I Have A Question...


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I was visiting a different forum and came across the topic of "sealing cancellations". I did some checking and found this at Wikipedia.org:

Marriages ending in divorce

A man who is sealed to a woman, but later divorced must apply [for] a "sealing clearance" from the First Presidency in order to be sealed to another woman. This does not void or invalidate the first sealing. A woman in the same circumstances would apply to the First Presidency for a "cancellation of sealing," (sometimes incorrectly called a "temple divorce") allowing her to be sealed to another man. This approval voids the original sealing as far as the woman is concerned.


So my question is if A man called Bob and A woman called Jane were the couple requesting this sealing cancellation and clearance, what does it mean that in regards to Bob, the clearance does not void or invalidate the sealing but in regards to Jane, the cancellation approval voids the sealing. So Jane has no connection to Bob anymore but that's not necessarily so for Bob, he still as a connection to Jane?

Can someone explain, please and thank you!


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I was visiting a different forum and came across the topic of "sealing cancellations". I did some checking and found this at Wikipedia.org:

Marriages ending in divorce

A man who is sealed to a woman, but later divorced must apply [for] a "sealing clearance" from the First Presidency in order to be sealed to another woman. This does not void or invalidate the first sealing. A woman in the same circumstances would apply to the First Presidency for a "cancellation of sealing," (sometimes incorrectly called a "temple divorce") allowing her to be sealed to another man. This approval voids the original sealing as far as the woman is concerned.


So my question is if A man called Bob and A woman called Jane were the couple requesting this sealing cancellation and clearance, what does it mean that in regards to Bob, the clearance does not void or invalidate the sealing but in regards to Jane, the cancellation approval voids the sealing. So Jane has no connection to Bob anymore but that's not necessarily so for Bob, he still as a connection to Jane?

Can someone explain, please and thank you!



Im going to take a quick stab at this issue

but I'll leave the main focus of your concern to be answered by one who hold the priesthood.

I believe it matters as to what caused the divorce...ie: committing adultery, which would allow a woman to be "unsealed" and allow a new marriage and sealed to a more "righteous" man. but as for a marriage ending because of ie:falling out of love, to less serious matters .

this matter would keep the man "sealed" to his ex. Im curious to see feedback from Ben Raines

one womans opinion :blush:


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It is LDS practice that a man, who has a wife who has died, to be sealed to another wife in this life. From an eternal perspective then he would be sealed to two women.

If a widow would like to marry again then she can marry again for time, while in this life, but not be sealed for eternity since she is already sealed to one man.

Same would hold true for disolving a temple sealing or marriage. It is correct to say that there is no such thing as a temple divorce.

That is how I understand it.

Ben Raines

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^But Ben, in a case of divorce where both man and woman go their separate ways and are still alive to remarry or not - why is the sealing cancellation a true separation for the woman but not for the man? How can a couple be half sealed, if you get my drift.


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Ok here we go; I had a friend whose husband passed on and another whose wife passed on. So I learned first hand how this all works.

The sister had to cancel or annulled her first marriage in order to be, sealed to her new husband. She was told that she was not to worry about the children of the first marriage because they would still be sealed to her and their father. The explanation was heavenly father will take care of those other details later.

The male friend married in the temple to his second wife with out annulling the first. Why because man can be sealed to more then one wife.

Some loose strings from early church history that have not been addressed yet.

OK it is not priesthood over women thing it just has never been address and clarified.

Just like the priesthood opened to all men of the church in 1977. The Lord comes to the prophet in his own time. It is not as if President Hinckley decides one morning to table a meeting with Heavenly Father about sealing’s.

It is also believed that men will be required to live in a plural marriage in the millennium, why? So all women in the church will receive the highest exaltation who did not have that chance here on earth.

Now do go off half coxed this is not a sex thing it is a spiritual thing.

I remember sitting in a RS meeting were this subject was taught and discussed some years back.

I sat near a dear friend who is advanced in years never having a chance to marry in the Temple. When we were taught that at some point not in this life but in the next, we would be required to share our husbands so the sisters there should not be denied that blessing.

