Am I The Only One Stocking Up?

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It's lights out for traditional light bulbs -

By an extremely misguided and unconstitutional federal law, it will soon be illegal to manufacture and sell incandescent lights. We will be forced to use these hideous, expensive, and dangerous eco-bulbs that can give you mercury poisoning if you accidentally break one. Production of 100 watt incandescent bulbs are scheduled to cease in September in anticipation of the law taking effect next year. By the end of 2014, the ban will effect bulbs down to 40 watts.

There are many of us who are buying a lifetime supply of incandescent bulbs starting right now with 100 watt bulbs, the first on the chopping block next January. I'm doing it not only because I find the new CLF's to be hideous, but because I'll do everything in my power to resist government telling me how to run my household and my life.

To answer my own question. I'm far from alone in this.

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We switched to CFL's long ago and saw a large reduction in our power bills (enough to offset the cost of the bulbs many times over). We're looking forward to LED-based lighting for residential applications!

My daughter actually broke one of these right above her head (playing a modified game of handball against the stairs IN THE HOUSE). She is fine - the cleanup steps are simple. We take the burned out ones to our community's hazardous waste collection site.

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We switched to CFL's long ago and saw a large reduction in our power bills (enough to offset the cost of the bulbs many times over). We're looking forward to LED-based lighting for residential applications!

My daughter actually broke one of these right above her head (playing a modified game of handball against the stairs IN THE HOUSE). She is fine - the cleanup steps are simple. We take the burned out ones to our community's hazardous waste collection site.

I'm happy that you found your place in the New World Order. Does that mean everyone else should be forced into it?

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I'm hardly a liberal, but I bought my first CFL back in the early '90's for forty bucks. It lasted for about a dozen years of daily use. I'm not a fan of the govt telling us what we can and can't buy, but mourning the loss of incandescents is sort of like mourning the loss of buggy whips and cleaning horse crap off public streets.

Something better came along. *shrug* I pick my battles.

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Because the mercury in fluorescent bulbs doesn't hurt the environment when they break, right?

I'd be interested in seeing numbers. Coal pollutes and a fair amount of this country's power generation if from coal, it would be interesting to see how pollution per watt savings (over the life of the bulb) for fluorescents compares with things such as mercury in fluorescent bulbs.

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I'm happy that you found your place in the New World Order. Does that mean everyone else should be forced into it?

Oh, I'm sorry for answering the question you initially asked, and for not recognizing the subtext you have so kindly pointed out now.

To be clearer: I'm not stocking up.

To play your game: I'm sure the scary PTB behind the NWO don't care what my electric bill is, nor whether I can find that candle-like incandescent glow. They have bigger fish to fry.

Unless they are going to FRY the FISH by controlling my LIGHT BULBS. :eek: What if we want chicken? We won't stand for this!

Better? ^_^

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I just KNOW the people who passed this law don't have to deal with migraines.:(

That's one of the many things I hate about those CFL's. They are stress inducing. When you have the same light at home that you had at work, it's hard to transition into relax mode. Incandescent have that soft yellowish glow not unlike the light from hearth, that tells you that you are home.
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Oh, I'm sorry for answering the question you initially asked, and for not recognizing the subtext you have so kindly pointed out now.

To be clearer: I'm not stocking up.

To play your game: I'm sure the scary PTB behind the NWO don't care what my electric bill is, nor whether I can find that candle-like incandescent glow. They have bigger fish to fry.

Unless they are going to FRY the FISH by controlling my LIGHT BULBS. :eek: What if we want chicken? We won't stand for this!

Better? ^_^

Keep acquiescing to government decisions about the way you live and it won't be long before they sanction something you DO care about. Saavy?

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I'd be interested in seeing numbers. Coal pollutes and a fair amount of this country's power generation if from coal, it would be interesting to see how pollution per watt savings (over the life of the bulb) for fluorescents compares with things such as mercury in fluorescent bulbs.

Mercury is a nerve toxin and causes incurable nerve damage. Have you seen the gold miners who use mercury to pan for gold? It isn't long before they start to spasm and they will suffer from it for the rest of their lives.

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I'm hardly a liberal, but I bought my first CFL back in the early '90's for forty bucks. It lasted for about a dozen years of daily use. I'm not a fan of the govt telling us what we can and can't buy, but mourning the loss of incandescents is sort of like mourning the loss of buggy whips and cleaning horse crap off public streets.

Something better came along. *shrug* I pick my battles.

LM, your reasoning is myopic. No force of law compelled people to give up horse drawn transportation. The problem is, the federal government continues to find new things to sanction. Do you remember when they limited the water capacity of flush toilets so now you need to flush 2 or 3 times to get it down? There is nothing whatsoever in the Commerse Clause of the Constitution that gives the feds the right to micromanage these things.

Like I told Mightynancy, it won't be long before they control something you do care about.

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The thing is, we were kind of early adopters with the whole CFL thing. I don't have my panties in a bunch over it.

