Holy Ghost question


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I can tell you from personal experience that the Holy Ghost will enter in and answer questions, give promptings, testify of truth. But then he'll depart. The Gift of the Holy Ghost is what I'm looking forward to getting when I'm re-baptized.

The Holy Ghost is the testifier of truth to all people. This is possible because of the Atonement, allowing deity to interact with imperfect human beings. Our Heavenly Father is not willing to leave us to live out this life without some sort of guidance and beacon. Without some way of letting us know we are on the right track. The Holy Ghost is a tender, merciful way that He accomplishes this.

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The Holy Ghost is the Testifier of Christ. He can and will testify to all who honestly seek to know if Christ is the Son of God and the Savior.

The Gift of the Holy Ghost means you can always have him with you and he will help you though other decisions and situations in addition to testifying of Christ.

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The Light of Christ is given to all who are born on this earth. It is colloquially referred to as our conscience. It is a basic, instinctive knowledge of right and wrong.

The influence or power of the Holy Ghost can be felt by any who earnestly seek it and desire to know God. It testifies of truth and leads toward Christ.

The gift of the Holy Ghost is bestowed during confirmation, after baptism. It is the baptism of fire spoken of in the New Testament. With it comes a promise of constant companionship, provided we remain worthy.

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I heard an interesting analogy today in church for it: renting vs. buying.

I think the Holy Ghost can visit you and testify to you regardless of whether or not you have been baptized and confirmed. I do not think the Holy Ghost was entirely avoiding people during the Dark Ages. People who are not members of the church can do many, many things that will invite the Holy Ghost in. This would be "renting".

When the gift is bestowed upon you, the offer to always have the Holy Ghost is now yours. "Buying" (though of course you might lose your keys or maybe even get it repossessed." But it does become something that, if you're worthy, you can count on to be there.

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The Light of Christ is given to all who are born on this earth. It is colloquially referred to as our conscience. It is a basic, instinctive knowledge of right and wrong.

The influence or power of the Holy Ghost can be felt by any who earnestly seek it and desire to know God. It testifies of truth and leads toward Christ.

The gift of the Holy Ghost is bestowed during confirmation, after baptism. It is the baptism of fire spoken of in the New Testament. With it comes a promise of constant companionship, provided we remain worthy.

You're so right:

The Light of Christ is the divine energy, power, or influence that proceeds from God through Christ and gives life and light to all things. The Light of Christ influences people for good and prepares them to receive the Holy Ghost. One manifestation of the Light of Christ is what we call a conscience.

(I think it's the reason a lot of people are looking for a Church, the Answer, etc.) even though they might not even know what they are looking for. Also life cannot exist without it.

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The Holy Ghost can visit those who aren't baptized or confirmed. There are numerous accounts of people having dreams, visions, or some kind of spiritual manifestation that comes before they have even heard of the Church.

When we receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost, we gain the right to have him as a constant companion inasmuch as we remain worthy. It is a more continual thing than the visitations or manifestations before being baptized.

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When we ask nonmembers to pray that the Holy Ghost will answer them if the Book of Mormon is true, how exactly can that happen when a person doesn't actually receive the Holy Ghost until baptism and confirmation by someone with the priesthood?

What we get at baptism is a covenant, we get a promise as long as we are living in acccordance to what Christ has set, the Holy Ghost will be with us. Those who don't have that covenant, do not have the promise... The holy ghost may visit them if he wished but on the other hand he does not have any obligation to stay with them.
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I recently had a couple missionaries visit us, and it came out that I had read through the Book of Mormon last year. So, they asked if I had prayed whether it was true or not. I told them I had, but that I had not received a testimony of it. Then I offered that part of that reason I had not is that I was not asking with a strong inclination to believe that it was true, and that the Moroni Prayer (or challenge) is often unanswered, unless the petitioner is looking for CONFIRMATION rather than DIRECTION. They seemed to appreciate that I was not denying the possiblity it was true, despite my not receiving a confirmation.

All that to say that it is certainly true that non-LDS receive spiritual influence from the Holy Spirit. Romans 1 suggests that the Holy Spirit uses creation itself in that manner. On the other hand, it is difficult for non-members to receive powerful confirmations about the Restored Gospel, unless they are on the verge of believing it anyway. I would venture this is true even for Christianity in general.

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All that to say that it is certainly true that non-LDS receive spiritual influence from the Holy Spirit. Romans 1 suggests that the Holy Spirit uses creation itself in that manner. On the other hand, it is difficult for non-members to receive powerful confirmations about the Restored Gospel, unless they are on the verge of believing it anyway. I would venture this is true even for Christianity in general.

I can't 100% agree with that. There have been too many instances of people I know, both members and non-members, who have had a powerfully strong answer. It could be because if their life situation, their personality type, or who knows. But I've seen 180 deg turns in belief because of spiritual confirmation of what is true and the correct path to take. Including myself.

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I can't 100% agree with that. There have been too many instances of people I know, both members and non-members, who have had a powerfully strong answer. It could be because if their life situation, their personality type, or who knows. But I've seen 180 deg turns in belief because of spiritual confirmation of what is true and the correct path to take. Including myself.

We seem to be on the same page. The Holy Spirit can certainly woo a seeker with a powerful conviction, irregardless of the individual's level of commitment to the search. At the same time, the one who is eager to believe is certainly the more prime candidate for receiving the spiritual testimony.

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We seem to be on the same page. The Holy Spirit can certainly woo a seeker with a powerful conviction, irregardless of the individual's level of commitment to the search. At the same time, the one who is eager to believe is certainly the more prime candidate for receiving the spiritual testimony.

Cool, I'm with you on that.

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I can't 100% agree with that. There have been too many instances of people I know, both members and non-members, who have had a powerfully strong answer. It could be because if their life situation, their personality type, or who knows. But I've seen 180 deg turns in belief because of spiritual confirmation of what is true and the correct path to take. Including myself.

Me, too! I joined the LDS Church back in 1987. I was an inactive Lutheran but clung to my beliefs anyway. I married a LDS gal and around the 9th month, she invited the sister missionaries to teach me. I took the lessons to humor her. Didn't read the BoM but I did pray...I prayed for a sign that the church was false. My wife challenged me to pray to see if the church was true. I did, the Spirit entered our room and was so powerful I decided right after the prayer that I was going to be baptized.

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