Are we the only real Christians?


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I know it seems like a negative question toward other faiths but I'm asking in all honesty. According to definitions, not only is a christian defined as someone who believes in Christ; a christian is someone who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ. Since man corrupted his teachings and we are the ones that teach the full gospel of Jesus Christ then, by definition, are we technically considered the only real christian denomination?


1. of, pertaining to, or derived from Jesus Christ or His teachings:

2. of, pertaining to, believing in, or belonging to the religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ

3. exhibiting a spirit proper to a follower of Jesus Christ; Christlike

4. a person who exemplifies in his or her life the teachings of Christ

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I think it's an incredibly arrogant question to ask. It's arrogant to think that the LDS Church has a monopoly on faith, goodness, or Christian values. Even the latter-day prophets have said that there is plenty truth to be found in other churches, just not a fullness of truth.

I don't believe the OP believes his statement either. If he did, he wouldn't feel the need to distinguish himself as an LDS Christian, since it would clearly be redundant.

I hope that our non-LDS brothers and sisters on this site aren't offended by the implication that they aren't Christians, because it's a little offensive to me.

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I don't like this question when LDS critics are wondering aloud if I'm not Christian. I don't like it when an LDS person is wondering aloud if everyone else isn't Christian.

According to definitions, not only is a christian defined as someone who believes in Christ; a christian is someone who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ.

What does 'according to definitions' mean? Are you going to a particular website or dictionary for your definition?

From where I'm standing, christians believe in the reality and divinity of Jesus Christ, and accept him as their savior. Also from where I'm standing, the accepting of Christ someone has done, is not something we fallible humans can measure in each other - only ourselves.

Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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A Christian to me is someone who does their best to follow Christ regardless of their interpretation of scripture. If someone is genuinely trying to do what they believe is the right Christian way, then who am I or anyone else to say they are not Christian? Besides, last time I looked, no one follows Christianity to the letter. Everyone chooses to "sin" or break away from the commandments. Are these people suddenly not Christian because they made a mistake?

Just imagine republicans and democrats using this argument. You're not an American because you don't do this and this etc. If Christ comes back, then he can clarify the scriptures for everyone. Until then, just do the best you can with what you have.

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What does 'according to definitions' mean? Are you going to a particular website or dictionary for your definition?


Christianity has been defined multiple times in various dictionaries, and it's not always agreeable. You're always going to have people that want a scholarly definition.

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I am closing this thread. We have many non lds people who frequent this site. Many are investigating. Many others are struggling with the idea of coming back to Church. It is very arrogant of us to think we would be the only true Christians on earth. It is comments like this that drive many people away from investigating.

We love our brothers and sisters who come to this site to join in our discussions that are not of the LDS faith. I apologize for any offense that might have been taken by this. This is not the intent of

Let us remember Article of Faith #11.

We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

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D&C 1 tells us that the LDS Church is the "only true and living Church" with whom the Lord is well pleased.

This leaves open some questions: are there other "true and living" churches with whom the Lord is sort-of pleased with? Displeased with? Are there some that are true, but not living? Living but not true?

D&C 76 tells us that terrestrial people are "honorable" people of the earth. They are friends and children of Christ. They just have not been as valiant as they could have been.

I would say that anyone who is terrestrial or celestial in their Christian faith are "real" Christians. Given that each one of us is on a different part of the path, to say someone who is investigating the church is not a real Christian, while another who has received his calling and election made sure is, makes for poor religion and poor politics. To say that the Christian who has never had a chance to hear the fullness of the gospel is not a "real Christian" denies the teachings, mercy and atonement of Christ.

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