Those in government HAVE violated a lot of things I care about. Like not requiring an actual judge to sign a warrant for a wire tap. Data mining willy-nilly. Starting wars either on false pretenses (Bush) or without going through proper channels (Obama). Letting monied interests call the shots in the health care debate (and SO much else!).

Please don't insult me by presuming ignorance or apathy. It reminds me of a former neighbor who was certain we'd all live in fear like he did, if only we knew what he did.

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LM, your reasoning is myopic.

Winning post. Our panel of judges also would have accepted "ostritch with head in sand", "blinder-wearing", and "willful dupe who sells soul for trinkets."

Like I told Mightynancy, it won't be long before they control something you do care about.

And like I told you, I pick my battles.
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Winning post. Our panel of judges also would have accepted "ostritch with head in sand", "blinder-wearing", and "willful dupe who sells soul for trinkets."

That was a criticism and you parried with an insult. I was correct in saying your analogy was myopic and demonstrated that claim compellingly. Apparently one of the battles you pick is anytime somebody points out flaws in your reasoning.

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By chosing to use incandescant bulbs you are using additional electricity, a large portion of which is produced by burning coal, which releases mercury into the air. The amount of extra coal that will be burntby using an inefficent incandescant bulb instead of a CFL is greater than what is released if a CFL is broken. So if your concern is to reduce the mercury, then you would be better off with CFL's even if everyone disposed of them by smashing them when they burnt out. However, many are responsibly recycled creating an even greater reduction in mercury pollution.

As for not wanting the government dictating what you do, I am in agreement with that sentiment. However, your desire to not go along with what is best for all concerned simply because you don't like being told what to do seems a bit juvenile. If you had switched to CFL's long ago, there would have been no reason for the government to have felt the need to improperly impose its will. When the free market fails to correct a problem because of the stubborn refusal of people of act in their and society's best interest, the idiots in government start to feel empowered to fix it themselves. So next time do the right thing to avoid tempting lawmakers to overstep their power.

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Guest mormonmusic

I saw a video indicating these CFL bulbs give off dirty electricity and they raise your blood sugar. WE got rid of them all after that because my son has diabetes. We went back to the good old fashioned kind as a result which don't give off dirty electricity. Now, someone come and tell me my facts are wrong and it was all a hoax.

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I saw a video indicating these CFL bulbs give off dirty electricity and they raise your blood sugar. WE got rid of them all after that because my son has diabetes. We went back to the good old fashioned kind as a result which don't give off dirty electricity. Now, someone come and tell me my facts are wrong and it was all a hoax.

Sorry mormonmusic, it is not true. There is only one researcher who claims that CFL's can cause Type 3 Diabetes: Science-Based Medicine CFLs, Dirty Electricity and Bad Science here is a link about it.

Electricity, does not cause someone to get diabetes, nor does it affect ones diabetes, except if the person also suffers from S.A.D. Seasonal Affective Disorder. Being depressed, will cause havoc with your blood gloucus levels. About the only outside thing that will affect a diabetic is if they don't wash their hands with warm, soapy water, rinse real well, dry with paper towel BEFORE they ***** their finger to test the blood sugar level. I am type 2- used to dry my hands with the cloth hand towel that both husband and I use all week. My sugars were always high. When I saw the Dr., he had me wash and use paper towels to dry with- didn't even need more of an explanation- no longer use cloth towels, have paper towels in there for hand drying. Or if a diabetic has a sore or nick on their extremity that is infected.

Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes is a disorder in which the body does not produce insulin (a hormone that aids in moving sugar from the blood to the cells). This type of diabetes can be due to a virus or autoimmune disorder in which the body does not recognize an organ as its own and attacks it. In this case the body attacks an organ known as the pancreas where insulin is made.

Those with Type 1 Diabetes are required to take insulin injections to move sugar from the bloodstream. This type of diabetes is usually diagnosed before age 40.

Type 2 Diabetes occurs when insulin that the body produces is less efficient at moving sugar out of the bloodstream. Some sugar is moved out of the blood, just not as effectively compared to a person with normal insulin efficiency. High blood sugars are a result of this.

Diet, exercise, weight loss, and possible medications are the treatment for this type of diabetes. Occasionally, someone with Type 2 may be placed on insulin to better control blood sugars. This type of diabetes is associated with physical inactivity and obesity. Type 2 Diabetes used to be thought of as the adult onset type of diabetes. However, an alarming rate of children are now being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.

Dirty Electricity Information | What is Dirty Electricity?

Many people complain about a variety of side effects to dirty power, these can include headaches, ringing in the ears, trouble focusing, and a variety of other symptoms>>>

Florescent bulbs make noise and flicker when they are on. Your computer monitor makes a noise and flickers too. Until we got rid of the florescent bulbs in the house, and my husband reset the monitor setting, I would get migraines from them.

mormonmusic, your son will be more affected by the toothpaste & mouthwash he uses, than the light bulbs that are in the house.