It was a well-taught class and I understood what it really meant for those sisters who would other wise not receive that blessing. I reached over to my friend hand and whispered to her. “Ill share Ed with you” her eyes welled up and she thanked me.

I do not have a problem with this. It is not some tawdry affair but the highest salvation of the sister sitting next to you, your best friend that sister who never marred.

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I do understand what you are saying. If the woman marries again in the temple then she is no longer married for eternity to the first man so it is not one-sided. Since a woman can only be married in the temple for eternity to one man at a time if she gets permission to remarry in the temple then the first marriage is no longer valid.

I am not sure that wickapedia can be the ultimate source of knowledge. From what I have read of wickapdia anyone can place definitions there.

I hope that is clear. Again as I understand it.

Ben Raines

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I understand the church's doctrine of eternal marriage - time and eternity - but when a couple divorces that changes both time and eternity doesn't it? If a couple decides they do not want to be together for time anymore, why would there be half a connection for eternity.

So for divorced couples, why is the woman fully separated from her husband for time and eternity but the man still seems to be connected to the woman for eternity in some way?

A man who is sealed to a woman, but later divorced must apply [for] a "sealing clearance" from the First Presidency in order to be sealed to another woman. This does not void or invalidate the first sealing.

Why would the man want to still be sealed to the woman he divorced and the woman he is happily married to; especially if his first wife is not sealed to him anymore?


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It’s the eternal marriage with its highest salvation.

Just because your divorce does not mean your willing to give up that highest salvation.

Why would the man want to still be sealed to the woman he divorced and the woman he is happily married to; especially if his first wife is not sealed to him anymore?

You cannot look at this with your earthly eyes its not the same kind of marriage as here on earth.

I have a friend who is divorced, her husband was excommunicated.

She asked about getting an annulment. She was told she should not annul her first marriage until time came for her to remarry. Why she asked it was to keep intake that highest salvation for her self. Just because he was a looser does not mean she would not have that chance of salvation as so she would still be sealed to her son and a daughter who died. The sad part about this story is she did have a chance to remarry to a wonderful man a new member. He died three days after they were married (hart attack)

She since then has been sealed to him.

I think it is important to remember that all of these question will be answered in the millennium.

I have a on going list of questions for Heavenly Father and I want answers.

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A woman or man can not get clearance or cancellation until one has found someone else to be married too. If the man finds someone, he cannot have his previous sealing cancelled. He must get permission from the first Presidency to be cleared to be sealed to another. If the woman finds someone, she must "then" send papers to the first presidency and ask to have her first sealing cancelled before she can be sealed to another.

You ask why? Because in the woman's case, if she does not find another, then she still has the blessings of her temple sealing as long as she remains true and faithful to the covenants she made. If she were to get her sealing cancelled and die before being sealed to another, she would not be able to progress in the Celestial Kingdom to the highest degrees, she would remain an angel forever. If she remains faithful to her sealing covenants then she will be given to another that is worthy of her, if she does not find anyone else here.

A man cannot have his sealing to a woman cancelled, even if they have had a civil divorce, because he is responsible for those covenants that he made to that woman before God in his Holy Temple. If he is not worthy of her, then again, if she remains faithful, she will be given to another. If the first woman he was sealed too does not remain faithful, then she will loose all, and if he remains faithful, he will be given another.

I am so glad that it is Heavenly Father and Christ that take care of tying up all of these loose ends.... :P

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You ask why? Because in the woman's case, if she does not find another, then she still has the blessings of her temple sealing as long as she remains true and faithful to the covenants she made. If she were to get her sealing cancelled and die before being sealed to another, she would not be able to progress in the Celestial Kingdom to the highest degrees, she would remain an angel forever. If she remains faithful to her sealing covenants then she will be given to another that is worthy of her, if she does not find anyone else here.

But that argument is not logical, because if she DOES find another, why can't she get it cancelled like a man can?
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A woman or man can not get clearance or cancellation until one has found someone else to be married too. If the man finds someone, he cannot have his previous sealing cancelled. He must get permission from the first Presidency to be cleared to be sealed to another. If the woman finds someone, she must "then" send papers to the first presidency and ask to have her first sealing cancelled before she can be sealed to another.

Seems to agree with the Wikipedia info.

