How do I make it to heaven?


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I'd say there is nothing you could do to earn your way into heaven. The only way into salvation is Jesus' life, death and resurrection. If you make Him your Lord and Savior by accepting you are a sinner and in need of salvation then His work covers you. He was slain for you. I wouldn't change your name at all. I'd accept you are a sinner in need of saving and ask God into your heart. :) Nice to meet you btw.

Edited by Dr T
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Two questions spring to mind.

1) If you are not religious by any means why do you care. The assumption is you are not religious then you have no belief in Heaven.

2) Why is your ID destined to Hell if again you are not religious you should thus have no belief in Hell. If you don't believe in Hell you can not assume you are destined to it.

So either don't worry about it at all, or spend time pondering if you believe there is something to be concerned about.

In truth from your handle and question I would bet you already know enough to determine which way you will go and what you need to do or stop doing to go the direction you want to. :)

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The gospel message (according to LDS) is about progression, growing and learning. By labeling yourself as an atheist and ending it there completely stifles your spiritual growth. Once you reject God, you can never spiritually grow. You can never learn what defines humanity and will never seek out more than the physiological and psychological aspects of the animal called man. But you are so much more than that. So you are damning yourself. And you will never fully understand who you are.

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I'd say there is nothing you could do to earn your way into heaven. The only way into salvation is Jesus' life, death and resurrection. If you make Him your Lord and Savior by accepting you are a sinner and in need of salvation then His work covers you. He was slain for you. I wouldn't change your name at all. I'd accept you are a sinner in need of saving and ask God into your heart. :) Nice to meet you btw.

If there is now way to heaven then why not sin?

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He didn't say there was no way to heaven (I'm presuming a typo).

You're right he didn't. He said their is no way to "earn" your way into heaven. Apparently one must ONLY accept Jesus in their heart to enter the pearly gates. Again, why not sin for your entire life and then accept Jesus?

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Two questions spring to mind.

1) If you are not religious by any means why do you care. The assumption is you are not religious then you have no belief in Heaven.

2) Why is your ID destined to Hell if again you are not religious you should thus have no belief in Hell. If you don't believe in Hell you can not assume you are destined to it.

So either don't worry about it at all, or spend time pondering if you believe there is something to be concerned about.

In truth from your handle and question I would bet you already know enough to determine which way you will go and what you need to do or stop doing to go the direction you want to. :)

You're right I don't believe in Hell. I do however believe it is a childish concept.

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I grew up without religion. Thinking on it I figured there were two possible outcomes at death.

1 We die and that's it no more existance.

2 All that afterlife stuff is true and after death there is a different kind of existance.

Looking at the two alternatives I figured it was better to assume number 2 was the more correct idea. Following something beyond mans changing social values would give me a more solid rock to base my existance on. Assuming I followed basic teachings it would give me guidelines and help me to be a better person etc.

The end result if number 2 was correct would be that I was more likely to be on the better end of whatever there was. If number 1 was correct I would never know that number 2 was wrong.

If I spent my life assuming number 1 was the truth then I would be in much worse shape afterward if indeed number 2 was correct.

Overall it just made more sense to assume there was more since it personally made my life easier anyway.

When I became a parent believing that I will see my children again afterward brings me far greater comfort then believing there is nothing.

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You're right I don't believe in Hell. I do however believe it is a childish concept.

Which evades the question that you were asked. And that is why are you asking?

It sounds like you already have your answers.. Which means you are not looking for advice...(which is the board you are in)

If you are looking to discuss various aspects and differences between believers and non believers, then that should be in the discussion forums.

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FYI while I believed in God I never belonged to a relgion, I didn't believe in organized religion. I distrust all organizations assuming they are out to get what they want. When Missionarries showed up I told them they could talk to us but had no chance of brainwashing me into thier cult.

This October my wife and I will be members for 15 years. All the logic I applied to the 'cult' issue led me to see that this religion made sense. When I did as they suggested and asked of God in faith I recieved an very clear answer. To be sure I did it three times and got the same answer. And I was not determined to have a positive answer since I hate joining things.