Incandescent bulbs give off a warm, yellow glow. TO me this is a depressing light. St. Michael- if you are using 100 watt bulbs you might have a wee problem. What color are the shades on your lamps? Are they dark, are they blocking the 100 watt lights, dimming them? Do 60 watt bulbs seem too dim? Change to Real Light lightbulbs, brighten up your lamp shades, and perhaps have your eyes checked. A lady friend of mine nearly burned the house down using 100 Watt bulbs- all of her lamps and ceiling fixtures were only rated for 40 or 60 watt. She said it was so dim in her house. Found out she had cataracts. She called it algae eyes.

I use Real Light bulbs. I tried the twisty bulbs that purport to give off real light- Ha- they LIED! It was supposed to be the equivalent to a 60 watt and it was more like a 30 watt! Plus there was the flicker and the white noise- migraine time!

When they come out with the led lights, in real light, AND if they don't cause me to have migraines, then we will go with them.

When I moved into this house, I took out every single incandescent bulb and took them to the garbage transfer center aka The Dump. We do have the florescent shop lights in the shed- I don't spend much time out there- and at 6.88 for each fixture plus the $3.95 for the two pack of bulbs- I really don't care. Those bulbs will last a dozen years! Longer than the shed will probably last.

Edited by Iggy
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That's one of the many things I hate about those CFL's. They are stress inducing. When you have the same light at home that you had at work, it's hard to transition into relax mode. Incandescent have that soft yellowish glow not unlike the light from hearth, that tells you that you are home.

hey maybe well go back to bamboo threaded bulbs :D

actually im hoping for the LED lightbulb

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That was a criticism and you parried with an insult.

Nah, not an insult. A recitation of things I've been told after expressing a lack of melodramic emotion over being given scenarios of woe and destruction.

I was correct in saying your analogy was myopic and demonstrated that claim compellingly.

As we can all see, you didn't say my analogy was myopic, you said my reasoning was myopic. But in my experience, folks like you see myopia wherever someone isn't impressed with your prophecies of impending doom. Be it from a conspiring government, FIAT currency, rising food or oil prices, inflation and falling stockmarket - if someone doesn't get worked into what you consider an appropriate lather, it's because we're wearing blinder. Folks have been explaining it to me for a decade Stmichael, you're just the latest iteration.

Like this guy back last April, telling us we're wearing rose colored glasses because we didn't believe America had already collapsed.

Or this guy back in 2008, tossing out the ostrich insult, accusing me of saying "all is well in zion", and accusing us of being asleep, all because we weren't predicting the proper amount of doom based on the then-high inflation rate and falling stock market.

Also from 2008, This guy was calling me a "short sighted person" who did "not understand what money is". All because I wouldn't buy his line about the economy collapsing.

Apparently one of the battles you pick is anytime somebody points out flaws in your reasoning.

Meh. This jabby back-and-forthing isn't a battle. It's me dismissing the importance you place on govt action in the lightbulb industry, and you taking it personally.

I know about the commerce clause. I know the fedgov has been exceeding its constitutional bounds, in increasingly alamring ways, since shortly after the Civil War. But no, as I sit here and wish the Dept of Energy would go away, banning the lightbulb barely hits my radar of things that bug me.

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I just KNOW the people who passed this law don't have to deal with migraines.:(

I have actually found that my migraines have DECREASED since we switched to CFL's. Everyone has different triggers, so don't assume that migraine sufferers the world over are all going to get worse because of CFL bulbs.

Keep acquiescing to government decisions about the way you live and it won't be long before they sanction something you DO care about. Saavy?

I'm sorry, that's ridiculous. The government decides what speed I should drive and whether or not I can shout "fire!" in a crowded building if there is no fire. Because of these things, should I now be afraid that I won't be allowed to cook what I want for dinner?

Stop making these crazy, anti-government, blanket statements. You're free to leave the country if you don't like how it's run. And stop attacking everyone who disagrees with you and then complaining that you're the one being insulted.

Geez, it's a freaking LIGHT BULB!!!!

Edited by MormonMama
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Keep acquiescing to government decisions about the way you live and it won't be long before they sanction something you DO care about. Saavy?

I'm sorry, that's ridiculous. The government decides what speed I should drive and whether or not I can shout "fire!" in a crowded building if there is no fire. Because of these things, should I now be afraid that I won't be allowed to cook what I want for dinner?

Stop making these crazy, anti-government, blanket statements. You're free to leave the country if you don't like how it's run.

Geez, it's a freaking LIGHT BULB!!!!

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I have actually found that my migraines have DECREASED since we switched to CFL's. Everyone has different triggers, so don't assume that migraine sufferers the world over are all going to get worse because of CFL bulbs.

Nope but there are plenty that will. :(

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Been using CFLs for about 10 or 11 years now, it has not worsened my diabetes, it has not given me migraines, I have not gone into spasms from mercury poisoning, nor have I gone blind or been unable to relax.

My first one burnt out about a week ago after at least 10 years of faithful service.

I have had one effect - my electric bill is lower than it would have been with a bunch of 100w incandesents.

oh one more thing, I have gotten 10 years older but I don't think I can blame that on the CFL's

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