A Public Service Announcement on Red Lights


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Just because a light has been red for a long, long time doesn't mean someone won't blow through the intersection and almost kill you.

If you have a green light, always look both ways anyway in case the elderly man heading towards the intersection you have the right of way in is either confused, blinded by the setting sun, etc.

Because if the elderly man plows into you and your family is either dead or injured, it won't be much comfort that it was his fault.


MorningStar (who is grateful to be alive tonight)

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Yep.What would you advise I do when I see a red light?


I'm pretty sure it's advice for those on the green light side of the intersection...

Very good advice, actually.

Oh, and I think it's advice for you too, Pam. I mean, it did mention some stuff about old people. :lol:

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