A man cannot have his sealing to a woman cancelled, even if they have had a civil divorce, because he is responsible for those covenants that he made to that woman before God in his Holy Temple. If he is not worthy of her, then again, if she remains faithful, she will be given to another. If the first woman he was sealed too does not remain faithful, then she will loose all, and if he remains faithful, he will be given another.

Okay, now this is has cleared it up a little, I think. So it's more of a exaltation/CK issue? If the man severs all ties to his first sealing than his exaltation is in jeopardy, is that it? But if he wishes to be sealed again due to re-marriage after divorce, then wouldn't that sealing with the 2nd marriage provide that CK assurance. I guess I just don't understand why he can't have a sealing cancellation (due to divorce and remarriage) but is limited to a clearance. A "sealing" seems to be something that involves at least 2 people, so when the woman is able to have that sealing void on her side, it just doesn't make sense to me why the man is still attached (sealing not void) - it takes two to tango, kinda thing. Considering the persons involved don't actually apply for a clearance or cancellation unless there is already someone new in their life. I get when a spouse dies that the man keeps that first sealing because the marriage endured its "time" phase and the after life would provide the "eternal" part of the marriage - I'm just confused when it comes to divorced couples who have ended their "time" together, why would they (mostly the man) want that connection in their "eternal" life with a person they don't love anymore?

Thanks Josie and Winnie, you explained some but I'm still confused with the whole process.

But that argument is not logical, because if she DOES find another, why can't she get it cancelled like a man can?

But that's the thing, a man can't get his first sealing "cancelled", which means he can only get a "clearance" - which just gives him permission to marry a second time, for time and eternity, while still being sealed to his divorced ex. It's hard to wrap my mind around it.


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That is so he is still seald to his children, not so much the ex wife.

But if children are sealed to their mother and father, then there is a divorce and the father remarries, the children are sealed to their stepmother and father... right? Doesn't seem fair to me that no one cares whether the birth mother is still sealed to her children.

Please correct me if I'm mistaken about this.

Yes Maureen, after I read it again I see what you were saying, and no I can't wrap my mind around it either.

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That is so he is still seald to his children, not so much the ex wife.

What happens if there are no children? What happens if the ex-wife remarries and is sealed to new husband and has children with him. Does this mean her children with new husband are really sealed to ex-husband?


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There is a lot of confusion going on and most of it is in the words cancellation and clearance.

From My Personal Experience: My now husband was sealed to his previous wife. About three months after their marriage/sealing she left the church and him. He remained single until we found each other. For us to be married and sealed together he had to petition the Prophet/First Presidency to clear his sealing, i.e. to cancel his sealing with previous wife.

We could wait until the permission came from Prophet/First Presidency, then get married and sealed in the Temple.


We could get a civil marriage, wait one year, then petition the Prophet/First Presidency to clear/cancel his sealing to previous wife. We chose civil marriage. After the one year time frame, he petitioned the Prophet/First Presidency for a clearance/cancellation. The Prophet/First Presidency then asked several questions in regards to his petition, going through our Stake President. It took another year before that clearance/cancellation was granted. As it was explained to us by our Stake President the Prophet/First Presidency sought out the previous wife to find her views on this, will she consent? was she still a member.

We found out that she had demanded to be excommunicated not quite a year after their divorce. This information came to us out of the blue by an entirely different source.

I also know of a young sister who left a very abusive marriage, taking the small children with her. Her husband had his name remove from the church records, so he told her. When she remarried, she petitioned to have her sealing cleared/cancelled from him. The hold up in obtaining it was the Prophet/First Presidency could not find where 1st husband had been removed from the Church Rolls. They had to track him down, and then he gave convoluted and fabricated stories about the divorce. It took time to check it all out.

She was finally granted the clearance/ cancellation three months after her and second husband's 2nd child was born, 7 years after they were married. The letter she received from Prophet/First Presidency stated that the children from that first marriage were still sealed to both her and their biological father, and would remain sealed. Nothing was stated that the sealing would be voided if one of the parents was excommunicated.

My little sister is divorced from her husband, they have 4 children. Both are active in Church, he has remarried yet he has not requested to have a clearance/cancellation from her. Their four children will remain sealed to them.

