What Do Girls Like?


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in my opinion i think that girls like guys who are strong in the gosple. i am not a girl but my sister liked this guy because he was strong in the gosple. i think nonmember girls would like it 2 because you would be strong in what you belive in. alot of nonmembers may not say anything to you or may make fun of you because you are strong in the gosple but they are looking up to ya. they dont really want you to break your standards.

anyway thats my opinion

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I like guys that respect girls... like guys at my school are kinda jerks. and it makes me sad. lol. IMHO anyway... just be nice to them, but not like creepily nice.. there's a balance there. :D haha that probably was no help.. but yeah.. i tried...

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i was just wondering wat girls like to see in guys. :wub:

Humor, honesty and manners (some kind of manners) lol I wouldn't hold my pinky finger up to drink of cup of cocoa if I were you ;)

If you are looking for a girl of faith.... than faith is really something they like to see in a guy also.

oh oh, sensitivity.... that's a good one too... no one likes a complete macho macho man :)

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Different girls like different things.

Some are bad girls who only like bad boys to do the bad things they want to do with them.

Some are good girls who only like good boys to do the good things they want to do with them.

To each their own.

Are you trying to attract a good girl or a bad girl?

And btw, for good boys who only like good girls there is a LOT to learn from our Father. :)

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i was just wondering wat girls like to see in guys. :wub:


This is an awesome question... sadly, there's never just one answer (I wish there were, especially when it comes to guys), but I think that all girls, no matter how much we'll deny it, will look at how a guy looks, even if it's at the bottom of our priorities list. *keep in mind all girls have different tastes too... You have to remember that girls will look for a lot more than just looks though. I know among my acquainatances we look for loyalty, humour (good humour, not mean stuff), smarts (not smart alecky, but intelligent), if they're members they usually look for someone who's at least active, someon who's sweet (as in... saying nice things when you need a perk up, or simply knowing when you need a hug or something), etc...

Sorry if this is kinda overwhelming, but I'm pretty sure most girls will look for a variety of things. The thing is... these characteristics, as well as their order of importance will vary from girl to girl, so you can't actually answer your question unless one girl is answering specifically to you...

Good Luck with your lady dilemmas and such...

*I don't think I made much sense, so feel free to ask for clarification*

Oh and if you could answer the same, but for guys, that'd be awesome! thanks

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All the girls I’ve ever known always responded when I was sure of myself and wasn’t afraid to be shot down. Confidence is key with girls and life I think. Also depending on the girl doing things for them has to be very carefully done. Example: listen very hard for her to say if she thinks the cliché stuff is sweet (red roses, teddy bears, etc.) If she doesn’t like that stuff it’s a bit trickier because you need to stay away from those.

I agree that being strong in the gospel is a lot of help. When you feel your best inside everyone can see it.


Just like you said looks do count even if it’s not the top of the list. Just like you and your search for “that guy” there’s a guy looking for the same things you are. The best advice I can give you as a guy is, don’t lead on try and be up front. I’ve walked away from girls because I never knew how they felt until to late. If you do like him tell him, be the girl you are and the best person you are. Trust me have the same confidence as Mike and the guys will come. ;)

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well.. be yourself first off.

for me.. there is nothing more obnoxious than a guy who is trying to be something he's not.


I think

good morals,



good manners,

great personality,

and romantic

but hey.

and about the looks thing.

they are the most important thing IF!!! you want a shallow girl.

my personal opinion... looks are important. . . but there are more important things. a lot more important things. when i get to know someone and their personality shines through.. they just get cuter and cuter as i get to know them. :)

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well, I lick popsicles, lolipops, ice cream cones...

j/k. I couldn't help myself.

I'm a girl, so I think I can answer your question. I like guys who have lots of integrity, are respectful, have a good senses of humour, are humble, not cocky and self-centered, are good listeners, willing to voice their feelings, have an original sense of style, they have to like the same music as me, intelligent for the most part, and they put the Lord first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well it depends on each girl. I personally look for the guys that just act themselves and personally I haven't actually had one, but I would look for someone who respects me and isn't a jerk, as soon as someone is one, I'm completely turned off.

I also like people that make my laugh.

Church wise: someone who respects the teachings and of course is active.

Yeah well i can't think of anything else at the moment. Any more questions feel free to ask. :)

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