The exorcism (movie)


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I am kind of a film connoisseur, and films such as the Exorcism and Rosemary's Baby look so interesting, yet I have yet to watch them becuase I know that we are warned against discussing evil spirits and what not and the last thing that I want is to invite any evil spirits into my life. For you guys that have seen these movies, do you regret seeing them? Or are they simply interesting movies that wont harm the spirit away?

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I was not a convert when I first watched exorcism when it came out. And it did scare some of my friends. It was partly based on a real exorcist, except it was a boy. So strong was the boy that he actually broke the Arm of a monk.

The Apostles also had a rude awakening when they tried to exorcised a really strong demon...they got beaten up and chased out of the house. Jesus said that the kind of demon they were up against could not be cast out except by faith and fasting. Exorcising devils had been a Catholic expertise at one time.


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Over the years I've watched various exorcist movies that were designed purely for entertainment purposes and that's exactly what I got out of them—entertainment. I don't regret seeing them. They were great films for the perfect October movie night with friends. I can't say these movies invite the spirit but then again we forget there are many comedies out there that likely shoo the spirit away too. I personally enjoy a good scary flick every now and again.

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I saw The Rite just last weekend. Great movie.

I don't put significant value on any movie beyond entertainment - and that includes "Passion of the Christ" (which, for the movie buff that I am, I chose not to watch) or "Shindler's List" (which I saw as an edited version) or 127 Hours (a true story that was such an awesomely acted movie) or even Ghandi.

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We are always impacted by what we watch. We may not notice it, but our brains are changed every moment by the things we see, think, or experience. One movie may not affect us much, but when you consider the number of murders, rapes, sex scenes, etc., we see over a lifetime, it can be cumulative. There is a reason why GAs keep telling us to avoid pornography. And for some people, pornography means any sexy magazine ad, or commercial, because the cumulative affect of so much trash has them addicted to any and all such media.

Second, is there something better you can do with your time? At the end of your life, will you want to remember that you saw the Exorcist, or that you spent the time instead with family, doing service, or developing yourself?

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We are always impacted by what we watch. We may not notice it, but our brains are changed every moment by the things we see, think, or experience. One movie may not affect us much, but when you consider the number of murders, rapes, sex scenes, etc., we see over a lifetime, it can be cumulative. There is a reason why GAs keep telling us to avoid pornography. And for some people, pornography means any sexy magazine ad, or commercial, because the cumulative affect of so much trash has them addicted to any and all such media.

Second, is there something better you can do with your time? At the end of your life, will you want to remember that you saw the Exorcist, or that you spent the time instead with family, doing service, or developing yourself?

What are you doing watching rape, murder, and sex scenes?


Unfortunately, growing up in the Philippines, you don't need to see a movie/tv/any-media to see violence. What am I saying - you don't need to see a movie/TV to see violence in the US either - just go watch CNN.

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I have yet to watch them becuase I know that we are warned against discussing evil spirits and what not and the last thing that I want is to invite any evil spirits into my life.

Although it pains me to say this, I'm thinking that Hollywood hasn't become that much of a tool of satan that it actually can send demons into people's homes simply by watching their movies. (Not yet, anyway)

Let's be clear about what we're exactly warned against. There is a heck of a lot of superstitious mormon cultural stuff (like how face cards can control your minds, and mormons shouldn't swim because satan controls the oceans, etc.) But we don't hear that taught across the pulpit - just some of us act like we did.

The Aaronic Priesthood Manual 2 gives this instruction to teachers:

The young men should understand the reality of Satan, but you should not talk too much about him or relate personal experiences with the power of evil. Avoid discussing the occult. If the young men bring up such subjects as Ouija boards, séances, spiritualism, or Satan worship, you should tell them that such things are tools of Satan and that we have been counseled to avoid them completely. Then direct the discussion back to the lesson.

The Gospel Principles manual says:

Satan can imitate the gifts of tongues, prophecy, visions, healings, and other miracles. Moses had to compete with Satan’s imitations in Pharaoh’s court (see Exodus 7:8–22). Satan wants us to believe in his false prophets, false healers, and false miracle workers. They may appear to be so real to us that the only way to know is to ask God for the gift of discernment. The devil himself can appear as an angel of light (see 2 Nephi 9:9).

Satan wants to blind us to the truth and keep us from seeking the true gifts of the Spirit. Mediums, astrologers, fortune tellers, and sorcerers are inspired by Satan even if they claim to follow God. Their works are abominable to the Lord (see Isaiah 47:12–14; Deuteronomy 18:9–10). We should avoid all associations with the powers of Satan.


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You don't have to rent a movie or get HBO to get movies or shows of that nature. They're on your everyday T.V. stations. Just last night my girlfriend and I were watching an episode of Criminal Minds which was about a man who was killing people and cutting their eyes out. I've seen classic horror movies that weren't that bad.

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Supernatural is my favorite show on television. Check out this promo video of supernatural i saw on youtube the other day... so good.

the promo gives season 5 spoilers so dont watch it if you plan on watching season 5 of supernatural

Good grief.

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Horror and scary movies scare me enough to give me nightmares. I'm a cinematographic wimp :movies:

For me it depends on the nature of the scary. Critters (not talking about the movie) don't bother me nearly as much as supernatural demon type stuff (the subject of the thread is a good example of something in that genre). The lines can get blurry though. For instance I consider zombie movies to be critter movies.

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For me it depends on the nature of the scary. Critters (not talking about the movie) don't bother me nearly as much as supernatural demon type stuff (the subject of the thread is a good example of something in that genre). The lines can get blurry though. For instance I consider zombie movies to be critter movies.

I am a simple man, I make no such distinctions, they are all evil and bad for me :eek:

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