Children are never cleared/cancelled from their parents when their parents get clearances/cancellations from each other. Step children are never sealed to step-parents. They are always sealed to biological parents. Adopted children are sealed to adoptive parents. When their biological parents are known and they have had their work done by proxy, the children are then sealed to them also. When I was called as Genealogist to the Branch, it was explained to me that Heavenly Father will explain the whys and where fores of the adoptive sealings when the time was right. Or In Other Words, when we Mortals are ready in His estimation to be told.

What happens in the Eternities really isn't a "Known" factor to us here on earth. It will all be explained to us in Heavenly Fathers own good time.

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Best answer I have heard by someone who has lived it. As in the church all things do not happen in our own good time. There are procedures and they do take time.

When my father was ready to remarry after rebaptism my mother still rec'd a letter asking if she would object. As far as I know there never was a cancellation of their sealing.

Ben Raines

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She was finally granted the clearance/ cancellation three months after her and second husband's 2nd child was born, 7 years after they were married. The letter she received from Prophet/First Presidency stated that the children from that first marriage were still sealed to both her and their biological father, and would remain sealed. Nothing was stated that the sealing would be voided if one of the parents was excommunicated.

Thanks MrsS for the information. I see how realistically the process would take considerable time. I still have one question. This young sister who had remarried and had children with her 2nd husband. While she was still sealed to her ex waiting for the sealing cancellation, could her children with 2nd husband be inadvertently sealed to her ex?


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Thanks MrsS for the information. I see how realistically the process would take considerable time. I still have one question. This young sister who had remarried and had children with her 2nd husband. While she was still sealed to her ex waiting for the sealing cancellation, could her children with 2nd husband be inadvertently sealed to her ex? M.

Last night after I wrote that post, it dawned on me that if you have not been a part of a sealing you really wouldn't know what it is all about.

Lets see if I can help you to "see" it, and thus understand it okay.

Eternal marriage

The Savior promised that certain sacred acts performed in this life would be effective in the world to come. Consider His words to Peter: “And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 16:19).

When a marriage is performed by the proper authority, in the holy temple, it can last through eternity, rather than “till death do you part.”

Your marriage and family do not need to end at death. This promise can give you a sense of eternal belonging and eternal commitment. from mormon.org

When a couple marry and are sealed in the Temple, all children that are then born to them are automatically "Born In The Covenant", or Sealed to them. They are sealed for Time and All Eternity. That is important to remember, Time and all Eternity.

When a couple have a civilian marriage, have children, then later are sealed in the Temple. The parents must first receive their own endowments. Then Dad, Mom and all the children go through the Sealing Ceremony. They all wear their Temple Whites. The children too, they will have received recommends to attend I believe. When my girlfriend went through with her husband and their teenage children, the teenagers went to the Bishop and received special recommends, just like they get when they do baptisms for the dead.

The Parents are sealed first, then each child is sealed to them.

When a couple have a civilian marriage, no children yet, they go through the temple and are sealed to each other. All children born to them, are "Born In The Covenant".

I am 54 Husband is 64. He has two children from his first marriage. (he was married twice before) They are not sealed to him. His son is religously(sp?) neutral, his daughter is wacked out on this really weird religion and won't have anything to do with him. I never had any children.

I am sealed to my parents. This I did in 2001, and it was done by proxy. My father passed on in 1972, my mother in 1988. She joined the Church in 1974, then in 1986-1987 she did the proxy work for my Dad, and the 'Grandparents'.

The first sealing I ever attended was during a Stake Sealing Day at the Temple. Every one in my Stake who could, went to the Temple and stood proxy so that the dead could be sealed to their kin. It was moving, and I know that the majority of the people that we did the work for were pleased.

Then I went and was sealed to my parents. Now I know absolutely that my parents, and ALL of the Grands were thrilled I was there and being sealed to them. Me, who had left the church and had been the 'wayward' child for nearly 30 years! My Sister went with me and she stood proxy for Mom. We had to sit outside on the Temple grounds for nearly two hours before we dared to drive a car. That is how elated we were. As we walked to the car, a sob burst from me and my sister turned to me, and held me in her arms ~ as I cried tears of joy, I told her that now I won't be left behind, all alone.

