Try Out This Assignment


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Pretend you are trying to come back into the fold. Write a letter to the First Presidency with the following information:

- Reasons why you want to be reinstated.

- Evidence of your repentance including restitution to who all you have harmed.

- Transgressions committed during your disciplinary period, even if they have been resolved with priesthood leaders including when they have occurred.

- Your present worthiness; Church activity, attendance, acceptance of the gospel teachings, feelings and actions regarding the Atonement, prayer, tithing, church leaders (general and local) and your willingness to sustain them along with the moral standards of the Church.

- If divorced, you are current in all your financial obligations with child support, alimony and any periods you did not fulfill any court ordered financial obligations including any accumulated unpaid amounts.

- Date and signature.

And please, do all this in two pages so as to respect the First Presidency's time. Remember, the Prophet himself is going to read this. A help: they already know why you were disciplined so you can just touch on that very lightly.

This is what I have accomplished. Give it a try, it's not easy. Not easy at all. And please, do NOT post the letter. TMI is in force.

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I have enough homework without having to create two page essays without need. As someone who has written a paper or two I can appreciate the difficulty of trying to say just what you want in a limited space. Then of course that it's not a English class grade at stake probably makes it a bit more nerve wracking. It sounds like you were able to work through the difficulties to create something you are satisfied with, that's always a good feeling.

Edited by Dravin
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It's no fun if I can't post the letter....but I see the challenges you face. Personally, I'd just stick to the facts really. Are you sure the Prophet actually reads it?

Well, feel free to post it, but I didn't want to make it feel mandatory nor was I attempting to show off. Just sharing what I find quite an interesting requirement and something to share.

There is a staff person who make's sure the file is complete and ready. And I've been assured that the First Presidency reads it. I'm assuming the Prophet reads it since he's the head of the Melchizedek Priesthood.

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Pretend you are trying to come back into the fold. Write a letter to the First Presidency with the following information:

- Reasons why you want to be reinstated.

- Evidence of your repentance including restitution to who all you have harmed.

- Transgressions committed during your disciplinary period, even if they have been resolved with priesthood leaders including when they have occurred.

- Your present worthiness; Church activity, attendance, acceptance of the gospel teachings, feelings and actions regarding the Atonement, prayer, tithing, church leaders (general and local) and your willingness to sustain them along with the moral standards of the Church.

- If divorced, you are current in all your financial obligations with child support, alimony and any periods you did not fulfill any court ordered financial obligations including any accumulated unpaid amounts.

- Date and signature.

And please, do all this in two pages so as to respect the First Presidency's time. Remember, the Prophet himself is going to read this. A help: they already know why you were disciplined so you can just touch on that very lightly.

This is what I have accomplished. Give it a try, it's not easy. Not easy at all. And please, do NOT post the letter. TMI is in force.

And I thought the letter I had to write for the temple marriage cancelation was hard.....

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Not having been in that position makes the attempt difficult. However, I think I would have a problem with 3.

"Transgressions committed during your disciplinary period, even if they have been resolved with priesthood leaders including when they have occurred."

If I had already repented and resolved these with priesthood leaders, I think I would be tempted to write:

3. None. Any that I did have were resolved and the Lord remembers them no more, so I feel no need to rehash them. If I DO need to rehash does that mean that what I did with priesthood leaders is of no efficacy? If that is the case why was it required that I do so. If they are resolved, then why do I need to include them here.

Probably would lead to me not being reaccepted, but then I have a personal testimony of Joseph's statement when he said, "We have heard men who hold the priesthood remark that they would do anything they were told to do by those who preside over them—even if they knew it was wrong. But such obedience as this is worse than folly to us. It is slavery in the extreme. The man who would thus willingly degrade himself should not claim a rank among intelligent beings until he turns from his folly.

A man of God would despise this idea. Others, in the extreme exercise of their almighty authority have taught that such obedience was necessary, and that no matter what the Saints were told to do by their presidents, they should do it without any questions.

When Elders [leaders] of Israel will so far indulge in these extreme notions of obedience as to teach them to the people, it is generally because they [the leaders] have it in their hearts to do wrong themselves."


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Not having been in that position makes the attempt difficult. However, I think I would have a problem with 3.

"Transgressions committed during your disciplinary period, even if they have been resolved with priesthood leaders including when they have occurred."

If I had already repented and resolved these with priesthood leaders, I think I would be tempted to write:

3. None. Any that I did have were resolved and the Lord remembers them no more, so I feel no need to rehash them. If I DO need to rehash does that mean that what I did with priesthood leaders is of no efficacy? If that is the case why was it required that I do so. If they are resolved, then why do I need to include them here.

While I understand your feelings on the matter, I can also understand why it would be necessary. If this letter is actually part of the process and the Prophet is actually personally involved in the re-entry of excommunicated members, he is going to need to know what happened. Why the member was excommunicated. The depth and extent of the sins. How long ago they happened. He will need to see whether or not there is a recurring pattern, and whether or not the sins cause conflict with the law. It is also possible that whatever bishop you dealt with to resolve them may not have properly interpreted the spirit and your completion of the repentance process. The Prophet would basically be double-checking that, after reading your letter and going before the Lord in prayer.

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I think I would have a problem with 3.

"Transgressions committed during your disciplinary period, even if they have been resolved with priesthood leaders including when they have occurred."

If I had already repented and resolved these with priesthood leaders, I think I would be tempted to write:

3. None. Any that I did have were resolved and the Lord remembers them no more, so I feel no need to rehash them. If I DO need to rehash does that mean that what I did with priesthood leaders is of no efficacy? If that is the case why was it required that I do so. If they are resolved, then why do I need to include them here.

