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We had a stake meeting today and 2 general authorities were present (and gave very good talks, btw).

Do most LDS meet a general authority at some point? I guess I'm asking if they get around much? Is meeting a GA something people brag about (you see where I'm going here...)? One was a member of the Presidency of the Seventy, one was a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy.

For the former Catholics here, where would a GA be in Catholic hierarchy? Have I just met a monsignor or someone more like a cardinal? :lol:

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We had a stake meeting today and 2 general authorities were present (and gave very good talks, btw).

Do most LDS meet a general authority at some point? I guess I'm asking if they get around much? Is meeting a GA something people brag about (you see where I'm going here...)? One was a member of the Presidency of the Seventy, one was a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy.

For the former Catholics here, where would a GA be in Catholic hierarchy? Have I just met a monsignor or someone more like a cardinal? :lol:

In the area I live we have all kinds of Cardinals here....they play for St Louis......:D:D
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I know some members of the church like to "name drop" when they can.

Well, okay, I do it too... but I can't say that I've ever "met" a General Authority and shook their hand.

At the MTC, I heard a talk by (then) Elder Henry B. Eyring of the Q of 12 and (Elder) Neil A. Anderson of the Q of 70. The same year, I attended a Regional Priesthood Leadership meeting by Elder Robert D. Hales - the same meeting that Marvin Perkins attended where he heard the counsel that "All your questions can be answered in the scriptures." This later helped him uncover the truths and assemble the Blacks in the Scriptures fireside presentations.

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Is meeting a GA something people brag about (you see where I'm going here...)?

Due to my previous work many years ago, I met several of them including a Prophet (I even had a tiny argument with one but nothing big eh just work related) Sometimes members do brag and I must confess it's one of my pet peeves specially if they start approaching them for pictures and treating them like celebrities, I actually feel quite uncomfortable if I observe that.

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If you lived in the Salt Lake are 50+ years ago, and was active, you would probably have met many GAs or maybe worked on some general church boards. The church was just a lot smaller then.

My mother was on the general welfare board in the 60s/70s and helped organize a program to meet the needs of inactive members who fell through the cracks. I was too young to remember, but we had a photo in our family room with Pres Kimball and about 50 various church leaders, including the 12 apostles, and my mom is right there in the middle- one of only two women in the photo. Just recently she presented the church historical society with all of the meeting notes from that program. Am I bragging? Yeah, but more about my mom, who is an amazing woman. :)

When I was on my mission the General Relief Society President was called from my home ward. Her husband was my Deacon leader years earlier (and he was bishop when I was a baby). My cousin was sealed by Elder Oaks and her son is named after him. My high school friend was in the same ward as Elder Packer. And no, we didn't live in a fancy neighborhood. The General Authorities do not live in opulence. And they attend their local wards just like everyone else (although they travel an awful lot).

Edited by bytebear
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We had a stake meeting today and 2 general authorities were present (and gave very good talks, btw).

Do most LDS meet a general authority at some point? I guess I'm asking if they get around much? Is meeting a GA something people brag about (you see where I'm going here...)? One was a member of the Presidency of the Seventy, one was a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy.

For the former Catholics here, where would a GA be in Catholic hierarchy? Have I just met a monsignor or someone more like a cardinal? :lol:

I'd say probably more like a monsignor. Meeting an apostle would be more like a cardinal. And of course meeting the Prophet/President is like meeting the Pope.

Last week we had our Young Single Adult Regional Conference, and two apostles were there (apparently they were also checking out the billboard in Times Square they just put up).

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Due to my previous work many years ago, I met several of them including a Prophet (I even had a tiny argument with one but nothing big eh just work related) Sometimes members do brag and I must confess it's one of my pet peeves specially if they start approaching them for pictures and treating them like celebrities, I actually feel quite uncomfortable if I observe that.

There was quite a crowd gathered around them after the meeting. I am sure many were star struck. I am too new to know if I should be impressed or not. :D

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I'd say probably more like a monsignor. Meeting an apostle would be more like a cardinal. And of course meeting the Prophet/President is like meeting the Pope.

Hello, Jason_J! Haven't seen you around; I was just thinking about you the other day. I hope all is well with you.

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We had a stake meeting today and 2 general authorities were present (and gave very good talks, btw).

Do most LDS meet a general authority at some point? I guess I'm asking if they get around much? Is meeting a GA something people brag about (you see where I'm going here...)? One was a member of the Presidency of the Seventy, one was a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy.

For the former Catholics here, where would a GA be in Catholic hierarchy? Have I just met a monsignor or someone more like a cardinal? :lol:

Well if a member is faithfully going to meetings then yes they'll eventually be in a meeting with one... however that tends to be about a once a year thing (unless they are in the GA's ward/stake ^.^)

And I know people who still recall meetings from GAs and Apostles fondly from many years ago.

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I have been to a Stake conf. where a member of the 12 mentioned me in a talk :) Although, I do admit, I don't press forward to try to shake their hand, although at that conference the Elders came to get me and asked me to come forward b/c they said that the men who spoke that day wanted to meet me. I didn't want to be rude, and I was a little curious. The crowd was too thick though, and I had my little children with me. I didn't make it to the front. But, you know, it is nice to have people that want to meet you, I felt like I was wanted in the Lord's church.

Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the work they do to serve us...but my hubby is a priesthood holder, my home teacher is one too, and the blessings and revelation they give to me are just as good as a blessing and revelation I could get from an Apostle.

I'm not sure if that came out very clearly.

And besides, I figure that other people who do press forward to meet them and such, maybe they have needs that are greater than mine, and they can have my spot.

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