Then I attended my own sealing to my Sweetheart. Now, let me back up to when we got married. We did not go to a Justice of the Peace. My Branch President performed the ceremony right in the Meeting House. It was beautiful and quite unlike any wedding I had ever attended before. (I had never been to a LDS one)

Now, back to the Temple. Husband and I are kneeling at the Altar. We are facing each other. The Officiator is performing the ceremony. It was truly led by the Spirit. It was the most beautiful ceremony, I can not remember all of his words, but I felt the love of Christ. The Holy Ghost testified to me that Heavenly Father was well pleased with us.

Now for your question Maureen ~ [i]While she was still sealed to her ex waiting for the sealing cancellation, could her children with 2nd husband be inadvertently sealed to her ex? M.

No, they could not be inadvertently sealed to her ex. They are the biological children of her and her second husband. Their names are on the Church rolls as Jane Smith, daughter of June Young Frank Smith and Jake Allen Smith. NOT June Young Frank and Henry Frank.

I do know that before Husband and I went in to our ceremony, we had an interview there at the temple. They checked our temple recommends (name, DOB, membership number, parents names, baptism and confirmation dates) against the information on the Church records. They even had my Grands and Greats listed there! So you see, Maureen ~ the LDS Church goes to great lengths to make sure that we are sealed to the correct family.

In doing Vicarious Work for the Dead ~ there are lots of errors made. These are made by well meaning humans. They submit names numerous times. My cousin did this. When I finally tracked her down and asked her why she was doing this ~ she said she Just Knew that the Ancestors wanted to visit all of the Temples!

Here she did the work for about 20 ancestors for a total of 10 times each. When she could have done the work for 180 more ancestors!! All this multiple work didn't accomplish anything. Once is most sufficient.

Hope I have been able to answer your questions, and I also hope that this isn't a clear as mud :wow:

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I was in agreement with most of this previous post, except when it came to step children and step parents. My husband and I were sealed, this was 3rd marriage for both of us, 1st one in the church and in the Temple. My daughter at the time was 12, and she was sealed to us. She is not my husband's biological child, he is her step parent, but she was allowed to be sealed to us, directly after we were sealed together. The temple president knew that she was a step child. So what you are saying is that isn't allowed. well if that is the case then our daughter isn't actually sealed to us. I think she is, but I guess we will have to wait and find out in the eternities.

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My husband and I were sealed, this was 3rd marriage for both of us, 1st one in the church and in the Temple. My daughter at the time was 12, and she was sealed to us.

Your daughter's father is not a member of the LDS Church, thus you were not previously sealed to him. Is her father alive? If he is, did he give his permission for this to happen? Not knowing exactly what happened prior to and during the sealing~ I am not going to speculate. Also, what the Temple President (or Officiator) does, whether right or wrong, at the final judgement, he is held accountable for.

When my Mother was doing the vicarious work for her own mother and father, and for my Dad's Mom and Dad, the Officiator asked where was the paperwork for the great grandparents? He was told that they were not ready yet. Dates and places had not been confirmed yet. He said ~ you must do the work for them right now, he went out of the sealing room, came back with blank Family Group Sheets and had them fill in what information they knew and then proceeded to do the sealing.

The entire family feels this work was done out of the proper order ~ but you do not Question or Argue with the Temple Brethren. When we do get the dates and places verified, then we will find out what, if anything, can be done to correct this. They weren't even baptized, confirmed or endowed yet! We aren't even certain of my Dad's Grandparents names. They are from Norway and his father never ever talked about them. He just called them Mother and Father.

At the end of the day ~ what is apparent is the Officiator's heart was in the right place ~ he did not do this out of evil-ness. In our hearts we know that the correct work must still be done for them, and we are diligently working on it.

well if that is the case then our daughter isn't actually sealed to us. I think she is, but I guess we will have to wait and find out in the eternities.

Actually - you should go to your Bishop and find out for sure now, and not wait for the eternities. If he doesn't know then go to your Stake President.

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One element that I feel is worth highlighting in this thread is Covenant.

Temple Sealing (unlike life marriage) in the form of the marriage of two living individuals is an Eternal Covenant that reflect the great importance God places on Family.

