Modesty and exercise.


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So, I have had a little look around the forum but couldn't find the answer I was looking for.

I recently went through the Temple just before I got married a few months ago, so modesty is something that's a bit more on my mind than before.

I love going to the gym, but it recently came to my mind, does the 'strength for youth' type guidelines apply for exercise too? Should we be wearing tops with sleeves and shorts that go to/past the knee.

So far I have been going with long/ or three quarter length trousers and then a sleeveless top because I get so hot doing cardio for like an hour. Of course I can live with wearing a top with sleeves, although it would be uncomfortable...

If I ever go running outside, then I wear longer sleeves because i'm not in the 'environment of the gym' and there's people outside not doing exercise, if you know what I mean.

But... what's the deal with modesty in sports?

Thanks :)

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We are encouraged to wear the Garment day and night. We have been counseled that removing the Garment is appropriate when the activity in which we engage would a) require exposure of the Garment (such as swimming) or b) permit us greater respect for the Garment if we participated without it.

We are strongly discouraged against removing the Garment so that we can lounge around in inappropriate attire or simply be more comfortable.

How you interpret the counsel is up to you (and I'm sure people will chime in with much more information).

My personal take, which some here will agree with and some will disagree with, is that if the activity can reasonably be performed with the Garment on, I choose to do it with the Garment on. What constitutes reasonable, to me, includes variables of intensity of the activity and even fabric of the Garment. For instance, I used to not wear the Garment when I played basketball because I had a cotton poly blend that would bind to my skin when I sweat and become painful to wear when I moved (the skin couldn't seem to stretch because of how it bound to the fabric). Now that I wear a nylon mesh, this binding doesn't occur and I wear it to play sports.

Another time I felt okay taking off the Garment is when I went winter camping or on a week long canoeing trip. Again, at the time, I was wearing a cotton blend, which absorbs moisture instead of wicking. Wet clothing can become a hypothermia risk in cold conditions, so I didn't wear them as a safety precaution. Now that I have nylon Garments, this is not a concern and I wear them for these activities.

So you can make yoru own decision on what is reasonable and comfortable. You may even wish to experiment. Get some different fabric tops, and wear them under a breathable and light weight shirt to work out (if you're wearing cotton t-shirts, it's going to be hot). If you can't find a combination that makes you comfortable when working out, or you aren't comfortable working up a heavy sweat in your Garments, that's okay too.

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Well, from what I have been told, I feel comfortable and choose not to wear garments when heavily exercising (but I do in the winter - it's coooold here!), but even though I don't wear the Garments, should I still wear clothes that would cover garments, even though I'm not wearing them? I.e short sleeved tops as opposed to sleeveless.

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Again, that's up to you. In general, my advice is to wear the clothing that is most appropriate for the activity and the conditions.

Again, if you want to experiment with different materials, ther'es nothing wrong with that.

You should also not that not all sleeveless attire is created equal.

There's sleeveless

Then there's Sleeveless

And then there's SLEEVELESS

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I do step aerobics and when I first started working out regularly, I wore my G's. Now I don't. I work up such a sweat during my workout that I feel I am showing disrespect to them. Not to mention, I am moving around so much, it's hard to not have them show. But, when I hike and play softball/volleyball, I wear my G's. It really depends on the activity and how comfortable I feel.

And not all workout clothes are immodest. When I work out, I wear a tank top with wide straps that isn't low cut and doesn't show my stomach and mid-thigh length shorts. I'm comfortable, I can still move freely, and I don't get overheated. Most of the women in my step class are LDS and they also go G-less, but are still modest in their work out clothes.

It's a personal choice. Try different styles of G's (I prefer the nylon mesh) and try working out with them on and without them. See which feels more comfortable to you.

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When doing heavy excercise, I take off the garment. I don't like the idea of it getting really sweaty, maybe I am wrong, but it seems a bit disrespectful. I do wear modest clothing, tho. Not something I would walk around in all over the place, but I do cover my belly and keep the shorts not too short.

Also when I go for excercise walks and such, I don't consider that really heavey, so I leave it on.

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I don't wear my garments when I'm exercising. I notice a distinct increase in how much I sweat with them on, and how quickly I become overheated (especially when running). Different types of fabrics haven't helped much with this, so I just wear regular undergarments when doing heavy activities (like long runs, or an hour long Zumba class).

I try to still dress modestly, although I do wear sleeveless tops if I'm going to be indoors, or it's warm outside (again, that overheating thing. having bare shoulders helps most with keeping me from getting too uncomfortable or lightheaded from heat). I wear knee-length or longer bottoms though, unless I'm working out at home, and then I may wear something shorter depending on what I'll be doing.

