What to do with my life??


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So I'm approaching the crossroads of being done with high school. It was one heck-o a struggle and I'm glad I'm going to be done soon. The thing is...I haven't really taken the Gospel seriously (Less Active) and now I find myself wondering what it is God wants me to do with my life? I've been diagnosed bipolar, and I'm on ODSP (Social Assistance) I feel like I don't want to be dependent on the government for the rest of my life, but I'm not sure I could handle college yet, much less a full time proselytizing mission. What do I do? I'm not worthy enough to get my patriarchal blessing, yet I read on the LDS.org website that you don't have to be perfect to be considered worthy. The only thing holding me back is my occasional masturbation session due to stress, depression, ect. I want my patriarchal blessing to give me some sense of direction. I know it won't answer all my questions but I feel it'll at least get me on the right track. Anyways, what do I do??

Edited by john doe
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Guest mysticmorini

I would advise you to first, forget about your limitations and ask yourself, "what do I want to do with my life" (some prayer might help if you are unsure) them once you know what you want to do worry about how to get there. Nothing is impossible if you want it bad enough. As for your patriarchal blessing, Talk to your bishop. He is the only one who can decide if you are worthy or not but generally speaking i think its more of an "are you emotionally prepared" for the blessing than "are you worthy"

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I agree with mysticmoroni on this one. Getting a patriarchal blessing isn't so much about worthiness as it is about being emotionally, mentally, and spiritually prepared for it. I got mine when I was twelve because I wanted to get it and everyone thought I was mature enough, but part of me wishes I would have waited until I was a little older and more prepared for it. I am thankful for the one I have and the great guidance it has given me, but I think it is very vague and indirect about a lot of things and that I may have been able to pray, fast, and study up before getting it so that I could receive something that wasn't quite so difficult to discern. Maybe some specific guidance on a few topics.

As far as what to do with your life, again- what do YOU want to do? The Lord will take that into account, and you are certainly capable of acheiving whatever it is you may desire despite your "handicaps". We all have something that holds us back and makes progression difficult, but we also have within us a divine strength and with the Lord's assistance can accomplish ANYTHING! :) So instead of worrying about your limitations, it is time to start dreaming. Don't be afraid to dream big. Figure out what you want to do, what you will enjoy, and then start setting goals that will help you acheive that dream.

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I thank y'all for your wonderful insight. I want to take something I know I'll be good at. I love music, but am not good at it. I also am good at writing and I like politics, so maybe a journalism degree and then find some college in Canada (NOT university) that offers political science. I've never really thought of a mission, and with my condition I suspect the BEST I could hope for would be a non-proselytizing mission. Then I can become a journalist that covers the truth! 9/11 was an Inside Job! Fluoride can kill you and it's in your toothpaste! Obama is the Anti-Christ! :P LOL. Anyways, I read my scriptures and pray so I should be getting an answer soon...? I also emailed my ward executive secretary so I can set up a time to meet with me Bishop. That oughta get the ball rolling...I just need to know soon because even though things are in the Lords time, College doesn't work like that.

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"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5

There are two messages in that verse. Pray as though everything depends on God. However, don't lean on your own understanding. Yes, ask God for help. However, keep asking OTHERS for advice and insight. This may be the way that God can help you discover your path.

Start with your Bishop. Work towards that Patriarchal blessing. (I got mine when I was 20, btw.) Ask the Bishop for some advice & counsel. Don't rule out the mission without talking to your Bishop. Talk to your ward's employment specialist. Go to a local LDS Employment Resource Center (if you have one).

You need to discover and develop who you are. Then you can make better decisions.

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I love music, but am not good at it.

Do you play any instruments? If yes how often do you practice it? I've "played" guitar for 5 years (I think) but have only started taking it seriously for the past month or so. You would be suprise how much progress you make when you play almost every day as opposed to playing a few days every couple of months.

No matter what kind of music you like, and whether you play an instrument yet or not, there are a lot of DIY resources to help you get on the path to learning/playing/composing/recording music.

Another point, while learning a musical instrument may be frustrating, it can also be extremely theraputic (from personal experience). Given your statement about having an emotional disorder this could be another reason to look into music as a hobby if not as a profession.

Edited by xLandonx
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Get some sort of job. Nothing like good honest work and commitment to improve your self esteem, and get yourself off of government assistence. Also you have too much "dead" time on your hands, and having less to yourself will cause you to focus more on what's important.

Work hard and do what your boss says, and you will start getting positive feedback, further enhancing your esteem.

Any job is OK. I'm a CPA now, but in college I cleaned bathrooms to put myself through.

Yeah, praying and stuff is OK too, but by itself is nowhere near enough.

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Get some sort of job. Nothing like good honest work and commitment to improve your self esteem, and get yourself off of government assistence. Also you have too much "dead" time on your hands, and having less to yourself will cause you to focus more on what's important.

Work hard and do what your boss says, and you will start getting positive feedback, further enhancing your esteem.

Any job is OK. I'm a CPA now, but in college I cleaned bathrooms to put myself through.

Yeah, praying and stuff is OK too, but by itself is nowhere near enough.

For a labor job, this is good advice. But I would recomend stearing clear of a lot of customer service jobs, especially on the phones. I used to do customer service on the phones for a medicare insurance company. I monitor agents now, I don't take calls, but for that year most days felt like an 8 hour panic attack (even though I was a really good agent). Someone with any kind of emotional disorder is going to be suseptable to stress and anxiety, which is something certain jobs can create a lot of. But, like I said, a labor job, something where you're not getting yelled at by people all day, could be good for building a sense of self worth and independence.

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So I'm approaching the crossroads of being done with high school. It was one heck-o a struggle and I'm glad I'm going to be done soon. The thing is...I haven't really taken the Gospel seriously (Less Active) and now I find myself wondering what it is God wants me to do with my life? I've been diagnosed bipolar, and I'm on ODSP (Social Assistance) I feel like I don't want to be dependent on the government for the rest of my life, but I'm not sure I could handle college yet, much less a full time proselytizing mission. What do I do? I'm not worthy enough to get my patriarchal blessing, yet I read on the LDS.org website that you don't have to be perfect to be considered worthy. The only thing holding me back is my occasional masturbation session due to stress, depression, ect. I want my patriarchal blessing to give me some sense of direction. I know it won't answer all my questions but I feel it'll at least get me on the right track. Anyways, what do I do??

Thank you for your honesty.

One of the first things I would suggest is to pray and work towards being really honest with yourself as to what you can and want to do. Are you as well as you can be with your bi-polar disorder? Are there things you can improve on? Do you feel mentally/emotionally/spiritually/physically well enough to pursue a goal for yourself?

While answering that, consider what it is you really would want to do and would enjoy doing. The world is your oyster~There's so many things you can do. What does your heart tell you? It's really up to what you want to create for your life. I would also suggest making God and His Son and the gospel the first priority in your life. Try to choose a field that would not be in conflict with gospel ideals. A personal standard I set for myself for a long time was to not work on the Sabbath. It's up to you to decide what works for you.

It sounds like what God has planned for you is very important to you at this time. Good for you! Maybe an institute class right now would be helpful, to learn more about Him. I believe He does have a plan for you. Do all that you can to understand what this is, and He will lead and guide you towards what will truly make you happy.

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