Most anticipated movies of 2011?


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I'm anticipating Red Dawn. It hasn't come out yet, has it? They're probably going to embarrass the original movie completely.

Oh great, the spell check isn't working on this thing. What's up with that?

The company that made Red Dawn went bankrupt and was purchased by a new company. The new company, by the way, doesn't have rights to Red Dawn. That movie's in a limbo right now. It's unknown if it will ever come out, despite the fact that it's in the can and finished.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thor is still top at the Box Office according to Rotten Tomatoes.

The next big summer movie is out - Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. The reviews have not been that good. I saw this Saturday night in 3D. If you do go see it I would suggest see it in non-3D. I was not impressed with the 3D and some complaints in the reviews I've read say the 3D darkens the whole film and I would agree.

As for the film. I think it's better than the last two but the last two were disappointments compared to the first one. It's not as good as Thor. There are lots of set pieces with lots and lots of action. The set pieces are a little "too set" for my taste and just look like choreographed dances instead of fights and escapes. I call it the Jackie Chan Ballet Effect. It's where you have lots of action but everything looks 100% choreographed like a ballet and the action in it is so stupid it's completely unbelievable. It's the point where you watch the action and you ask - are they fighting or they are dancing?

It's Disney so it should be safe for kids and I would say it is safe for kids.

I forgot to mention Steven Spielberg has a film coming out in June - Super 8.

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Well I happened to really like the original Red Dawn. Loved the cast.

As far as reviews of movies, I never pay attention to them. There has been too many times that movies given poor reviews I really enjoyed and vice versa. It's all based on opinion.

Edited by pam
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Nothing seems original. That list is just sequels or remakes or movies taken from comic books.

Where's the originality these days?

Well if people were ripping ideas from somewhere I want someone to do this, and this...

If the characters and scenery looks familiar its because the guy who did the art for these got hired by a certain well known movie company, and became part of the team for doing some of the most anticipated movies evar.

Edited by Blackmarch
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It's May and we have started the summer movie season. It kicks off this weekend with Thor. It's always interesting to see which film will end up on of the big hit for the summer and which films will disappoint and which will bomb.

Some major movies coming out this summer include -

Thor - out now. I saw it last night at midnight. I'm not a big fan of these Marvel superhero films but this one was above average. It was nicely done but nothing special. There's no sex or foul language (I don't remember any foul language) so it's safe for young kids.

May 20 - Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Has Blackbeard in it.

June 3 - X-Men: First Class

June 17- The Green Lantern

June 24 - Cars 2. I enjoyed Cars 1 and hope this will be halfway decent. Pixar film.

July 1 - Transformers - Dark Side of the Moon.

July 15 - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2. I imagine this will be the big hit of the summer. Final Potter film.

July 22 - Captain America: The First Avenger

July 29 - Cowboys and Aliens. This has Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig. The name sounds dumb and the idea sounds dumb but they might pull it off. I do want to see it.

July 29 - Smurfs.

August 5 - Rise of the Planet of the Apes. This looks half way decent.

August 19 - Conan the Barbarian. This Conan looks nothing like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

August 19 - Fright Night. This is a remake of the original. The original is good.

I'm sure I've missed some films. Some of these films are 3D. I've seen about three or four 3D films now. Thor did not look any good in 3D. I thought there was an excess of blurry scenes.

a smurfs movie? i see they are hell bent on ruining my childhood as always.
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  • 5 months later...

I read reviews that Green Lantern totally bombed. So I never went to see it. I did see Captain America though and I really really wanted to love it but I was very disappointed. Still, it wasn't awful.

We rented Green Lanturn via the Xbox. I enjoyed it, but only on the level of rented-movie-in-the-living-room level, which has significantly less expectation than movie-in-the-expensive-theatre.

I saw "Captain America" and really quite enjoyed it--no actually disappointment, but I think it could have been much better and seemed to exist mainly to cross over to the "Avengers".

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I wanna go see puss in boots.

I about died laughing seeing the trailer where he says he's not easily distracted and then you see him trying to catch the laser point light. :lol:

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  • 10 months later...
Guest wankristan

According to me these are best anticipated movie like:-

1.Cowboys & Aliens


3.Sucker Punch

4.Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

5.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

6.Super 8


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