Revelation 14:6 "The Everlasting Gospel?"


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I know it's an obvious belief of the church that this verse refers to the fullness of the Gospel (Holy Bible, Book of Mormon D&C, Pearl of Great Price), and some see it as evidence that the BoM is true. But, could this verse just be talking about the Holy Bible?

"6And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people"

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Guest tbaird22

An angel didn't bring the bible... Christ and his apostles and a man who compiled it did... But with the BOM an angel literally brought forth the Gospel...

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No. The Bible was compiled by men who chose what would and wouldn't be canon. The Golden Plates were brought by an angel.

I am very glad the men who gathered the records together assembled the Bible as they did. A lot of the books included in what is called "the Apocrypha" have been tampered with by uninspired men and there are things which are not of the LORD in them. The New Testament is very good scripture. It is not perfect, but it is a record of the LORD.

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The verse doesn't equate gospel with a book of any sort.

I agree - this verse is not about scripture. I believe it does parallel Danial chapter 2 and history marks a time after the dividing of the Roman Empire in two and then to a time of 10 Kingdoms. Those 10 kingdoms that are what remains of the Roman Empire will be part iron and clay - and when they fall the Kingdom of G-d will be established (verse 44).

Now, all we need to know is the date that the 10 kingdoms left from the Roman Empire fell. Hint - it was after 1777.

The Traveler

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The key is when does the angel come to bring the fullness of the gospel to the earth. Is it the angel that appeared to the shepherds? If so, does that fit in with the Revelation's schedule of world events?

Revelation 13 tells of the coming of the Beast and its control over the world and the world markets. Revelation 14 begins with Christ with the 144,000. There is a warning given to those who follow the Beast, and then the world is harvested. This being the case, it does not seem that the angel with the everlasting gospel was one that came forth around the mortal ministry of Christ, but in the last days prior to the Second Coming.

One would have to determine just how that everlasting gospel was delivered by the angel: a book (Book of Mormon), or some other vehicle.

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Ram, I would agree with you that the angel bringing the everlasting gospel manifests during the Tribulation--at the end of time. However, for me, the key question is WHAT is the everlasting gospel? You mentioned a code term...the fullness of the gospel. That might suggest a deficiency about the simple gospel that Jesus Saves. However, I'm prone to think that "the everlasting gospel" is simple and it is Jesus. After all, the book in question is the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

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I don't believe the Bible will ever be taken from the earth, even during or after the tribulation. The gospel will not be removed from the earth after it is restored in the last days (whatever you think that means and however you think that happened).

The truth is, this verse is saying an angel will bring the gospel to the earth, and must mean that it was lost. An angel is not needed to deliver a message that is had on the earth. Just because people are wicked, the Bible and gospel will remain on the earth. You cannot confuse the fact that people reject it with it being removed.

To me, obviously, it can only be referring to the angel Moroni when the gospel, in it's simplicity and fulness, was restored after it was lost.

To think it means after or during a tribulation period yet in the future would mean the gospel and Bible would have to be removed from the earth. The scriptures (even Bible) are clear that they will not be removed again.

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To think it means after or during a tribulation period yet in the future would mean the gospel and Bible would have to be removed from the earth. The scriptures (even Bible) are clear that they will not be removed again.

Why would the gospel have been removed? The angel could simply be yet one more manifestation, amongst the many, that God is offering a wayward people.

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The scripture seems to be saying the angel is brining it with him. Why would he need to bring it if it already existed on the earth? He could use the perfect, infallable word of God contained in the Bible, couldn't he? Why would the angel need to bring it with him if it's the same thing that's already on the earth?

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I am very glad the men who gathered the records together assembled the Bible as they did. A lot of the books included in what is called "the Apocrypha" have been tampered with by uninspired men and there are things which are not of the LORD in them. The New Testament is very good scripture. It is not perfect, but it is a record of the LORD.

Exodus 24:7

Numbers 21:14

Joshua 10:13

2 Samuel 1:18

1 Samuel 10:25

1 Chronicles 29:29

2 Chronicles 9:29

1 Kings 11:41

2 Chronicles 12:15

2 Chronicles 13:22

2 Chronicles 20:34

2 Chronicles 33:19

1 Corinthians 5:9

Ephesians 3:3

Colossians 4:16

Matthew 2:23

2 Chronicles 26:22

1 Chronicles 27:24

Jude 1:3

Look up those verses and read them then try to remain 100% true to what you said. The Bible itself speaks of other books of scripture including another letter to the Corinthians by Paul. That would most definitely be considered inspired by God. While I'm sure they, the early Christians, were correct by removing some of the books, I do believe they were still in error. If they had read certain scriptures they considered to be canon they, the early Christian fathers, would have probably included more. You mention the Apocrypha but that brings up another subject: the deuterocanonical books. They're not technically part of the Apocrypha. Its separate. These are the books the Catholics use along with the Bible such as Maccabees. I think PC can verify that.

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The scripture seems to be saying the angel is brining it with him. Why would he need to bring it if it already existed on the earth? He could use the perfect, infallable word of God contained in the Bible, couldn't he? Why would the angel need to bring it with him if it's the same thing that's already on the earth?

God's brought plagues before. Why do it again? He's brought judgment, warning, testimony, miracles, etc. Why do them again? Yet he does. What is described in Revelation is God's final efforts to woo his creation back to himself. The angel is bring a final proclammation of God's good news of escape from judgment. It doesn't have to be a new word...the lost souls haven't embraced the old word.