Since that time I have had far to many experiences to questions the existance of an afterlife.

However it is a discovery and a journey that each individual needs to make on their own when they are ready to make it. Many never are willing to attempt the journey which is their right under God.

Hope you enjoy your week.

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I grew up without religion. Thinking on it I figured there were two possible outcomes at death.

1 We die and that's it no more existance.

2 All that afterlife stuff is true and after death there is a different kind of existance.

Looking at the two alternatives I figured it was better to assume number 2 was the more correct idea. Following something beyond mans changing social values would give me a more solid rock to base my existance on. Assuming I followed basic teachings it would give me guidelines and help me to be a better person etc.

The end result if number 2 was correct would be that I was more likely to be on the better end of whatever there was. If number 1 was correct I would never know that number 2 was wrong.

If I spent my life assuming number 1 was the truth then I would be in much worse shape afterward if indeed number 2 was correct.

Overall it just made more sense to assume there was more since it personally made my life easier anyway.

When I became a parent believing that I will see my children again afterward brings me far greater comfort then believing there is nothing.

Which afterlife is correct? There are dozens of afterlife's. Which one has precedence over the others and why? Whilst, I don't believe in Hell or perhaps Heaven doesn't mean I believe in termination of existence.

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Which afterlife is correct? There are dozens of afterlife's. Which one has precedence over the others and why? Whilst, I don't believe in Hell or perhaps Heaven doesn't mean I believe in termination of existence.

I assume you mean that there are many different beliefs about the afterlife. Yes, that is definitely true, and it is part of the journey here that we have many different ideas for us to sort through and come up with our own conclusions. Now, each person is responsible for his or her own conclusions- whether they are true or not. Correct?

So how do you personally plan to find out which beliefs about the afterlife are correct?

You sound like a man of science, who does not easily believe what you cannot see / hear / taste / smell / feel for yourself. There are many like you, who do not easily see the use of faith. But if you think about it, you use faith even when you start a new scientific experiment. You start with a hypothesis - then you conduct tests and experiments to try to gain evidence. Why do you do these tests and experiments, unless you have faith, or hope, that you will find the evidence you are looking for? We do the same thing in our search for spiritual truth.

You must also do the same thing if you want to find out the truth about spiritual things.

Now the difference between a science experiment and a spiritual experiment is in the kind of evidence you look for. God does not typically reveal Himself to our physical eyes or ears in this life- at least not until after you have lived by faith long enough, gained enough spiritual experience and evidence, and proven yourself willing to accept the responsibility of a sure physical knowledge. And it would definitely be a huge responsibility- not one that we should seek for if we are not ready.

One of the purposes of this life is to test our faith.

I mentioned spiritual experiences and evidence- these are the things you must seek for, if you want to confirm a spiritual experiment. Now, are you really seeking for spiritual truth? Then, are you willing to try a spiritual experiment?

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You're right he didn't. He said their is no way to "earn" your way into heaven. Apparently one must ONLY accept Jesus in their heart to enter the pearly gates. Again, why not sin for your entire life and then accept Jesus?

Depends on the person you ask. Dr. T. isn't LDS so I can't answer for him in this matter.

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Which afterlife is correct? There are dozens of afterlife's. Which one has precedence over the others and why? Whilst, I don't believe in Hell or perhaps Heaven doesn't mean I believe in termination of existence.

True and sorry for slipping into a stereotype assumption.

As for which one is true obviously since I joined LDS I feel that one is the most correct, I say most correct simply because it is possible that as physical beings we can not completely comprehend the true nature of the afterlife.

If you want to know for sure which is correct for you study the variations out then ask God with true intent to follow the answer and HE will tell you.:)

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  • 1 month later...
Guest God_is_Everywhere

i'd say there is nothing you could do to earn your way into heaven. The only way into salvation is jesus' life, death and resurrection. If you make him your lord and savior by accepting you are a sinner and in need of salvation then his work covers you. He was slain for you. I wouldn't change your name at all. I'd accept you are a sinner in need of saving and ask god into your heart. :) nice to meet you btw.

what the fu~ck. Insane much?

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