a question about the past

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The subject of abortion has come up recently among folks that I know well..

Its an awful subject and one I dread to even discuss..This could be be the wrong Forum for this....

Here is the question

A woman who years ago..a nonmember and in dire straits.... has an abortion..

Later in her life she hears about the church.. accepts it.. is baptized and becomes a member..

She meets her companion to be and marries and then prepares to go to the temple soon afterwards in order to have the sealing performed..

I am aware that in the Lords Own time there will be answers for all of us for all things..

My question in this is... can she obtain a temple recommend??

and Yes..all sins are washed away at Baptism.. I just have a hard time wrapping my head around this one.

.Doubtless I answered my own question here .. but would very much appreciate all of

your comments please.. and many thanks in advance..

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When I was a missionary and interviewed people for baptism, we were supposed to ask the person if they had ever done certain things like have an abortion. If they had, we were supposed to refer them to the mission president for an interview, and he would decide whether to let them get baptized. So in those days, the issue would have been resolved at the time of baptism. Don't know if that's still how they do it.

In any case, Vort is right. She should be able to get a temple recommend, assuming she has repented.

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I was asked if I had ever taken part in an abortion during my interview with the missionaries. They told me that included paying for one, or being the father. The Bishop asked me the same thing. I must give off the wrong impression.

Perhaps it was the cape that made them have second thoughts about you? :P

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“The Church opposes abortion and counsels its members not to submit to or perform an abortion except in the rare cases where, in the opinion of competent medical counsel, the life or good health of the mother is seriously endangered or where the pregnancy was caused by rape and produces serious emotional trauma in the mother. Even then it should be done only after counseling with the local presiding priesthood authority and after receiving divine confirmation through prayer.

“As the matter stands today, no definite statement has been made by the Lord one way or another regarding the crime of abortion. So far as is known, he has not listed it alongside the crime of the unpardonable sin and shedding of innocent human blood. That he has not done so would suggest that it is not in that class of crime and therefore that it will be amenable to the laws of repentance and forgiveness."

-- June 1972 Priesthood Bulletin

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“The Church opposes abortion and counsels its members not to submit to or perform an abortion except in the rare cases where, in the opinion of competent medical counsel, the life or good health of the mother is seriously endangered or where the pregnancy was caused by rape and produces serious emotional trauma in the mother. Even then it should be done only after counseling with the local presiding priesthood authority and after receiving divine confirmation through prayer.

“As the matter stands today, no definite statement has been made by the Lord one way or another regarding the crime of abortion. So far as is known, he has not listed it alongside the crime of the unpardonable sin and shedding of innocent human blood. That he has not done so would suggest that it is not in that class of crime and therefore that it will be amenable to the laws of repentance and forgiveness."

-- June 1972 Priesthood Bulletin


Human life is a sacred gift from God. Elective abortion for personal or social convenience is contrary to the will and the commandments of God. Church members who submit to, perform, encourage, pay for, or arrange for such abortions may lose their membership in the Church.

In today's society, abortion has become a common practice, defended by deceptive arguments. Latter-day prophets have denounced abortion, referring to the Lord's declaration, “Thou shalt not . . . kill, nor do anything like unto it” (D&C 59:6).

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I think the key point of MoE's post was this part:

“As the matter stands today, no definite statement has been made by the Lord one way or another regarding the crime of abortion. So far as is known, he has not listed it alongside the crime of the unpardonable sin and shedding of innocent human blood. That he has not done so would suggest that it is not in that class of crime and therefore that it will be amenable to the laws of repentance and forgiveness."

Basically his point was not that the Church doesn't have a position on abortion, but that it's not an unforgivable sin and as such she can repent and be forgiven.

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It's all good. Members frequently assume that if I am saying that repentance of abortion is possible, then I am also saying that it is not a big deal. It's kind of a knee jerk reaction based in having strong feelings on the subject.

Oh no, you don't need to be nice. I know full well how dense I am. I absolutely misunderstood the point you were trying to get across. :duh:

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A word on repentance:

It is not the process by which we accept how horrible or small or in trouble or bad we are/were.

Repentance is the vehicle through which we apply the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ in our lives, and rid ourselves of sin, shame, guilt, darkness, etc - and fill ourselves with His love and acceptance.

Repentance is a GOOD thing which helps remove us from our pasts and move on with a clean life, not a BAD thing where we're reminded about how we screwed up.

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one of my best friends was a non-member, had an abortion when she was a non-member, found the church, repented, became a fully active member and got married in the temple last month. She's been a fully active member for over 10 years.

So yes, she can go to the temple, get sealed and everything.

Amazing how the Atonement of Christ works.

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