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PC...I think it has more to do with opening the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times and restoring to the earth all the doctrines, principles, laws, ordinances, and covenants necessary for us to be exalted in the celestial kingdom.

Help me, then. I believe that the Church will be raptured. Thus, those enduring this end-times trouble are those that were not ready. The bulk of the Revelation, then, is God using a combination of judgments and spiritual manifestations to woo those few who might yet humble themselves before him.

Do you see why I believe that this angel is offering a simple gospel call to salvation, while time yet remains, and not an invitation for the most worthy and dedicated to the highest places in God's kingdoms?

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Help me, then. I believe that the Church will be raptured. Thus, those enduring this end-times trouble are those that were not ready. The bulk of the Revelation, then, is God using a combination of judgments and spiritual manifestations to woo those few who might yet humble themselves before him.

Do you see why I believe that this angel is offering a simple gospel call to salvation, while time yet remains, and not an invitation for the most worthy and dedicated to the highest places in God's kingdoms?

There are many Scriptures that talk about the end times that give signs symbolically. Often different symbols reference the same event (an examples is the Dream of Pharaoh as interpreted by Joseph).

So we have an angel in Revelation 14:6, a stone in Daniel Chapter 2 and two sticks in the last half if Ezekiel 37. All of these symbols are talking about the same even to take place in what will be known as the last days. Each symbol provides a little more information and give more clues for those that desire to be prepared (oil in their lamps) when the “time” comes.

Of all these symbols Daniel provides an interesting time that can be identified in history when these things will begin. The kingdom of G-d (The Church with the priesthood, the ordinances, the covenants and doctrines) will be “cut out of the mountain without hands” (a work or movement not began by men) at a time when the Roman Empire will be weakened into 10 disjoint but federated Kingdoms. This is a very specific time that indicates only a very few years. It uniquely identifies a new Kingdom restored by G-d that will be “taken” to all the earth to unite the Latter-Day "Saints" of G-d by covenant before Jesus returns.

The Traveler

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Let's turn off the cameras for a minute so I can take PrisonChaplain's side (not that he needs an additional voice - there's just a lot of question-begging going on).

First, a lot of importance is placed on the fact that the gospel-bringer is an angel. I'd like to point out that this is a heavily symbolic book. So although Mr Divine describes the messenger as an angel, it does not have to be (The churches are also described as candlesticks - do you have candlesticks in your church?).

In addition, if we are taking this to be literal, then the mission of the angel is to carry the gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. This sounds like a great reason to send an angel. He'll be able to cover a lot more territory a lot more quickly than we have. And as long as we're taking it literally, the gospel-bearing angel was flying. I missed that in the Joseph Smith-History somewhere about Moroni.

The Book of Revelation can be very useful at confirming beliefs that we currently hold, but I would be very cautious about using it to validate our beliefs in mixed company due to the largely symbolic nature of the book.

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The Deuterocanon and Apocrypha are two different things. The Apocrypha books are considered "hidden" while the Deuterocanon are considered to be a second canon. People interchanging these two words have confused people and caused them to think they're the same.

The difference is in 3 books arranged in a different section in the Church of England canon than in the RC.

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God's brought plagues before. Why do it again? He's brought judgment, warning, testimony, miracles, etc. Why do them again? Yet he does. What is described in Revelation is God's final efforts to woo his creation back to himself. The angel is bring a final proclammation of God's good news of escape from judgment. It doesn't have to be a new word...the lost souls haven't embraced the old word.

If God brings a plague, He will wait until that plague is finished before He brings it again. There is no need to bring a plague of crickets if you're already infested with a plague of crickets. In fact, it wouldn't be a different plague of crickets, the plague of crickets would simply get larger.

If the Gospel is already here, there is no need to have an angel bring it. The angel would need to show up and simply teach it.

This angel spoken of comes to earth with the everlating gospel to be preached to the inhabitants of the earth. It's simply logic to ask the question I have asked. If it is on the earth, why does he need to bring it with him and not just show up and teach it.

The verse implys it is a time when the Gospel was lost from the earth and could not be found among men to teach other men. It must have come from God by an angel. That accurately describes what Joseph Smith claims.

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Help me, then. I believe that the Church will be raptured. Thus, those enduring this end-times trouble are those that were not ready. The bulk of the Revelation, then, is God using a combination of judgments and spiritual manifestations to woo those few who might yet humble themselves before him.

Do you see why I believe that this angel is offering a simple gospel call to salvation, while time yet remains, and not an invitation for the most worthy and dedicated to the highest places in God's kingdoms?

Try giving Doctrine and Covenants section 133 a read.

Here is a bit:

36And now, verily saith the Lord, that these things might be known among you, O inhabitants of the earth, I have sent forth mine angel flying through the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel, who hath appeared unto some and hath committed it unto man, who shall appear unto many that dwell on the earth.

Edited by bytor2112
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Help me, then. I believe that the Church will be raptured. Thus, those enduring this end-times trouble are those that were not ready. The bulk of the Revelation, then, is God using a combination of judgments and spiritual manifestations to woo those few who might yet humble themselves before him.

Do you see why I believe that this angel is offering a simple gospel call to salvation, while time yet remains, and not an invitation for the most worthy and dedicated to the highest places in God's kingdoms?

The church will be "raptured," but returned to earth in a very short period of time. Christ will live and reign with the Saints on the earth 1,000 years.

A common misconception is that the "rapture" will occur some length of time before the Savior returns, leaving a period of time for the tribulation. But, the Bible says the Lord will come and then the church will be caught up to meet Him in the air, and then they will accompany Him as He descends to earth to live and reign 1,000 years.

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