Church's position on sexual activity between husband and wife


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this is ridiculous. i wish i didn't ask. some of you have horrible attitudes and need to go to church, it seems.

Oh, yes...absolutely we ALL need to go to church.

But, I'm not sure what attitude you are witnessing in this thread that makes you term it "horrible."

If you want the official word from the Church, then I suggest you go to and do a search there. And in case you still wanted someone's opinion, I seriously doubt you will find a definitive "do" or "don't do" list of acceptable sexual practices between a husband and wife.

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suzie for some reason I suspect that Vort got you and me confused. I prefer to have sex with my husband alone. That also includes going to the bathroom, changing clothes or anywhere else where I dont expect an audience.

So OP are you asking about sex in general or specific practices? In general the church is for married people having normal sex lives. In specific things considered abusive/demeaning are not specifically mentioned that I know of but the church is specifically against abuse. It seems likely that includes in sex.

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suzie for some reason I suspect that Vort got you and me confused. I prefer to have sex with my husband alone. That also includes going to the bathroom, changing clothes or anywhere else where I dont expect an audience.

Nah, he didn't get confused. Quite a few of us thought it was rather...umm...."uncommon" to want the presence of angels while having sex.

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I've never thought of the gift of the Holy Ghost meaning that He is right there watching every thing we do, every act that we commit.

He guides us, He comforts us, He helps us in our decisions...but to sit there watching? I think some may have a different perspective of the Holy Ghost than I do. Perhaps my perspective is wrong. Wouldn't be the first time. :)

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I've never thought of the gift of the Holy Ghost meaning that He is right there watching every thing we do, every act that we commit.

He guides us, He comforts us, He helps us in our decisions...but to sit there watching? I think some may have a different perspective of the Holy Ghost than I do. Perhaps my perspective is wrong. Wouldn't be the first time. :)

I suspect you are right. I was just sitting here thinking this over. The Holy Ghost is a person. He cant follow us all around in person. That does not mean he cant help us or be there when we need him. During sex, I think we can generally take care of that without his presence.

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I'm not sexually active, so I can't do any 'experiments' on this, but I would be interested if someone would try, making love to their spouse and in the middle of it trying to 'dial in' to the spirit. Is it there as quickly as other times?

Is this an assignment you are giving someone to report back to us? :P

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I suspect you are right. I was just sitting here thinking this over. The Holy Ghost is a person. He cant follow us all around in person. That does not mean he cant help us or be there when we need him. During sex, I think we can generally take care of that without his presence.

But yet why can't His guiding influence be there even during the most intimate of acts? It's that still small voice telling or helping us with what's right or wrong. While what goes on behind closed door is between the couple, there are some things that are still against God's standards. That to me is where the Holy Ghost can come in.

I hope I'm making sense.

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No but I think he is not watching. Or listening unless theres a darn good reason.

Well since nobody was proposing (except those making jokes) that he was sitting there watching then I'm not sure why there was the reaction there was over the topic in the past. The discussion was over the presence of the spirit. Unless you're confused over how two separate wards can have the spirit present at a meeting then the context of talking about the spirit being present is pretty clear.

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I'm not sexually active, so I can't do any 'experiments' on this, but I would be interested if someone would try, making love to their spouse and in the middle of it trying to 'dial in' to the spirit. Is it there as quickly as other times?

Ok well I am trying to stop laughing. My husband has flat out vetoed the idea. Somehow I dont think you are going to get many researchers on that.

I guess as far as I am concerned I never really paid attention to see if the Holy Ghost was there. I was rather occupied at the time.

Edited by annewandering
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But yet why can't His guiding influence be there even during the most intimate of acts? It's that still small voice telling or helping us with what's right or wrong. While what goes on behind closed door is between the couple, there are some things that are still against God's standards. That to me is where the Holy Ghost can come in.

I hope I'm making sense.


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Ok well I am trying to stop laughing. My husband has flat out vetoed the idea. Somehow I dont think you are going to get many researchers on that. Well maybe one? ^^

Me: Honey, why we don't call the Holy Ghost next time we are having sex as an experiment?

Hubby: Are you into Warren Jeffs stuff or what???!

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