It really is all about your personal comfort level. Some people can handle wearing more than one layer of clothing when they workout, some can't. Pray, and experiment with the different types of fabrics to find out what works best for you so that you can comfortably and safely take care of your Temple (body). ;)

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I am far past my prime but I use to compete in cycling. When I first became serious about cycling I wore my garments and other things to keep them covered. This caused me great physical distress on rides over 12 miles. I was given counsel to change my attire so that my skin could breath properly. I tried it and the difference was dramatic. However, for years removing the garment troubled me - especially during public races where many saw me in my “outfit”.

During this time I had opportunity for personal exchanges with an Apostle of the L-rd and in personal conversation I sought council on the subject. I pleaded that a “special” garment be created for exercising - similar to the military garment. I was given understanding that already there are abuses of the garment that have become too generally accepted and that a exercise garment would quickly become the “standard” for all conditions and would push the envelope of modesty in a direction dangerous to the saints. I asked about taking matters into my own hands to maintain what I believed to be the important parts of the covenants. I was warned against such pursuits.

I was counseled that it would be best to remove the garment when necessary and appropriate but warned not to take advantage or slothful in changing out of my exercise attire when I had completed my exercise.

The Traveler

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Well, from what I have been told, I feel comfortable and choose not to wear garments when heavily exercising (but I do in the winter - it's coooold here!), but even though I don't wear the Garments, should I still wear clothes that would cover garments, even though I'm not wearing them? I.e short sleeved tops as opposed to sleeveless.

While I could see why it's a nice idea to wear clothing that otherwise would cover the garment... I don't when exercising.

And it's pretty much because my exercise clothes were purchased before I went through the temple, are still in great condition, and I don't want to buy any more.

Sometimes I mix and match, though. Most of my exercise bottoms are garment friendly, so I keep on the garment during pilates and whatnot (my garments just don't work for running, though). The tops aren't, so I remove my garment top. I don't know if all would find the appropriate, but in my mind I'm at least trying.

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My stake president says that for sport (I am not sure if you would call going to the gym sport) that it is OK. but here is the thing, at the gym you are not really required to wear a certain type of anything, and there are plenty gym clothing out there that are modest. If you were let's say a runner, and you had to wear the really short shorts and rash guard then I would say the exception would be made there.

I don't wear garments yet, but they are really important to me. Seeing my parents wear them growing up has taught me a very demure respect for them. I've heard so many stories where garments have truly blessed and saved peoples lives. So if I were you I'd get some basketball pants, bermudas (cotton of course), or sweats, and just wear that. My mom always tells me that she had a hard time wearing them when she first got them, but it was easier as time went by, and she grew accustomed to them. You'll know what feels right.

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So, I have had a little look around the forum but couldn't find the answer I was looking for.

I recently went through the Temple just before I got married a few months ago, so modesty is something that's a bit more on my mind than before.

I love going to the gym, but it recently came to my mind, does the 'strength for youth' type guidelines apply for exercise too? Should we be wearing tops with sleeves and shorts that go to/past the knee.

So far I have been going with long/ or three quarter length trousers and then a sleeveless top because I get so hot doing cardio for like an hour. Of course I can live with wearing a top with sleeves, although it would be uncomfortable...

If I ever go running outside, then I wear longer sleeves because i'm not in the 'environment of the gym' and there's people outside not doing exercise, if you know what I mean.

But... what's the deal with modesty in sports?

Thanks :)

Wear what is comfortable and appropriate for the sport. If you need to wear shorts and a tank top for comfort during hot weather, do it. Even outside, IMO, your intention matters. You're dressing for the activity and weather. I think you're fine because of the activity you're doing, if that makes sense. You're not dressing to attract guys- you're dressing to exercise. Guys also have responsibility for their own thoughts/ actions.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Only thing that drives me crazy, is shorts that are not long enough. I some times pull up the bottoms so thay do not stick though then the wife gets on my case about it.

Other then that, I don't wear them at the gym because I don't wear the top because that is where I sweat the most.

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When I do get a chance to exercise (between college assignments, my job - substitute teaching for now, housework, family life, and church) I usually wear shorts that go to my knees or capris - not jean capris, and a plain gray t-shirt. Why gray? because when the gray t-shirt gets wet from sweat, it isn't see through ;). I still wear my full garments (top and bottom) under my clothes when I exercise.

The reason is that I did an experiment. One month I did not wear my garments under my clothes when I exercised, then the next month I did wear my garments under my clothes. The month I wore my garments under my clothes is when I saw the most and the best results. The month I didn't wear my garments, I didn't lose much weight or inches - some but not much. I did not change my excise routine, nor my diet during either month. I kept those the same. Too me this was testimony that if I keep my covenant to wear my garments when exercising, then Heavenly Father will help me to get in better shape and healthier.

I admit I haven't exercise much since last August of 2010. I have gained weight again :( but I plan to get back into exercising again now that it's summer again - but it's hard with it being almost 100 degrees F, some days over 100 here. I exercise by riding my bike 8 miles, and/or jogging 2 miles each day.

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