Couple's Fight Goes International

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I think I'm more horrified that someone sent play by play action of the fight.

While it was certainly not appropriate to have this kind of a conversation inside a Burger King...the morals of the one tweeting are more in question to me.

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Please know - I'm not calling anyone hypocritical - especially when I do stuff like this all the time. I've been grappling with the concept of gossip lately. Someone on another board floated the notion recently that it can still be gossip, even if the source - the people it is about - intentionally released the information. I don't know what I think about that.

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I've been grappling with the concept of gossip lately. Someone on another board floated the notion recently that it can still be gossip, even if the source - the people it is about - intentionally released the information. I don't know what I think about that.

I think gossip is SUCH a sticky thing, it's better to just not get involved at all. It can be SO hurtful. Perhaps this is not a good analygy, but I think gossip is a lot like pornography. It is addictive. It tears apart relationships. You may think it's 'innocent' at first, but even doing it once can lead down a very dangerous path.

I think we have all probably been the victims of gossip, and for my part I know that it is hurtful enough that I NEVER want to be a party to hurting someone else with it. I'm kind of like a sponge, what people tells me goes in one ear and stays (and probaby will get lost) in my head. I think that if someone tells you 'news', like "I'm engaged!" or "I'm having a little girl!" without any 'that's between you and me' action, then it's fine to repeat it. If there is any doubt, I would ask the source if they are okay with me spreading the news first.

If you would be hesitant to ask the source for permission to spread it, then that's probably a good sign that you shouldn't! But things like, "we are trying for a baby", that's a little more private.

The only exception to the above rules for me (and some people may see this as a big one) is that I tell my honey everything. Don't tell me anything you don't mind him knowing. And, no, it doesn't go any further than that. And if anyone asks me to keep a confidence and want me to not tell him, I tell them that I don't keep secrets from him, so they better just not tell me! I've never kept ANYTHING secret from him, why start now?!?

Before I was a member of the church I confess that I would gossip about people in the work place. I regret it, and stopping it was like breaking an addiction (literally), but now that I've stopped, I really feel no reason to talk about other people at all. Except for this one girl... PM me and I'll tell you alllll about it! :P

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