Who Is It That Really Converts Out Of A Religion?


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Messianic Jews find most of their adherents from secular Jews. The Orthodox are too engrained with the belief that to worship Jesus is idolatry, and worse than atheism.

My guess is that most who convert, be it to Mormonism or out of Mormonism, are those who are either inactive, who are disgruntled, or who are going through a crisis for which their faith is somehow inadequate.

Anybody have a couple pennies to throw at my thoughts?

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My guess is that most who convert, be it to Mormonism or out of Mormonism, are those who are either inactive, who are disgruntled, or who are going through a crisis for which their faith is somehow inadequate.

Anybody have a couple pennies to throw at my thoughts?

Well, I can't speak for anyone but myself but I converted because I found the truth, all my questions of where I came from, why I'm here and where I can go after this life have been answered...and it all makes sense and fits the puzzle. Also, Prisonchaplian, during my conversion I gained a testimony, not from what others have told me but from my own experiences...from the blessings I have received for keeping the commandments of God...many are close to being miraculous in my eyes. Once I was made manifest of the truthfullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the Book of Mormon and was baptised into the church I was given the gift of the Holy Ghost who is a constant companion....he bears witness of the truth to me and I just not only believe, but I actually know in my heart and mind that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true restored church of the Lord.

As far as coverting out of the Church, yes it does happen...Satan and his followers are trying their hardest to keep the fullness of the Gospel, the truth, away from Gods children....they twist thruths, confound scripture, and entice discention. Look at accepted morality today and compare it from 40 years ago....I'd say Satan has been successful....Look at some of the "Christian" churches 40 years ago and compare them today.....Most have changed to be more acceptable to societies norms as to attract members...."Yes our pastor is gay...but he's still a man of God", "Hey come join our church...we have a rock band", "Yes, you can come as you are...shorts, tanktops, flipflops, we don't care...modesty dosen't matter, we love you", "So what if those priests molested those boys...look at all the money they will get"!

My point Prisonchaplian is that people generally want the truth, they want a way to escape the immoral and indecient world in which we live, so, in their search if they happen across the LDS church where decent morals are taught, true faith and virtuous living is promoted and love and service to our fellow man is practiced...many are converted because the Spirit touches them with the truth.

That's my 14 cents...anyone else?

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Messianic Jews find most of their adherents from secular Jews. The Orthodox are too engrained with the belief that to worship Jesus is idolatry, and worse than atheism.

My guess is that most who convert, be it to Mormonism or out of Mormonism, are those who are either inactive, who are disgruntled, or who are going through a crisis for which their faith is somehow inadequate.

Anybody have a couple pennies to throw at my thoughts?


OH, do you want me to pay you?

When I joined this church I was neither inactive inactive, nor disgruntled, nor going through a crisis for which my faith <from God> was somehow inadequate, and I've known LOTS of members who felt like I did before they became members of this church.

Now, sure, you could make a pretty case that I haven't asked enough people, because all who I've known are only a few thousand of the 13+ million members that are in this church, but I feel pretty sure you're not right. I think most who joined this church from the other religions simply wanted more truth than they had before, and we have more truth because we have more of what God has now given to all the world.

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That is a great question. Thank you for that P.C. I doubt conversion is from "on-fire believers" of various groups. Like you said, those that are not active but had some background in religious training (going to church, hearing Bible stories, etc.) are the ones that (I would guess) are the ones that are talked to about another belief. Their desire to have a transcendent being to fill the vacuum in their life tend to leach on to a belief. They have emotional reasoning to confirm "this is true" and they fall in line with the teachings. Only a hypothesis though... I guess I left God and Satan out of this picture though... Maybe God really does reach out to people and have them change and then again, maybe Satan does pull people away and lead them on the wrong path. Then again, both might be fighting for human souls and it is up to the person to seek truth about God and make a decision. But then again...

Dr. T

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I joined because when the Sister Missionaries talked to me about things like the Holy Spirit, it felt like I already knew that.. and that it was so right, that it was almost obvious. Everything they taught me was like I knew, but had forgotten.

And ON TOP OF ME ALREADY KNOWING, they encouraged me to ask God if it was true on top of that! I am surprised my heart didn't expolde with all that truth!

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I doubt conversion is from "on-fire believers" of various groups.

... or in other words, Dr. T. feels pretty sure that conversion does NOT happen to "on-fire believers" of various <religious> groups.

Isn't that right, Dr. T? (no matter what he says, that is what he meant)

And my response to that statement??? I know it's a lie. And now I'll share how I know that truth.

I was "on-fire" before I joined this church, and I had already done lots of preaching, (that's what "on-fire believers" do, you know) and I attended all the services that I could. And I was getting prepared to follow the footsteps of my fathers (Dad and Granddad) into a full-time ministry of preaching for that church... to share the gospel of the Jesus Christ, of course.

So there, I AM PROOF, that you what you just said is false... whether you know it now or ever will know it!

Nah nah nah nah nah.

p.s. Don't worry, Doc, you will recover. :)

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<div class='quotemain'>

I doubt conversion is from "on-fire believers" of various groups.

... or in other words, Dr. T. feels pretty sure that conversion does NOT happen to "on-fire believers" of various <religious> groups.