Yeah, common misconception: "If I fully repented, it never happened." That's not true. Stuff happened, it's just that the burden of sin from the stuff no longer burdens you. The atonement does not always remove earthly consequences - some of which can last for a lifetime.

The church is more than all about the repentant sinner. It's also about protecting it's members, and it's own good name. For example, this church simply just doesn't let child molestors teach primary - no matter how complete their repentance process and free of their past sins they are. People who went off and started their own church and published a few books contrary to church teachings might not find themselves teaching Gospel Doctrine any time soon. Folks who have embezzeled or stolen may find that "financial clerk" isn't something they'll be doing.

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Does everyone who's been excommunicated have to do this if they want to be re-baptised? That sounds like a nervewracking assignment. I would have a hard time doing it myself... especially the keeping it to two pages part. I tend to write a lot :P .

It's a requirement for me AND my Bishop to write letters.

My first draft was six pages. When I got it down to three pages, my Bishop read it and said "It's good, if not a bit verbose." So I shaved off all the verbosity and any redundant statements and came away with two pages. I had to break that well used college style of trying to make a five page essay out of a one page topic.

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Yeah, common misconception: "If I fully repented, it never happened." That's not true. Stuff happened, it's just that the burden of sin from the stuff no longer burdens you. The atonement does not always remove earthly consequences - some of which can last for a lifetime.

Yes, but does it affect your chance of being rebaptized? The men who are reviewing this ARE mere humans, and I guess I worry about some of them not letting repented sins go.

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Yes, but does it affect your chance of being rebaptized? The men who are reviewing this ARE mere humans, and I guess I worry about some of them not letting repented sins go.

Because the church has become so large, they have given the Stake Presidents more keys and much more say in these matters. So while they need to give final approval, I suspect (and was told) they usually go with the Stake's recommendation. I would chalk this one up to checks and balances and keeping things in order. But if I did write a sucky letter, I'm sure they would have questions.

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Because the church has become so large, they have given the Stake Presidents more keys and much more say in these matters. So while they need to give final approval, I suspect (and was told) they usually go with the Stake's recommendation. I would chalk this one up to checks and balances and keeping things in order. But if I did write a sucky letter, I'm sure they would have questions.

Questions, maybe. But keep in mind that tho they don't know you, personally, they are still inspired. Sure they count on the stake pres and bishop, but should theere be an issue overlooked by them, there would be some inspireation. I'm not saying things are going to be perfect, there might be reasons the Lord lets things go, but I do trust in the inspiration of the first presidency.

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Yeah, common misconception: "If I fully repented, it never happened." That's not true. Stuff happened, it's just that the burden of sin from the stuff no longer burdens you. The atonement does not always remove earthly consequences - some of which can last for a lifetime.

The church is more than all about the repentant sinner. It's also about protecting it's members, and it's own good name. For example, this church simply just doesn't let child molestors teach primary - no matter how complete their repentance process and free of their past sins they are. People who went off and started their own church and published a few books contrary to church teachings might not find themselves teaching Gospel Doctrine any time soon. Folks who have embezzeled or stolen may find that "financial clerk" isn't something they'll be doing.

I completely agree Loudmouth. My statement was more of how I would probably answer question #3 as posed by the OP. I'll be the first to recognize that it probably wouldn't help my case, and it does make sense why the church would do this, as I'm sure they use it as a measuring stick for how humble and submissive (repentent) the person is. It would just be something I would have a hard time answering is all.


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FYI, the exact instructions for #3:

c) Transgressions committed by the applicant since the date of disfellowshipment, excommunication , or name removal (even if previously resolved with priesthood leaders) and when those transgressions last occurred.

To satisfy this requirement, I started the paragraph with "However, this period was filled with difficult lessons, growth and challenges. As a result, I was not free from slips and transgressions. Since my excommunication..." Here, my statement wasn't specific with date and times, but I stated what I did wrong that had a bearing on why I was ex'd in the first place. I then ended with "These are matters that I have not shied away from confessing to my Bishops and Stake Presidents. They have helped me learn, repented and forsake these acts." It took all of four sentences to cover this requirement, I hope.

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FYI, the exact instructions for #3:

c) Transgressions committed by the applicant since the date of disfellowshipment, excommunication , or name removal (even if previously resolved with priesthood leaders) and when those transgressions last occurred.

To satisfy this requirement, I started the paragraph with "However, this period was filled with difficult lessons, growth and challenges. As a result, I was not free from slips and transgressions. Since my excommunication..." Here, my statement wasn't specific with date and times, but I stated what I did wrong that had a bearing on why I was ex'd in the first place. I then ended with "These are matters that I have not shied away from confessing to my Bishops and Stake Presidents. They have helped me learn, repented and forsake these acts." It took all of four sentences to cover this requirement, I hope.

I think that's a wise action. No sense in condemning yourself. I think it's fair to stand up for yourself in these situations.

Good luck!


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Ditto. Let us know what happens next!

Will do. I had the hearing where (now obvious) they agreed to my reinstatement. I was going to post my experience, but it was an extremely personal and special and I didn't want to throw it out to the world. I will say this, combine all the spiritual experiences I had in my whole life, and it would only be a fraction of the Spirit that was in that hearing. Just an awesome and humbling experience.

Now it's a matter of getting it all to Salt Lake. The paperwork was kicked back because the Stake did it all wrong. But then I am the first for this Stake Presidency and my Bishop so I'll cut them some slack ^_^

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