets just outside our solar system. Seem these planets are in the "habital zone" meaning, the planets are right size, right distance from sun to have the right temperatures to create habital zones. Very interesting.

Earth-Like Worlds Might Be as 'Common as Ants at a Picnic'

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BTW, the keppler telescope may have found previously unknown earth like planets just outside our solar system. Seem these planets are in the "habital zone" meaning, the planets are right size, right distance from sun to have the right temperatures to create habital zones. Very interesting.

Earth-Like Worlds Might Be as 'Common as Ants at a Picnic'

But what are the odds?:o

The Incredible Design of the Earth and Our Solar System

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Guest leodown1

Considering the seriousness of new york asian escorts the problem, it is high time to take effective measures to strengthen college students conciousness of being grateful. First, parents should improve self-quality and influence children by their own behaviors. Second, our new york asian escort society and schools must increase input in moral education.

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Considering the seriousness of new york asian escorts the problem, it is high time to take effective measures to strengthen college students conciousness of being grateful. First, parents should improve self-quality and influence children by their own behaviors. Second, our new york asian escort society and schools must increase input in moral education.

Thanks for the links but I do not feel myself

or many others on this site need the services:D

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BTW, the keppler telescope may have found previously unknown earth like planets just outside our solar system. Seem these planets are in the "habital zone" meaning, the planets are right size, right distance from sun to have the right temperatures to create habital zones. Very interesting.

Earth-Like Worlds Might Be as 'Common as Ants at a Picnic'

thankyou :D

I have no doubt as our ability to view the universe increases, we'll find that God's comment to abraham that there are more worlds than there are sands of the sea to be literally true.

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