Isn't that right, Dr. T? (no matter what he says, that is what he meant)

And my response to that statement??? I know it's a lie. And now I'll share how I know that truth.

I was "on-fire" before I joined this church, and I had already done lots of preaching, (that's what "on-fire believers" do, you know) and I attended all the services that I could. And I was getting prepared to follow the footsteps of my fathers (Dad and Granddad) into a full-time ministry of preaching for that church... to share the gospel of the Jesus Christ, of course.

So there, I AM PROOF, that you what you just said is false... whether you know it now or ever will know it!

Nah nah nah nah nah.

p.s. Don't worry, Doc, you will recover. :)

I agree!

I was pretty onfire too..

I wanted to be a female priest (you know catholics might do that soon.) I was sad I couldn't be one, and I was planning on going to school for it and waiting until I could.

Also, when I moved in with my dad, I said, and I quote, "DON'T EVEN TRY! I AM NOT JOINING YOUR CHURCH!".

I promise I don't lie often.... and I didn't know that was a lie..

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That you for sharing that Ray. :) "I doubt" does not mean "It doesn't happen" though. My intention was not a blanket statement of an impossibility, you two. Yes, it can happen/does happen. My point was tagging on to P.C.'s that it often happens with not close to their religion. It will prob. take a while to get over Ray. Ok, I've recovered. Thank you for your concern. :D

Dr. T

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Guest just_jason76

I joined for the punch.

Just kidding.

Everyone who is a member of the church has to convert, whether they were raised in the church or baptized later. I was raised in the church, served a mission, the whole nine yards. I don't think I truly converted (and I used that term loosely, as conversion is a lifelong process, rather than a single event) until after a period of inactivity that involved many things I now regret. On the other hand, I'm grateful I was inactive because it made me appreciate now the blessings of the gospel.

I do not believe my conversion to the gospel would have been nearly as memorable or my testimony as strong had I not seen the other side, so to speak. The Book of Mormon teaches us that we receive no witness until after the trial of our faith. That includes everyone. We all have trials in one form or another. We all reach a point when we have to know for ourselves if the gospel is true. Mine may have been a bit more off the path than others, but neverthless they were my trials, and I'm thankful for them.

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when I moved in with my dad, I said, and I quote, "DON'T EVEN TRY! I AM NOT JOINING YOUR CHURCH!".

I promise I don't lie often.... and I didn't know that was a lie..

Want some more good news, Desire'?

You didn't lie.

It's the church of Jesus Christ, and His saintS. :)

Or in other words...

It's not your Dad's church (even if he's a saint) because it belongs to our Lord and ALL His saints...

... or at least all that are in these latter days. :)

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<div class='quotemain'>

when I moved in with my dad, I said, and I quote, "DON'T EVEN TRY! I AM NOT JOINING YOUR CHURCH!".

I promise I don't lie often.... and I didn't know that was a lie..

Want some more good news, Desire'?

You didn't lie.

It's the church of Jesus Christ, and His saintS. :)

Or in other words...

It's not your Dad's church (even if he's a saint) because it belongs to our Lord and ALL His saints...

... or at least all that are in these latter days. :)


I didn't think of that! lol.


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<div class='quotemain'>

I joined for the punch.

My friend and I make jokes about the mormon punch.. it isn't even mormon punch.. but it is at all of the social events... that it should be trade marked!

Is that another thing that is only in Utah???

I have no idea what "mormon punch" is.

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<div class='quotemain'>

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<div class='quotemain'>

I joined for the punch.

My friend and I make jokes about the mormon punch.. it isn't even mormon punch.. but it is at all of the social events... that it should be trade marked!

Is that another thing that is only in Utah???

I have no idea what "mormon punch" is.

I live in Canada.

I live in Washington.

In the good ole US of A. :patriot:

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I am so getting married in the salt late temple!!! :wub:

Then more power to YOU, Desire'.

And I do mean EXACTLY what I'm saying.

But please take your time and look toward that day.

With your mind, and your heart, ALWAYS praying.

Let's pray that God will help you see things His way. :)

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<div class='quotemain'>

I am so getting married in the salt late temple!!! :wub:

Then more power to YOU, Desire'.

And I do mean EXACTLY what I'm saying.

But please take your time and look toward that day.

With your mind, and your heart, ALWAYS praying.

Let's pray that God will help you see things His way. :)

I was dating this guy who I really thought I liked (And maybe I do)..

but I am not supposed to be steady dating for one...

and for two, he would convert for me (WHICH IS BAD! HE IS SUPPOSED TO CONVERT FOR HIM AD GOD!)

but he will never go on a mission...

I dumped him for all of the reasons above...

It was hard..

But I do my best to keep my heart open to what God wants,

and not what I want...

That was really recent.. so please don't make me talk about it more.

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What does that have to do with anything.

Can you expand?

Just the usual thing of various conservative religions saying that society is so bad today..... when in comparison to the past..... when in reality the past also had it's own form of immorality. It was taken out of a rant by the poster I quoted more or less saying that pretty much everything that isn't part of his faith is bad, or of Satan, especially if that person was once part of his religion and then left that faith.

Now if one doesn't consider racism and the like as a bad thing, then I guess the anology doesn't really work.

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