Las Vegas Anniversary Vacation


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So we decided to be crazy and go to Vegas for our 14th Wedding Anniversary next month. I am searching like crazy over the internet trying to find out where to stay, what to do, and the choices are endless!

Does anyone know where to stay and what to do that would be good for a young couple (early 30s), we are not bringing kids (yea!), and we obviously don't drink or gamble.

It seems if I stray away from a family hotel (don't want loads of kids everywhere), I am left with party/gamble hotels.

any advice would be awesome! Thanks!

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July/August in Vegas will be extremely hot--sometimes almost too hot to be outside for long--imo. I don't do well with heat, but that's me--it could easily be 110 degrees or higher outside. There are things to do that doesn't involve gambling. Hoover Dam tour is nice.

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The Paris Hotel followed by the Bellagio are my two favorites. They aere so huge and self contained with shows, shopping malls pools and spas that you could literally not walk outside and have a complete vacation.

Vegas is pretty expensive though so don't plan to find bargain shopping at any hotel on the strip. Food buffets are stuill a buy for eating but many of these newer hotels have full restaurants that can get pricey as are the shows. But if you have planned and budgeted for a Vegas vacation you will have a blast.

After the sun goes down and everything is lit up, take a ride up the Stratisphere, take a walk down the strip at night as each hotel has a show onto itself before you even walk in the door (their way to lure you inside). There are pirate shows, waterfall extravanganzas, you name it.

Someone already suggested the Hoover Dam and while you are there take in Lake Meade as well.

There is loads to do there.

As for the weather, the hotels I meantioned have misters surrounding their gardens, outdoor restaurants and pools which bring that hot and dry temps down to almost outdoor air conditioning.

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I was married there and it was great. We stayed in the New York New York Hotel. We made sure to 'upgrade' our room from the cheapest available and got one with a window. We asked for a room high up, and they gave us a top story room on a corner, it was AWESOME. Do rent a car. This way even if it's 300 degrees at 4am, it doesn't matter because you're always air conditioned.

We went to the dam, it was really nice.

There is a water park there.

If you're into video games, a lot of the hotels have video arcades. Circus circus is always fun to play the games at.

My favorite things were just walking from hotel to hotel looking at the different things. MGM has lions (or were they tigers?), the Luxor has a ride in it with motion cars in front of a screen and that was fun. New York New York has some great restaurants. The exhibits in the Belagio were outstanding and I LOVE the Venetian, I want to stay there next time! They have gondolas and tons of shops and restaurants. We went up the stratosphere and that was fun and up the pretend Eiffel Tower.

We were fully entertained the whole time just walking around inside the hotels without any gambling or drinking.

We went in September. I really didn't have much encounter with smutty things there, I just didn't accept any pamphlets, not that there were many offered.

Hope you have lots of fun!

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my favorite hotel is Treasure Island and Caesars, but Paris, Wynn, Bellagio, Mirage, are all good. I would avoid Circus Circus, Excalibur and I am not a big fan of the Luxor. You probably want to be on the strip, since it's walking distance to everything. TI for me was the best bang for the buck, and the location is perfect. Mandalay Bay has the best pool area, bar none.

There is plenty to do without gambling, and you can spend days just exploring the casino malls. I still think Caesars Forum Shops is the best. Google free things to do in Vegas. And splurge for a Circ de Soleil Show (but look for deals and avoid Zumanity).

Edited by bytebear
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If you are driving I would stay off the strip for lodging. Green Valley Ranch or Red Rock come to mind. If you are going and can go during the week you will save a lot on the cost of a room but some shows are dark during some weekdays. You can stay off the strip and drive the 10-15 miles to get down there and be with the crowds when you want. Luxor, Bellagio, Wynn, etc are rather expensive.

I agree that the Cirque shows are well worth seeing. Mystere is the oldest one and least expensive. Ka and Love (Beatles show) are newer and much more expensive.

There is a shop just to the left of the M&M store on the strip where you can purchase same day tickets for many shows at half price.

Those are some suggestions. Yes it is hot in July but the casinos all have AC and once the sun goes down 100 degrees isn't so bad.

The Hoover dam is a great thing to go see and with the new span over the Colorado River to AZ there is no traffic on the dam so it is a lot more fun to visit.

Ben Raines

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We love Vegas!

All hotels on the strip (even off) have slot machines and tables. So you can't avoid gambling, regardless, of where you decide to board. But yes, there are hotels that are more family designated than others. If you're really wanting to save money, as someone else had said, go off the strip and rent a room. Seriously, Holiday Inn Express' are clean and comfortable, and are great places for just crashing at. You also get free breakfasts! Otherwise, I've stayed at most of the hotels on the strip and if you're willing to drop the cash, there are some pretty nice rooms/entertainment packages you can get. Deciding on what kind of entertainment/show you want, will help determine what hotel you stay at because that's how you get special discounted packages. Also, many of the hotels have stalls that you can go to and fill out forms or watch videos for a couple to a few hours, then after they reward you with free tickets to shows for THAT NIGHT. Most people aren't patient enough to do that (we're not) but that's one way of getting free stuff in Vegas..

I'm a really big fan of Cirque Du Soleil. Fantastic show. Very colourful and energetic.

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Sister Vort and I spent a few days of our honeymoon in Las Vegas. This was back in 1988 when Las Vegas was trying to reinvent itself as a family-friendly destination. I think we paid like $40 a night for our hotel suite. Breakfasts were free; dinner around town was typically $5 a plate for prime rib.

We had no intention of gambling, which made staying on the Strip a rather bizarre experience. We did allow some friends to talk us into buying a $2 roll of nickels and spending them as "video game money" playing video poker. Problem was, we ended up with like $12...couldn't lose those stupid nickels. We felt so guilty about it that we just left the whole wad of nickels as a tip for our next $5-a-plate prime rib dinner.

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