There is a reluctance to cut these ties. At the same time, in wisdom, the opportunity is given for all Gods sons and daughters (by starting again) to make and keep these covernants that have such meaning for the eternities.

Indeed no matter the changes that are made due to divorce as a covenant is involved there will also be an accounting in the eternities.

I know that the God has all things in hand, that He is perfect in His dealings with His children and will deny us no blessing if we are worthy.


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  • 4 months later...

Your daughter's father is not a member of the LDS Church, thus you were not previously sealed to him. Is her father alive? If he is, did he give his permission for this to happen? Not knowing exactly what happened prior to and during the sealing~ I am not going to speculate. Also, what the Temple President (or Officiator) does, whether right or wrong, at the final judgement, he is held accountable for.

How can permission be sought after from someone outside of the church who really does not have full comprehension about what he is doing? Does he really know what he would be doing allowing someone else to be sealed to their child?

Even in the case of adoption of someone who turns over their child into the care of another for their well being?

What happens when a person has a child sealed to them and circumstances become such that they can not care for them and turn them over to another person? I assume they would not be sealed to the adoptive parents then since they are already sealed.


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How can permission be sought after from someone outside of the church who really does not have full comprehension about what he is doing? Does he really know what he would be doing allowing someone else to be sealed to their child? If the non-member is confused about what is going to transpire, and is asking questions, then the Church will answer his/her questions. I am not sure exactly who is the one who will be doing the answering - but his/her questions will be answered. Lets take a "For Instance" okay? I want to do the ordinance work for my Grandmothers brother and his family. His greatgrandshildren are not members of the Church, thus I would have to get permission from them before I can do his, his wife and deceased children's work. So I go to the oldest greatgrandchildren and ask. They have more questions than I know how to answer so I go to my Bishop and ask him to help. Now I wish I really knew what would happen next, but I do not. Perhaps my Bishop goes with me to my relatives home and proceeds to answer their questions. IF they decide that no, they do not want this ordinance work done - then I will not do it.

Even in the case of adoption of someone who turns over their child into the care of another for their well being? When someone gives their child up for adoption, they are in fact reliquishing their parental rights.

What happens when a person(LDS couple, married and sealed in the temple) has a child sealed to them and circumstances become such that they can not care for them and turn them over to another person? I assume they would not be sealed to the adoptive parents then since they are already sealed. I believe that is right. Once the child(ren) are sealed to the(ir) parents they are sealed eternaly. There is no sealing clearance for children, only marriages. In Other Words - Sealing Clearances for Husband and Wife effect only them, not the children. BTW - Sealing Clearances are not readily given. They can sometimes be next to impossible to get when there are children involved. I know one sister who requested a sealing clearance from her ex-husband and the father of four of her children so that she could be sealed to her present husband and father their two children. It took seven years before it was granted.

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I was in agreement with most of this previous post, except when it came to step children and step parents. My husband and I were sealed, this was 3rd marriage for both of us, 1st one in the church and in the Temple. My daughter at the time was 12, and she was sealed to us. She is not my husband's biological child, he is her step parent, but she was allowed to be sealed to us, directly after we were sealed together. The temple president knew that she was a step child. So what you are saying is that isn't allowed. well if that is the case then our daughter isn't actually sealed to us. I think she is, but I guess we will have to wait and find out in the eternities.

WOW...just reading through this older thread and came upon this.....I know from experience that step-children cannot be sealed to their step-parent...regardless if their biological father or mother gives approval...there are only 2 ways it is possible....the step-parent legally adopts the child....or when the child turns 21 years old they can choose to be sealed to the step-parent...but only if the child is previously endowed in the Temple AND, only if the child was never sealed to their biological parent.

So, sister Caswell....you really need to talk to your Bishop or Stake Presidency about this....the Temple made a huge mistake and that sealing is not valid....but it might be possible.....in the future.......good luck.

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Hello all,

This concept was interesting to me. The idea of "legally adopting" that child being required (a "man made institution") for the next step to be allowed. This made wonder why? I asked myself that because if marriage on Earth is only temporary then why require something else that would (maybe) be temporary too? Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Dr. T

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