Hpv Vaccine Given To Girls As Young As 9, Experts Suggest

Guest Monica

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Guest Monica


"The vaccine is considered most effective when given to girls before they become sexually active. About 7 percent of children have had sexual intercourse before age 13, and about a quarter of boys and girls have had sex by age 15, according to government surveys."

Why are children under 13 having sex? and isnt that considered a crime? The OUTRAGE!

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I agree, it is an outrage. Our society has desensitized us to the point that it is acceptable. It makes me very worried about when my daughter hits that age.

It seems that kids are experimenting a lot more than when I was their age. When I was 13 I did not even know what sex was :unsure: I wonder if there is anyway I can keep my daughter in the infant stage she is in :)

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I agree, it is an outrage. Our society has desensitized us to the point that it is acceptable. It makes me very worried about when my daughter hits that age.

me too...my daughter just turned 3 on sunday....i dread 13

My daughters are 5, 4, and 2. I'm considering starting a non-Catholic nunnery? Any interest out there?

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I agree, it is an outrage. Our society has desensitized us to the point that it is acceptable. It makes me very worried about when my daughter hits that age.

me too...my daughter just turned 3 on sunday....i dread 13

My daughters are 5, 4, and 2. I'm considering starting a non-Catholic nunnery? Any interest out there?

where do i enroll her?

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Teaching children at the appropriate age about sex in a Godly and positive way will outweigh the moral decay in society.

That is a good point. I do not look forward to it, but in today's society it is important to let them know.

hmm.. :hmmm: Then again, I was also thinking of locking her in the closet, and sliding pizza under the door until she was 18. :jail::animatedlol:

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Guest Monica

Take it from someone raised in strict catholic schools that tried this, it doesn't really work unless you cut full contact with the world surrounding your kids.

Strict isnt Godly or positive.

Eph 6:4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Plus we are not of the world, so that isnt an issue.

Jhn 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

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Guest Monica

Strict as by the bible, no real sex ed, just classes called family planning, teaching no sex is best, all the things i hear LDS parents wishing that schoold did in the public system.

Sex ed needs to be taught so that people know what the anatomy is just as any other class that teaches science. Abstinance needs to be taught because its what God commands. God didnt teach us abstinance til marriage to limit us but to give us a good life.

Problems with sex outside of marriages: VD, babies, AIDS, emotional problems, problems in relating to the opposite sex and others.

I have yet to see any benefit to sex outside of marriage.

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Teaching children at the appropriate age about sex in a Godly and positive way will outweigh the moral decay in society.

Monica: I am sure you mean well and I agree with the point you are trying to make but I am not sure that I can agree with the concept as it is stated. I have often pondered why G-d would destroy a society as with the flood or Sodium. I am convinced that there is a point of no return and that point is when children cannot be diverted from the moral decay in society. I will not pretend that I know that point. I believe it to be most foolish to consider allowing even a single step towards that point. I believe many are currently attempting to justify themselves and other taking such steps.

I believe that the days of trial leading up to the return of Christ will be shortened for the sake of the righteous that would otherwise parish. Sometimes I joke and say I can resist anything but temptation. But there is some truth to the concept of not seeking temptation. If we allow temptation to take its course, even if it is in the name of freedom and choice - we will fail.

The Traveler

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I was asked to speck to the youth of a stake I lived in about human intimacy.

The bishop asked me to find out what they wanted to know so they would not just yawn though a video on masturbation.

I handed out pens and slips of paper and told them to ask away. They watched the video and I asked them if they understood how this behavior would prematurely awaken feelings that were meant for marriage.

Most of the questions were more along how long is to long when I stay angry if I brake up with….? They asked questions that made others squirm but I stood my gowned and answered their questions. Who know if I was embarrassed I had a bright red sun burn.

It ended with asking them how many of you snuck around at Christmas finding your gifts making Christmas morning a disappointment? I gave each of them a candy stick wrapped in Christmas paper and told them not to un-wrap their gift from Heavenly Father un-till the right time, bring joy and peace into their lives.

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Guest Monica

Bravo Winnie! Very well said.

Perhaps we all need to reflect on the sanctity of marriage and why God commands us to abstain from sex until we are married.

Praise God for His wisdom and for His generosity in sharing it with us so we can lead full, wholesome, and healthy lives!

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Guest Monica

Am I actually hearing people right here? What kind of parent would not get their daughter immunized for this family of virus? I think someone is on the verge of child agbuse if they would turn down this vaccination!!! :angry2:

HPV is a sexually transmitted virus that can develope into cervical cancer later in life. If you are married and monogamous as is your spouce there is no risk of being infected.

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Unless you are willing to take the chance that when your daughter marries she will be a virgin, and her husband will be too, then my suggestion is that such an immunization would be justified. I have three daughters and I will bring them up believing in the law of chastity 100%. Does that mean they will follow it? Hope so. And if they do how can I make sure their future husbands are going to follow the same commandments? Some of the most devout Mormons I know are converts, or reactivated, and took part in some pretty nasty lifestyles until the Goispel made an impact in their lives. What if your daughter meets a wonderful return missionary who, when he was 16, had sex with an infected female? This issue transcends morality -- it's a public health issue and must be seen in such a context.

The bishop asked me to find out what they wanted to know so they would not just yawn though a video on masturbation.

:wow: Winnie, what kind ov videos do they have in your stake?????? I was not aware such films existed except for late night on European cable networks.

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I was a peer educator in college for sexual health. The sad thing is lots of girls would lose their virginity to a guy whose been around, then they find themselves with disease. SHould they have waited until they were married yes, do things happen yes. My visiting teachers at the time were outraged with me and quit visiting me because in my dorm room I had a large jar of condoms. They werent for me, but everyone in the dorm knew they could come get them anytime. My vts said I was encouraging premarital sex. I said no Im encouraging people to be smart if they choose to have sex. One day these people will be married and have children and we dont want any diseases creepin up on them. Another note....my mom was unfortunate to get a std while she was married to my dad. He was not being faithful to her and brought something home. She is a temple reccommend holding women and it kinda broadsided her. Fortunately it wasnt too serious and antibiotics fixed it....very embarrassing though!You never know with the world today what choices people will make. We would all like to build a wall around our children but we cant. Hopefully they will make good choices. If not this vaccine could prevent atleast one of those diseases. My two cents anyway.....

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I was a peer educator in college for sexual health. The sad thing is lots of girls would lose their virginity to a guy whose been around, then they find themselves with disease. SHould they have waited until they were married yes, do things happen yes. My visiting teachers at the time were outraged with me and quit visiting me because in my dorm room I had a large jar of condoms. They werent for me, but everyone in the dorm knew they could come get them anytime. My vts said I was encouraging premarital sex. I said no Im encouraging people to be smart if they choose to have sex. One day these people will be married and have children and we dont want any diseases creepin up on them. Another note....my mom was unfortunate to get a std while she was married to my dad. He was not being faithful to her and brought something home. She is a temple reccommend holding women and it kinda broadsided her. Fortunately it wasnt too serious and antibiotics fixed it....very embarrassing though!You never know with the world today what choices people will make. We would all like to build a wall around our children but we cant. Hopefully they will make good choices. If not this vaccine could prevent atleast one of those diseases. My two cents anyway.....

I absolutely agree with your thinking on this. Sure, we know what the ideal situation is, but 'ideal' doesn't always happen. Should someone pay for a mistake with her life? I think not! Lets live in reality...
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Guest Monica

All I hear is excuses for breaking the 10 commandments. God is very clear on this and now we see the reprocussions because of the diseases that come with this sin.

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